Chapter 6

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Tony POV -

"We just thought you both should know" Vic said as he exchanged glances with Kellin. He looked very worried, Kellin however just looked upset but I always thought Kellin wanted a baby. Maybe I should talk to him alone later.

"Aw my big bro is gonna be a daddy~" Mike said excitedly as he tackled Vic to the floor, laughing.

"Just shut up, Mike I need to speak with you" he said in a low voice, pulling the younger Fuentes away somewhere.

I looked over at Kellin who was now looking down at the sand, drawing little patterns with his finger.

"Can I ask you something?" I said, receiving a nod back in response so I could continue. "I thought you'd said you always wanted children. You told me and Jaime not too long ago that you'd like to start a family with Vic"

"I did.. but when I told him I was pregnant he got really angry with me and I don't think he ever wants to be a father.. He wants to put the baby up for adoption once it's born.." he mumbled before covering his face with his hands. "But I want to keep it... but if I do then I'll lose Vic.."

I knew from his voice that he was crying. No one hurts my best friend and gets away with it.

"Kellin, let's go talk to them together"

Mike POV -

Me and Vic were now sat on a stone wall, looking over the beach, I kinda wish I was sat here with Tony instead. I miss him already. Haha.

"Mike, we are going to put the baby up for adoption"

"Wait what?! You can't put my niece or nephew up for adoption! I won't let you" I punched Vic lightly in the arm, but I knew then he wasn't joking around.

"I can't look after a baby, I can just barely take care of myself and Kellin.. It just won't work " he let out a long sigh. "I know that Kells wants the baby, but I'm just not father material"

"You never know until you try dude" I shrugged my shoulders before I noticed Tony walking towards us with Kellin trailing behind.

"Vic this isn't just your choice! Kellin is only agreeing to the adoption because he doesn't want to lose you! You need to stop being so selfish" Tony stomped his foot in frustration.

"You're right" Vic said as he jumped from the wall to face Tony and Kellin. "If he really wants the baby then he can keep it.. I just need to talk some things through with him privately if that's alright?"

Tony nodded as Kellin walked over to Vic taking his hand. They both left together, probably going back to their car.

I turned back to Tony as he sat down on the wall beside me, resting his head on my shoulder, "You know, You're pretty cute when you are angry~" I laughed, wrapping my arm around him.

He shook his head then placed his hand on my knee, "Sorry if I ruined our date.." he whispered.

"Nah, you didn't ruin it, you stood up for Kellin and I'm proud of you for doing that, just don't punch Vic in the face, Okay~?"

"I won't" he replied quietly before he slowly sat up again then turned to face me. I gave him a smile then leaned in, kissing him softly. He was definitely the one I wanted.

"Would you consider maybe being my boyfriend~?" I asked after we'd pulled away from the kiss. He turned away from me, but I could see his cheeks changing to a crimson colour. He's fucking adorable.

"I guess we could try it out" he turned back towards me, smiling.

Hell yes!

|| Sorry if this chapter sucks! I'm a terrible writer lately

I'll upload the next one if you want more!

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