part 3

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wrath of God : Zombie Apocalypse 3

Episode 3 : Dug in , Dug deep

I woke up , it was very dark , the electricity must be already out . I expected that this will happen but not this early, so i put my shirt on and look around .

I cant find my sister, she is beside me sleeping last night , but only the 2 children is all I can see sleeping in the room . so i walker near the door to look in the living room when I hear a loud bang on the door . "thoog thoog thoog!" it is become louder and louder as the seconds past . but in my surprise , the children are sleeping soundily .

so I take the nearest weapon I could find , a small steel chair near the mirror .  

I waited for a second and then open the door wildly . as I prepare myself for the zombie , I cant believe what I am seeing .

ITS MY SISTER!..there is blood all over her face , her neck had been bitten and many blood are flowing through it . her eyes are full of anger and hunger for fresh meat .

I can't move my body, my feet feels like it is nailed on the ground . I tried to scream as loud as I can but there is no voice coming out . she is now coming nearer and nearer , and when she is about to lunge her bloody teeth on my face. I woke up..

OH MY GOD, it is just a dream . I feel miserable right now , my hands are shaking , my body is full of sweat and my heart is pounding so hard I feel like it will come out .

I look all over the place , its a 2 story house with a huge gate on front . we chose this place because of its location, it is in the far side of the village , near a farm with tall barricades where the barangay tanods and captain Suarez lives. It is safer than all other place because of its tall steel gate , and their are many available weapons in the house , they have an old samurai here, a huge hammer , an axe used for logging and a caret used for the bushes near the farm .

The other group are at the house in front of us , it looks just like this place ,but the only difference is that the other house has a store in front of it. our group are appointed as a weapon depot , and a 2nd retreat point . the 2nd group with the store is where we put all our food supplies and necessities. right now we have food for 30 people for atleast a week , but it will eventually run out of supplies so Captain Suarez called for a meeting in the farm to talk about the next thing the groups should do .

I saw Johnrick outside the house , clearing out all the dead zombie in the area with 7 other people. 

My sister told me that she will go to the farm to talk about finding supplies in the mall near the village. I dont want that idea but I know she knows what she is doing already so I just shrugged and continue barricading the house.

" Kuya Christian , how long are we gonna stay in this stinky place ? are we gonna survive from those monsters ?" said Michael, he is sitting near the couch in the living room , his eyes are full of sadness and fear .

so i sit beside him even though im not finished barricading I smiled and said " don't worry kid , I wot let you be taken by those monsters, I will protect you as long as I can . here take this candy, its my treat for you for being so brave " giving him the candy I found on the store . He smiled a little then eat the candy whole .

I ask him if he knows anyone here except me and Kris , he said that he and her sister always see us and the other neigbhors, but they dont know them until today. her mother and father died when they hide them in the attic , her mother and father have been pulled just as they climb the attic ,her mother looked at them with a smile on her face saying " dont worry my child, I will not let this monsters get--- " she had been cut off by a bite by the zombie , so she closed the door of the attic immediately just before she had been pulled to her death. 

just after he told me his story , He cried again . I felt sorry for him , but I dont know what to do next so I just told him to stop crying and gave him all the candy I have in my pocket then leave him alone for a while ...

Just as I return to the barricade , I hear a commotion near the bushes on the back of the house. I hear murmuring and whispers. so I checked the back and saw 2 of the barangay tanod , they are talking about the mall near the village. " Pare, do you think we have a chance of getting out of their alive ? I heard that the tall girl and the captain are planning on raiding that mall to get supplies." said by the tanod with the bald head.

" I think that it is impossible for us to get there that easily , there are probably a few hundred zombies out there. and it is a fucking mall , many people take refuge their and they probably are dead by now ." said by the tanod with the beard.

I joined their conversation , they looked shock when they saw me . " that is possible guys, there is a passage at the back of the mall leading to the storage area. it is near the foodcourt, but probably the doors out there are locked because before this happened , the mall had been closed for a few repairs. so we have a small chance of an encounter with many zombies. " I explained . " the only problem their is that we may not be the first survivors to think about that plan , and maybe the storage area had already been ransacked "

" but we will take our chances out there, than to see my neighbors slowly die of hunger." I said with such seriousness in my voice.

just as when the bald tanod is about to tell something , we heard a loud scream on the front . "ZoMBIES!!!" We immediatly go to the front of the house and saw what was happening , they are a few zombies running toward the front gate. AND ITS STILL OPEN! we have no time to close it now , I pulled the gun in the holster of my pocket and prepare to shot them down .i positioned myself at the window near the front door. the 2 tanods, johnrick and his family also get the weapons nearby and positioned themselves on the front door .

Thankfully , not all the zombies goes to our area, 3 zombies goes to the store in front of us while the other 5 are on us . I fired my first shot but I was shocked of the recoil that I dropped it , luckily I shot the zombie in the eyes and it fell down the grass. It was not the zombie that I targeted , but it will do . I saw johnrick use the caret and swinged it on the neck of the nearest zombie . the head of the zombie flew 5 feet from its body . The other tanods shot the remaining zombies then moved to help the people from the store which thankfully , was closed just before the zombies reached them .

I felt ashamed of what happened , I did'nt know that it will be liked that , I played call of duty many times , but did not expect the recoil power of a glock . but I just told myself that it is good for starter, atleast i shot one zombie out of its misery .

when the commotion ended ,I looked for michael , I have'nt seen him when we got inside the house, I felt that there is something wrong. and then when I looked inside the house, I was shocked of what I have seen..

((end of episode 3)

please vote my story :))))))))) follow me in twitter @xtianvolante and add me up on fb ty :3

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