Chapter 1

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Tony POV -

I was sat in the music room after school with my guitar and a notebook beside me. I was currently waiting for Jaime that was always late here no matter what. But I guess the peace and quiet is nice, at least until he gets here and starts acting crazy like usual.

Speak of the devil in a sombrero. Here he is.

"Tone! You are never gonna believe what just happened to me!" He grinned, sitting on the desk in front of me.

I looked up from my guitar, giving him my full attention.

"That super hot spanish chick just invited me to her party tonight!" He cheered for him and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Hime, everyone is invited to that" I chuckled softly, looking back down at my notebook and began drawing a few small turtles around my writing.

"Yeah, but she invited me personally! I think she likes me" he leaned back, keeping the grin plastered on his face.

We both glanced over to the door after hearing it open and we saw our friend standing there. Short black hair, skinny black jeans on with a white tank top on.

"Hey Kellin~" Jaime quickly greeted, waving his hand. "Come sit by us, I just got asked out~"

"Really?" Kellin asked curiously, placing his bag on one of the desks before taking a seat.

"He didn't get asked out per say, he got asked to a party that everyone is already going to" I answered Kellin, shaking my head.

"But I might get asked out tonight at the party, She clearly likes me! I don't know what to wear though! What attracts women these days?!" He asked me and Kellin before we both burst into laughter.

"I wouldn't know, sorry" I gave him a smile before turning to Kellin who was texting on his phone as usual.

"Why did my two best friends in the world have to be gay?!" He whined before jumping off the desk, grabbing his bag. "Anyways, I'll see you both tonight if you are still coming to the party~ I've gotta get ready to impress some ladies tonight"

"Yeah I'll be there" I answered, keeping the smile present on my face. "How about you Kellin?"

He glanced up from his phone to look at me then nodded his head, "I think Vic is going, so I'll probably go in with him but I can meet up with you both when I get there"

"Awesome! See you both tonight~!" And with that Jaime left the room and it was silent for a few minutes.

"I guess we should probably start walking home too" I said to Kellin and got another nod in response. He's never usually this quiet. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I'm just a little worried about something, but I can sort it out" he flashed me a small smile of reassurance before he stood up with me.

"Well I'm here if you need to talk about anything" I patted his back before we left the classroom.

On the walk home, we talked about different assignments in school and the party tonight. Kellin often spoke about his boyfriend Vic every chance he could get, but today was very different. He hardly mentioned him at all besides saying that they would be going together to the party.

I shrugged it off as nothing and said goodbye to Kellin as we parted ways. I entered my house and found my father asleep on the couch. I knew he worked a long shift today, so I should probably leave him a note before I leave tonight. I don't want to wake him.

I quietly walked up the stairs to my bedroom, closing the door behind myself. I put my guitar on its stand before walking over to the closet, picking out an outfit for tonight.

I decided on a white and black tank top and black skinny jeans. I threw on a few bracelets and ran a hand through my hair before checking myself in the mirror. I wasn't trying to impress anyone, I was just going for a few drinks then take Jaime home at the end of the night since I knew he wouldn't be able to walk himself home without walking into a tree or falling over. He just doesn't know when he's had enough.

I sighed to myself and checked the time, realising I should probably get going. I wrote a small note for my father and left it on the table before leaving the house.

It only took me about 15 minutes to walk to the house where the party was going on, I didn't really know who was going to be here, all I knew was there was going to be a lot of people.

I walked inside and was quickly greeted by an old friend, Jack Barakat and his boyfriend Alex Gaskarth. They took me to get a drink and I spent most of the night with them until I noticed Kellin, standing on his own, holding a can of soda.

"Are you okay?" I asked him loudly over the music that was playing in the background.

"I'll be fine" he replied before Jaime jumped up behind us, holding a weird blue bottle.

"Come on guys, let's get wasted!" He laughed before grabbing us a drink. Kellin didn't take the drink though, he left to look for Vic.

Me and Jaime just finished our drinks before, going back to talk to Jack and Alex.


A few hours later and my eyes were very blurry, the room was spinning and there was empty beer bottles all around from what I could feel on the floor.

Jaime had left about an hour ago with some girl and hadn't come back yet as far as I know. I had just continued to drink with some other guys from my classes and before I knew it, I was sitting on the floor as I could hardly keep myself standing. I knew I should have counted my drinks. Ah shit.

I slowly stood myself up and stumbled out through the door, passing a few people on the way. I managed to get outside before sitting myself back down on the doorstep.

I remember hearing footsteps coming up behind me and a hand touch my shoulder. But that's all I can remember, the rest is just a blur.

|| New story I randomly thought up! ♡

If this chapter does well, I'll get up the next one straight away!

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