Chapter 15

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Tony POV- 

Well it was the end of the day and end of the week, thank goodness. I was exhausted even if I had skipped the last 2 classes today. Hopefully me and Mike can relax together and watch some movies, I've felt a lot of pains in the last few hours but I'm sure I'll feel better once I lay down in bed.

I walked out of the school gates and quickly noticed Mike sat in his car, waiting for me. I approached the car, opened the door and got into the passenger seat. 

"Do you need me to take you home first so you can grab some stuff?" He asked as he started the car.

"No it's okay, I'll just use your pyjama pants like I use to~" I laughed softly and got another smile in return. 

The drive to Mike and Vic's place was pretty quiet, but I was practically falling asleep in the car already. Since I'd gotten pregnant my sleep cycle was completed screwed. I tried to do some exercises before bed every night in attempt to wear myself out, but I'd usually just get a cramp and stay awake all night.

Well it seemed I had fell asleep since when I woke up, I was laying on the couch using Mike's chest as a pillow. He must have carried me in from the car. He was awake though, watching TV with Kellin and Vic. I felt my stomach drop. 

Had Vic told Kellin yet about the pregnancy? Most probably. I just hope he kept it a secret from Mike. 

I glanced over at Kellin who was now at least 9 months judging by how large he was. I hadn't seen him in a little while since he stopped going to school a few months back. I bet he's pretty nervous. I know I am and I'm no where near as far along as he is.

"Sleeping beauty is awake then~" Kellin laughed and waved at me, to which I returned the gesture.

"Sorry.. I've been really tired recently" I apologised to them all before slowly sitting up, resisting the urge to hold my stomach. 

"I bet you would be" Kellin winked and left Mike with a confused look on his face. I hid my glowing red cheeks with my flat cap quickly. So he does know? That's good.

I sat up on the couch with a large gap between me and Mike as we all continued watching TV together. I didn't know whether to move closer to him or just stay like I was. I didn't want to accidentally make the wrong move and have him touch the small baby bump. I didn't want him to find out that way.

"I'm gonna order us all some pizza" Mike said, standing up with Vic following behind him.

Almost immediately Kellin jumped up from his seat and ran over to me, giving me as tight of a hug he could manage at the size he was, "Tony, I can't believe you're pregnant! That's so exciting!" He exclaimed until I quickly covered his mouth with my hand.

"Are you crazy? You can't yell it out when Mike is in the next room" I whispered, nervously looking at the door.

"He won't hear me, he's on the phone. When are you going to tell him anyway?" Kellin asked happily.

"Tonight.. Maybe. I'll see how things go first" I sighed softly before adjusting my hoodie. 

"You'll both make great parents~" he gave me another hug then stood back up when Vic and Mike entered the room again.


After food it seems that I had fallen asleep again, However I'd woke up in Mike's bed this time. But I was alone. I sat up and glanced at the alarm clock that read '22:38', It's not as late as I thought it would be. I got out of bed and walked over to the door opening it, instantly feeling a cold draft coming from downstairs. That's when I heard people talking. 

I quickly ran down the stairs to see some flashing blue lights coming from outside the house. I needed to find Mike. That didn't take long however as I nearly ran into him as I turned the corner. 

"W-What's going on?" I asked him, looking around, worried. 

"Kellin's gone into labor, he's in the ambulance now with Vic" he said, pulling me close to his chest. "I told them we'll visit them in the morning" 

I nodded slowly then rested my head against Mike's shoulder before he picked me up and carried me to the bedroom, "Um Mike?" I whispered nervously as he placed me on the bed and removed his shirt.

"Tony, I want you right now" he growled before attacking my lips and pinning me down to the bed. He tried unzipping my hoodie but I stopped his hands knowing he'd instantly notice the small bump I was hiding. Considering how thin I usually am, even looking at my stomach you could probably tell I was pregnant. 

"Mike, I can't.. I don't feel comfortable right now.." I whispered, looking up into his eyes. I know this will probably upset him, but I can't spend the entire time moving his hands away from my stomach. It would just be horrible and he would probably suspect something odd.

"Why not? Babe I just want to make you feel good" he whispered then started biting the sweet spot on my neck. I moaned quietly and let go of his hands, so I could wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"..Okay.. Just be gentle.." I mumbled and pulled him in closer for another kiss.

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