episode 6 : zombie grinding time

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Dead City 6

Episode 6 : Zombie grinding time

Kris's POV

" are you sure you want to stay here in Camella kuya ? " i asked kuya Christian , I know it will be heart breaking to see my only family to leave, but I think he will have a better chance of surviving this apocalypse by the help of the military , I can't promise that I can protect him from those mindless zombies forever.

" ofcourse , I dont like Tagaytay its very cold out there " said Christian smiling at me . " and we have a better chance here . we have food , shelter, weapons and less people the better . I have watched hundres of zombie films . the larger your population , the more risk of infection and it is way harder to defend 100 people than 10. " .

As I was about to say something , Captain Suarez called our attention . " are you sure you want to stay here ? We love to make you stay here with us , but you folks have a better chance there , the army will protect you there " said Captain Suarez .

" oh dont mind us captain , atleast here we could just flourish the land and make this place our home. Then when shit happens on tagaytay and baguio , anyone lucky enough to surive could shelter here. and when that time happens , we are here to welcome them " said Christian smiling at the Captain.

" oh you are right ! but let me just remind you that we need more food supplies for our comrades that will travel to tagaytay , I will acknowledge Kris's idea to go to the mall and get as many supplies as you can . " said captain . '' so I will delay them for a few days so that some of our men could help you complete your mission " . said Captai before heading out.

Christian and I returned to the weapons depot.

As we reached the front gate of the depot , We smelled an awful stench . we figured that it is the zombie we had killed a while ago , we've forgot to clean it because of the meeting .

as we picked up the body , a wallet fell on the ground . because of curousity , I checked what's inside of the wallet and found picture of Michael and Julia with what looks like the mother of them .

" It must be their father. We can't let them see the body of their parent. come on we must put the body at the back" ordered Kris .

We managed to carry it at the back , the zombie walking outside is killed by Christian by the help of the spade we found in the tool house at the back of the depot .

We dug the body near a tree , then used a huge bamboo to stick it on the ground to remind us the location of the body.

As we return back to the house , we saw Julia and Michael eating lollipop and laughing about something. They saw us so we automatically waved back at them and their smiles got wider.

" Hi kuya and ate ! why are you two covered in dirt ? " asked julia whose smile is now gone.

" uhmm . We've just barricaded the back of the house, we saw that there are many she'll passages so we managed to fix them " said Christian whom sweat are now flowing on his neck .

" ahhh you two are really hardworking , here take this candy Karissa gave us " smiled Michael. Karissa is one of our members in the food supply depot'

I and christian nervously took it and ordered them to carry the 3hand guns and samurai , to give it to the captain in the farm. The 2 kids agreed and took off to the storage room.

" phew , that was close. I think we should already take a bath , I stink a lot because of the zombie I encountered. " said Christian. I agreed so Christian goes to the bathroom in the first floor, and I proceed on the 2nd floor bathroom.

Dead CityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon