Chapter 17: Awkward Moments & 'DID THAT JUST HAPPEN?!'

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''Are you actually serious?''


Zac laughs as I grab another whole packet of double-chocolate cookies from the top shelve, hidden by the ugly oat cookies. That's what people do. They stuff the good cookies behind the ugly, disgusting ones which they know NO-ONE will ever pick and then they come back when they have money to buy their stash of the golden beauties.

I can't judge them.

I ALWAYS do that...

''Okay let's pay already.'' Zac says with a chuckle before walking up to the till with me hobbling behind, clutching 3 packets of my 'drug.' I carefully place the packets on the counter as Zac scans them before placing it in the green bag. ''Hey... I thought you only got 2 packs?'' He asks trying to hide the smirk forming on his sexy face.

...Yup, that happened.

Sheepishly, I look up at him and shrug my shoulders, whilst slipping in a crisp fiver in the machine which it quickly sucks up. I feel a vibrate in my back pocket, and I slip out my phone seeing a text from Mum. I open it and read. Zac stands behind me reading the text, as I try to ignore the chills I feel from his warm, sweet breath gently fanning my face.

''Guess that's the Miller's place.''


''Holy F*uckballs... They live here?!''

I say as we push open the sliver, decorative, heavy gates which guard the astonishing house in front of our footsteps. The granite makes a crunching sound against our feet as we approach the house which looks like it should belong in a magazine. Halting, I look again at my phone before squinting up with confusion at Zac who looks bewildered as much as I do. ''Are you sure that this is the right address?'' Oh my, what if we just walked into a celebrity's home and as an alarm the sprinklers go off?!''

Zac laughs at my ridiculousness, and throws over his arm around my shoulders which as always, send a buzzing feeling down my spine, tingling my toes. ''Mads, I'm sure this is the right house, plus, who cares? I'd totally be killing the wet, hot look anyway.'' I roll my eyes back dramatically and force myself with all my might to not blurt out, 'YOU WOULD.' as his ego would then be enough to make me gouge my own eyes out aswell as getting a car to run me over.


Sighing, I say jokingly, ''Do you know who else rocks the hot wet look? Theo's pet dog after it's been running around in the rain.'' I quickly press the sliver doorbell, trying not to look at Zac's face.

''Your gonna wish you never said that Maddi.''

Suddenly, I'm tackled into a headlock with Zac giving me a noogie. I flap my arms around him, trying to get out of this pose but it makes no difference as he continues to rub his knuckles on my head.''Zac STOP, IT- IT HURRTS!!'' Zac chuckles before he finally stops but doesn't let go. Sighing in relief, I shove his side with my arm but he doesn't seem affected. ''Alri-ght Zac, you got me back, now let me go.''


He rest his head on the crook of my neck which makes me go on red alert and honestly if I was a fire truck,they wouldn't need a siren, I would have woken up the entire neighbourhood with my squeals of the fuzzy feeling I'm currently experiencing. Zac nuzzles his head on my neck making me bite my lip to avoid me sighing making me look like a idiot. He slowly murmurs, ''That wasn't it.''

Slowly, I feel his lips on my neck gently nipping at it making me stiff in response. He plants the softest kisses at the curve of my neck and I can't help but moan in delight. He chuckles in response and I feel his smile on his lips. It feels so good, but I know he's just doing this to get back at me. He can't actually like this. Instead of pushing him off, I wrap my arms around his waist loosely letting him carry on, with my body fizzing with his touch. Carefully, he gently travels up to top of my neck, below my jawline, and with the lightest touch kisses me slowly.

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