The day after

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'Why did I do that? Why did I have to do that? Just because I was bored?!?!', I thought to myself as I sat on my bed with my back against the head bored. Slendy haven't talked to me since that horrible day. It's been only three days but, when you love someone as I do to him, not talking to him feels like an endless eternity of loneliness. "You know what, I'm tired of this distance between us! I can't take this anymore", I said to myself. I got up, pulled myself together and walked out.

As I walked through the the forest, being fueled by my love, I came across one of Slendy's pages on a tree. I ripped it off without hesitation and a sudden, steady beat aroused. 'Is that my heartbeat?', I though. I didn't have a second to think about it before Slendy appeared in front of me. "(Y/N)! What are you doing here?", he asked, surprised. "I've come to say that I'm deep sorry for what happened. I was just bored and I didn't really think past it. How could I be so stupid to think that that would be funny. I"m such an idi-", my ranting was cut off by soft pale lips.

Most people might not know this but, Slendy does have features, they're just hidden by how pale his skin is and they only show by his own shadows.

"Don't ever say that about yourself. You are neither a Idiot nor stupid. I love you and I should apologize for how childish for how I've been acting. I was just emotional. I was scared that you actually would do that. I was upset with myself that I didn't make you happy enough that you would try to kill yourself. I was angry that it was all just a joke", he admitted. "I'm so sorry and I love you so much", I said before he scooped me up in his strong arms and embraced me tenderly.



I have never seen Splendy so angry before. It was the scariest situation that I have ever been in before. I wouldn't be surprised if he ever wanted to speak to me again. I don't know if I could handle that, it'll rip my sanity apart! I can't even handle not talking to him for the week he stayed at his brother's mansion. 

Today was Monday and I was just leaving from school. 'I have to talk to Splendy. I can't go on like this forever', I thought to myself. I drove frantically through the streets, happy to not get pulled over, through the trees of the forest before I finally reached the front steps of the mansion. Before I even had the chance to knock on the door Slenderman was already pulling me in the mansion by my forearm.

"(Y/N)! I'm glad you came. Splenderman has been a wreck since everything happened. We never seen anything like it. His creepypasta is starting to slip through while his peacepasta is being buried", Slenderman said with such concern for his brother that I couldn't help my heartbeat from increasing. I pulled my arm from his hand and ran up to his room. I didn't bother to knock on the door as I barged through finding myself in the middle of a wrecked room. I looked around the torn, dark and gloomy room but I couldn't find him, that was until I heard movement behind me. When I turned around I saw someone that was once the happiest being transformed into a fearsome creepypasta. His once smiling face was transformed into a large bloody mouth, probably from where he ripped his cheeks from, that held sharp teeth. His gloved hands were now long, almost scraping the floor and his colorful poka dots, that I cherished so much, were now replaced by white making him into a more gruesome version of Laughing Jack.

"(Y/N)?", Splenderman said, not in his usual happy cheerful voice, but in a gravely deep voice. I couldn't help my tears from falling. Look at what I did, I caused the happy man that I know to turn into this, a child's nightmare. "I'm so sorry", I cried out and before I even had the change to say anything more he scooped me up, watching out for his long claws, and sat down on the floor with me still in his arms. He cuddled into my neck as I cried at what I created. "I was foolish to think that the prank would be funny. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you", I cried. He gasped when I said 'I love you'. I heard numerous noises but I didn't care because of how hard I was crying. Suddenly I heard a jingle bell from in front of me. When I looked up I saw a  bell attached to a tentacle, I followed the tentacle to the Splenderman that I fell in love with. "I love you too, (Y/N), forever and always", he said in his cheerful voice that I have come to known. "Forever and always", I repeated before cuddling back into his chest.

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