Episode 8 : "Defensive Positions! " "No, Run!"

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Dead city 8

Episode 8 : "Defensive positions! " "No, run! "

Christian's POV

after hours of waiting , the men who wanted to come with us came at the depot , they are 15 in number . they're all wearing camouflage uniforms , many of them are 50-65 years old while they are a few that are the same as our age .

I approached them and introduced myself " Hi y'all , my name is Christian , it's nice to meet some new faces . " I said smiling at each one of them .

the kid which look like 2 yrs. younger than me which is 5'6 in height , and wearing a bonet just smirked and continue cleaning his gun .

my ego have been hurt again . as I was about to teach him some lesson , one of the oldies interfered and introduced himself " hi, I am Protacio Dimasalang . but you can just call me Mang Tacio , I am the leader of this group . I'm so sorry for the bad attitude of that one there, you know kids, stubborn and warfreak . but believe me that you can use that boy very well in battle , he is one of our best melee fighter . " explained Mang Tacio shaking my hand.

Kris then interfered us " okay guys , there's no more time for introduction , we are past the scheduled time to move out . we should go now , Johnrick and Patrick will brief you about the mission on the way. " Joy looked at me seriously , I think she is telling me to get my shit right. I agreed with her so I decided just ignore that asshole kid.

Cassandra spoke." leave your heavy weapons on the storage area . we will not need them , the only thing you should bring are handguns and your melee weapons , we will not engage the zombies if we can , but be ready to fight back if they'll attack" . The men just shrugged and started going to the storage area to leave their heavy weapons .

after that , they all gathered the whole team . from 7 members of the team , we are now 22 in number. too large to hide, but we'll take our chances. but i wont take risks.

so I split the team to 2 roles . the first ones will be the Defenders while the other one will be the Carriers.

The carriers will be composed of 7 people that will carry 2 extra duffle bags , they'll have the job of carrying heavier and larger supplies than the defenders and are only allowed to carry melee weapons. now, the defenders job is to protect the carriers with their hand guns if some shit happens. the defenders are more numerous than the carriers because they will only carry small handguns , so if they'll need to reload , some would take their place to fire at the incoming zombies.

Johnrick and Patrick briefed the men just right before we are at the far end of the village.

Cassandra handsigned Mang Carlos , an oldie which I think are about 60 yrs old and have a huge beard to recon the area.

Mang Carlos continued walking then climbed a tree nearby .

He handsigned back at Cassandra that he saw about 3 zombies about 100 meters of our position .

I ordered 3 of the men to move inside the bushes and attack the 3 zombies silenlty using handsign.

They affirmed my order then crawled silently inside the bushes, then we heard a silent swoosh then a loud crushing and slicing of meat . after a few seconds the men returned with blood all over their weapons . and looked at me to confirm their kills .

Mang Carlos then jumped down the tree and return to the group . " the area are now safe for a while . I saw another 6-10 zombies on the other side of the bush . I'm not sure though . the bushes are too thick and I could only see their heads . " said Mang Carlos.

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