Chapter 27

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Mike POV- 

Once Kellin and Vic had returned home, we all sat together watching a movie like we usually would, but I just felt really guilty and lonely. All I could imagine is Tony curled up in a ball on my bed, crying uncontrollably. He was so upset when I told him, I could see the disappointment in his face. He must hate me right now and I honestly don't blame him.. I hate myself too.. I wouldn't be surprised if he was packing his things right now and rushed out of the door without another word.. I didn't deserve him and I certainly didn't deserve our baby.. 

I was pulled from my thoughts when the living room door opened slowly, revealing none other than Tony. He turned his attention to me, completely ignoring Vic and Kellin, "Mike... I need to speak with you alone, please..?"

I glanced over at Kellin that gave me a nod of reassurance before I stood up and walked over to Tony, following him up the stairs and into my bedroom. Once we were sat down on the bed facing each other, I could tell from his red puffy eyes that he'd been crying for quite some time now. 

"I've thought about everything.. us, the baby and the future.." he whispered, looking down at this hands as hair fell into his face. My heart was pounding like crazy and I was trying to hold myself together as best as I could. "And.. I've decided to stay with you.." 

"R-Really? Thank you so much, Tony! You won't regret this, I promise!" I moved in closer to him and attempted to hug him, but he stopped me.

"D-Don't get the wrong idea... This is for the baby's sake only... If I wasn't pregnant, I wouldn't even be sat here right now... I'm going back to live with my father tomorrow.. I hope you understand.." he didn't even look at me as he said any of this. He kept his head down and pulled on the sleeves of the hoodie as his body started shaking.

"No! Tony, please don't do this... I'm so sorry.." I begged him, taking hold of his hands. My heart was breaking, but it was all my fault. "I want you to love me.. because I love you.. Please reconsider.." 

I could hear him quietly sobbing, but he was trying so hard not to show it. I really wanted to hold him, but he wouldn't let me.  He was hurting and I just wanted to help him, but I couldn't.. I'd caused this and Tony is suffering for my mistakes.. again..

"Mike.. We're still together.. just not romantically.. I don't want the baby to grow up being passed back and forth it's parents.." he cried softly as he placed his hands on his stomach. 

"I don't want that either.. but I want us to be a normal couple.. because I don't think I'll be able to be around you and not want to kiss or hold you.." I pleaded before burying my face into my hands. 

"I-I'll think about it...." he mumbled and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of the hoodie. "I need to get some rest..." he whispered after a few moments of silence.

I got out of the bed and dragged myself over to the door, "I'm sorry, Tony.." 


Mike was in his car, heading nowhere in particular while the rain crashed down around the car. It was so dark out, besides a few street lamps he drove past every of often that dimly lit up the road ahead. It was pretty late, probably past 1 at least. No one was usually on the road at this time anyway. 

Mike turned the radio volume up, blasting any thoughts he was having out of his head. His mind was somewhere else tonight, he was torn apart.

Turning a sharp corner there came another set of headlights coming in too fast. He slammed on the break but the other driver did nothing to stop the now inevitable collision.



Tony POV- 

I nearly threw myself out of bed at that horrific nightmare. I was sweating and my heart was pounding in my chest. I quickly left the bedroom, running down the stairs in only my boxers and found Mike asleep on the couch in the living room with the TV on mute in the background. I ran over to him, frantically shaking him awake until I saw his eyes slowly open, "T-Tony?" He mumbled in a deep groggy voice.

I threw myself into his arms and cried loudly into his shoulder, "P-Please don't leave..."

"I'm not going anywhere, What's the matter?" He said a bit more alert now since I'd probably scared him awake. 

I couldn't even get my words out anymore, I was just a crying mess in Mikes arms. I just wanted him to hold me until that nightmare stopped replying in my head like a cruel joke. 

He brushed his fingers through my hair and rubbed soothing circles into my back. I don't remember much after that, I guess I'd fallen back to sleep, only this time I felt a lot safer than I did before..

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