Chapter 31

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Mike POV -

"Hey, Rian, What's all this talk about you and Zack? Is there something you're not telling me?" I laughed as I tapped my pencil against the desk. 

"No, it's just rumours dude. He's one of my best friends, I could never see him like that" he scratched the back of his head before writing something down in his notebook. I shrugged my shoulders and dragged a hand through my messy hair. I hated this English class, it was so boring, not to mention the teacher really didn't give a shit what we were doing as long as we didn't put thumbtacks on his chair again. 

I was always sat by Rian since the day I started in the class, we started talking after he'd noticed my tattoos then we both began talking about music and realised we both played drums. He was a pretty funny guy and I got along with him pretty well as long as I didn't tease him too much about the whole Zack situation. He should know I'm only kidding though. 

I started drawing some random cartoons on the front of my notebook when there was a knock on the classroom door and the principle stepped in, pointing at me then beckoning me over to him. Great, what have I done wrong this time?

I grabbed my things and walked over to the door as the rest of the class stared at me. Once the door was closed, I stood against the wall, waiting for the older man to scream in my face like he usually would if he caught me smoking or like the time I flipped him off during an assembly. 

But instead he placed a hand on my shoulder, "Michael, I was told to make you aware of an unfortunate situation that is being handled right now. Tony Perry was brutally beaten in the hallway this morning and was transported to hospital about 20 minutes ago. The police have been involved and arrested the boy responsible for it"

"You're fucking kidding me, right?!" I yelled and punched the wall behind me until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was my older brother, Vic.

"Mike, Calm down. I'll take you to the hospital to see Tony" he spoke to me like I was a damn child. I'd just found out that some ugly fucker beat my boyfriend and they expect me to be calm!

I stormed out of the school with Vic trying to keep up behind me, but I was ready to knock somebody the fuck out! 

"Mike, you're not going to drive in this state! Give me your keys" Vic yelled to me as I moved to open my car door. Maybe he was right, I'd probably end up running someone over or killing us both. I threw my keys over to him and jumped into the passenger seat instead. I'd clenched my fists and tried my best to keep my breathing under control. 

"Who did it?!" I turned to Vic and watched as he gripped the steering wheel. 

"J-Just this boy.. Seriously Mike it doesn't matter. He'll rot in jail for this and you'll never see him again" he stumbled on a few words.

"Vic, you'd better spit it out before I kick you out of this damn car!" I growled and ran a hand through my hair in frustration.

"..It was Mark.." he finally admitted after a few long agonising seconds. The bastard that tried to start a fight with me a few weeks ago!

Then it dawned on me.. He did this to Tony because I'd beaten the fuck out of him in front of all his friends. He wanted pay back and he knew he'd never land a punch on me.. So he went for the next best thing... Tony. 

This wouldn't have happened if I had walked away from him that day.. Now Tony's in hospital and it's all my fault.. 

"Jaime and Jeremy went to the hospital with Tony, so I said we'd meet them outside" Vic told me as he'd found a parking space in the hospital. I jumped out of the car and ran towards the front entrance of the hospital. I just wanted to see Tony right now, nothing else mattered right now. I just needed to know he was okay..

Jaime approached us and told me that a nurse was waiting for me. I was a bit confused but didn't give it a lot of thought as I just rushed inside and a young brunette nurse called me over into a small room.

"You are Mr Fuentes, correct?" She asked and I just nodded, letting her continue. "I'm very sorry to inform you of this, but after receiving many hits to the abdomen during the attack, Mr Perry was forced into an early labor and tragically the baby was lost before the birthing process could begin."

I fell back against the wall behind me, trying to piece together what she had just said, but my entire world just came crumbling down. I was struggling to breathe and I didn't know how to even react to this news. "Does Tony know..?" I asked quietly as I stood back up slowly. 

"He was made aware of the situation as it happened. I'm very sorry, Mr Fuentes" she told me as I tried to control myself from either breaking something or falling back down to the floor and staying there.

"I need to see him right now... He needs me.. Where is he..?" I asked and she told me to follow her. As we'd stepped out of the room, Vic that was outside the door, quickly pulled me into a tight embrace. Jaime patted me on the shoulder as we exchanged some broken looks between us. I pulled back from Vic and moved to follow the nurse again, until she stopped outside one of the room. 

I thanked her and stepped inside, finding Jeremy sat on one of the chairs by the bed. I noticed he had a few cuts and bruises on his face that looked almost new. As I'd stepped inside though, Jeremy was quick to stand up and hug me for a few moments, "I'm sorry, Mike. I'll leave you both alone now. I'll be outside if you need me" he patted me on the back and left seconds later.

Tony was wearing a hospital gown and his hair was covered the one side of his face. He was staring out of the window at the grey skies before slowly turning his attention towards me, "M-Mike.." his voice cracked and he held his arms open to me. I closed the gap between us, holding him in my arms tightly as he began crying into my shoulder. 

Usually I'd tell him not to cry, but I was struggling not to do the same, it really fucking hurt knowing I was the one that caused this, "Tony, I'm so sorry.." I mumbled to him, brushing my hand over his back slowly. 

I'll never forgive myself for this...

|| One more chapter left..

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