Chapter 2

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Tony POV - 

I awoke to a horrid headache and I felt sore from the waist down. I slowly opened my eyes to a room I certainly didn't recognise and I was instantly worried as to were I ended up after last night. As I moved to sit up, I felt something tighten around my stomach. I looked towards my stomach and found a heavily tattooed arm, holding onto me tightly. Oh shit. 

I slowly tried to unhinged the arm from my waist, but the grip just seemed to get tighter. I heard some mumbling from behind me before the arm move down my body, brushing against my bare skin. That's when I realised I was naked underneath these bedsheets.

I've got to get out of here. 

I waited until I felt the person behind me move before quietly pulling myself out of the bed and searched around for my clothes that were thrown on the floor probably some time last night. 

Once I was dressed, I reached for the door handle and debated with myself whether I should turn around and look at who I'd slept with last night. I finally got up the courage and turned around. I wasn't expecting what I saw.

Mike Fuentes. The most popular boy in school. He had his head resting on the pillows, his hair a mess with blankets covering his lower back. 

I practically ran out of the door, shutting it behind me. This can't be happening. I was leaning against the door when the door in front of me opened, revealing none other than Kellin Quinn. 

He looked at me like a deer caught in headlights, "Tony..? What are you doing here..?" He asked, before his eyes widened in realisation.

I dropped my head to the floor and ran out of the house as quickly as I could. Once I got outside, it was just the matter of finding where I was going in order to get home. It was raining and it looked no later than 7 in the morning, since it was still pretty dark out. 

I walked home in silence, my heart was beating so fast I thought it might explode. I can't believe I slept with Mike Fuentes last night and what's even worse.. Kellin knows that now.. School isn't going to go well on Monday..


I'd had a few missed calls through out the day from Kellin, probably wanting to know more about this morning and last night, but I didn't have anything to say since I didn't really remember what had happened since I was completely wasted. 

Hopefully Mike wouldn't remember either. 

But I can almost guarantee Kellin will say something to Vic then he will tell Mike. 

I turned some music on before burying my head into my pillow, I just wanted to forgot this whole thing for the rest of the weekend if I could.

After an hour or so of music, I had finally calmed down and my thoughts on the situation were almost gone. I decided to check with Jaime to see if he was home safe now and find out what happened last night.

I picked up my laptop from the floor and logged into my social media accounts, typing out a message to Jaime. 

Once I'd sent the message, I lay back against my pillows and closed my eyes for a few moments until I heard a quiet 'ping' from my laptop. Jaime must have been online when I sent the message.

I looked back at the screen and saw the red icon of a new message and clicked it, waiting for the screen to load. I was shocked by what loaded as the new message.

'Mike Fuentes- Hey, Tones! What made ya leave so early? ;) x'

|| This chapter sucks, but the next one will be better :3 

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