Chapter 11: Definiton of Love & A Sweaty Zac

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'Lucy and Liam' are no longer the names of the main characters. Since I thought their names didn't work well with the character. Their names are now, 'Zac and Maddi.' Sorry for the confusion. Xx

Who has strength to wake up 10 am in the holidays... to go for a jog? Me. That's who. But believe me when I say this. I am not a health freak. Like gimme a box of chicken nuggets and Big Mac and I will scoff them without another thought. But needing to wake up early in the morning for a jog...

Give me death... or give me another Big Mac.

Buttt, I need to get fit. It's not healthy to be living off takeouts and rarely even going to answer the front door. I become a slob in the holidays, come on! Don't look at me like that! You have done this twice or more. Yeaah, in your face your judgy person whom I have no idea who you are and you find it pleasurable keeping up to date with my life!

So anyways, that's why I'm up. I didn't tell you what happened to Mr. Jones did I? Well, your in for a treat.

So after one of the boys got the Principle, all the class stuck up for me and went against Mr. Jones. Even Hilary who sits at the back gnawing the end of her hello kitty pencil! Back to the story, Mr.Jones got fired and I'm... NOT SUSPENDED! Even though I kicked a guy in the crown jewels. Turns out, the Principal was getting tired of Mr. Idiocy's behavior and already gave him a final warning.

One more slip up and he was to be fired quicker then you can say, 'Maddi is so hot and I wish to be her life long partner.' Did you say it?! You silly blueberry muffin!  And, I'm in with the kids? They all worship me for kicking Mr Jones where it hurts- mentally and physically. The principal however did say I have detention for a week after the holidays, so that's going to be fun. Note my sarcasm.

But all that can wait until after the holidays. The week went so fast already that it's already the weekend. So far, only Vanessa,Dylan, Rick know about what happened. The rest of the gang don't know a thing. Zac didn't even turn up to classes on the day, he just ended up bunking. Then, Theo, Elliot, Zac bunked the whole week of school even though they all had a exam. Thankfully they can re-sit it. Honestly, they need to get their priorities straight.

Unfortunately for Paige she was sick as she caught the flu her younger 14 year old brother had. And it was bad. I'm telling ya. BAD. Boogers were everywhere and all the stores ran out of Kleenex tissues. It was Mission Impossible for her to keep her food in. Thankfully her mum took care of her and daily visits from the gang kept her spirits up.

After my breakdown in Physics, Kai, Daniel and even Aiden kept tabs on me. One of them always called me during the week and I admit it was kinda freaky at first but they were being considerate and were just looking out for me. I need to get them all a gift. ASAP.

Glancing at a photo frame just situated on my desk, a smile paints my face and tears of sadness threaten to spill. A picture of my dad and mum kissing in the background whilst Elliot and I made sandcastles. It was the most incredible holiday. I remember everything so clearly. The smell of the salty sea and the sugary, gooey doughnut traveled up my nose as if I was there.

''Daddy, why are you looking at mummy like that?'' A warm fuzzy feeling burst open inside of me as my father gazed down at me- smiling and adverted his eyes from my mother. He tickled the palm of my hand before holding my hand effortlessly whilst we strode down the pavement just near the beach. I fixed the sleeves of my blue play suit and smiled at the sound of my sandals scraping against the concrete. '' Well Madison, when you grow up and meet other people, especially boys-'' I giggled at his last words. He smiled down. He was a giant compared to me. I only just about came up to his waist and Elliot managed to be a inch taller the me. Always. ''Your going to feel something when you see, talk,or even hear about them. It could be hate, anger, jealousy and so much more. But one person, one special person will make you feel a incredible feeling. Love. It's like... going to Disneyland, eating cookie dough ice cream when watching Tom and Jerry. Or it's like winning at Foosball like when you play against your brother.'' I stifled a giggle. He smiled those loving green eyes at me before kneeling down at my level. He tucked a stray piece of my brown hair behind my ears. My father smiled once again showing his immaculate white teeth. ''But it feels better than that Madison. It's greater than you can ever imagine. And your mummy makes me feel like that. It's a feeling called love.'' I looked at mother who was walking ahead with Elliot before they sat down on the sand on the beach. She looked in the distance over the blue waves of the sea and whipped her head around at us when she felt our gaze. She smiled and I smiled back before glancing at daddy who looked like he won the jackpot. Still looking in my mother's green eyes, he gently picked me up and taped the end of my nose. Looking deeply in my eyes, he said, ''And you make me feel like that. I love you very, very much. And I can't wait to meet that special someone who makes you feel like that.'' I kissed him on the cheek which was slightly prickly and whispered to him. ''I love you too Daddy.''

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