Episode 10

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Dead City 10 

Episode 10: "Die Fighting or Die Running "

After a few minutes of horrifying gunfires , the enemies suddenly stopped . then we heard shouts from their positions " PUNCH A HOLE IN THEIR FUCKING WALL!" . it's their commander, Drake. we don't know what the hell he is trying to do , until we heard a loud crash, then an explosion .

we felt the ground shake like there is an horrifying earthquake . but it is worse than an earthquake , when I managed to stand , I hurriedly run on the front side part of the rooftop of the mall . then I saw a big hole in the wall of the front gate, a truck had just hit it and now the truck is wrecked and burning, while the person on the truck is now running for his life , fighting off the zombies that are now running for him , he manages to run on the side of the mall , but suddenly I heard a loud bang , then the person on the run fell on the ground , shrieking from the intense pain on his thighs . Kevin shot him , then kevin and the others are now all returning fire on the enemies on the outer fence. " . we have only two choices... die fighting , or die running , your choice . this is our place , we have made it our home even for only a few days, we will not let some trigger happy people bully us out of here." Shouted the Chief , then I heard the battle cries of my members, giving me goosebumps.

The person that kevin shot are now being eaten by hundreds of zombies that are now piling on him , we can't see his body anymore or anything that is left of him .

then I saw a few zombies putting their attention on the hole in the wall .

i know what will happen next so I looked at the Chief " sir, we have a problem . the front wall of the mall had been destroyed , I think the 1st floor of the mall will be over run in no time . what ----- " before I could finish my sentence, I saw blood pouring out of the chest of the Chief, then another whozzing sound came , then his head now have a bullet hole , blood pouring out of it .

Chief Roland fell on the ground lifelessly , still holding his rifle . Kevin and the others looked in shock . 3 of the guards also saw what happened , they immediatly left their positions and decided to go near the captain . the guard with the bald head tried to revive him even though all of us knew that he is already gonner .

2 of our female group have already joined us, they woke up from the sound of gunfires so they came running on the rooftop with weapons and ammo. they open their mouths in shock when they saw what happened on the Chief .

I approached them . " alarm all of our people , 3 of our guys are on the ground , one is injured. Take 3 men with you and barricade the 2nd floor , the 1st floor will soon be over run because of the hole in the front side of the mall . " I explained to the 2 , even though they are still in shock , they understand what i am saying then moved out .

Kevin looked for Jose , one of the guards. " sir , we must take those 3 back inside before we barricade the 2nd floor . help me get them out of there " Said Kevin , Jose nod ,then he called his co-guard and moved out of the roof top . the only ones left on the rooftop are Sam , 1 of the guards , and other 4 people that are still returning fire to the enemies on the outer fence.

after a few minutes, We manage to kill 3 of their 10 member group . 3 of them retreated while the remaining 4 are still shooting back at us .

their commander is now trying to call another truck to wreck the left side of the wall . but I know what he is planning , so I called Jenny , Sam , and the remaining guard. " position yourselves at the front side of the rooftop , their is another incoming truck , hurry!" they hurriedly left their positions , then carry the rifles the 2 girls in our group brought a while ago .

There it is , we saw the fast moving truck coming from not so far, crashing zombies and cars on its path . the front side of the mall is the only pathway that the truck can move .

After a few seconds , I shout the command " fire at will !" .. then all of us fired at the truck , one of us managed to shoot the driver. the truck then crashed on another car just a few feet from the entrance of the mall .

there is a shock of relief from all of us , but the battle is still not over. I ordered them again to return to their old positions. they all moved back and start firing again at the enemies on the fence.

then, I saw kevin and the 2 guards running towards our injured ally . " Cover fire!" I shouted. 

then all of us at the rooftop shoot in unison . sending our enemies on panic , then they hide to whatever place they can hide and start shooting back blindly.

Kevin and the guards manage to carry Marco who is still conscious but barely alive, but there are still 2 more to save . they cannot retreat because they are still on the other side of the fence.

2 of the guards came rushing back near the inner fence , I tried to find Kevin but I think he is now with Marco .

one of the guards now have a huge cutter wire on his hands. he is now trying to cut the fence so that the other 2 could pass safely .

but just as he was about to make a hole on the fence , I saw about 10 zombies running for them coming from inside of the mall .

The 2 looked at the zombies in fear , then I saw them shoot at the zombies . I tried to shoot at the zombies too , but they are too many , there are now 20+ and growing in numbers. The bald one panicked and tried to climb the fence , but he is already gripped by 3 zombies, pulling him downward , then the last one is still shooting at them , but still got eaten by the zombies. I hear loud shrieking coming from them , then a gurgling sound , after a few seconds , the only thing you could hear are the munching of the zombie and the gunfire of the enemies.

all of us can't believed what we are seeing . the 2 on the other side of the fence, just stood in shock and fear .

but then something came to me . KEVIN!, he is still on the lower part of the mall . I reloaded my weapon and came running as fast as I can to the door . Sam saw me and followed me . " where are you going? " asked Sam .

" Kevin is still on the lower part of the mall , I am worried. I think they are still on the clinic on the 2nd floor with Jam and Mary and maybe some of our members. " I said . Still worrying about what is happening on the 1st floor .

after reaching the 4th floor , I saw 2 of our guys approaching our direction . " Jam said you need support on the roof top , we'll go there now " One of the men said . I affirmed then continue running towards the 3rd floor .

the 3rd floor is still the same , but I heard gunshots below us . so I kept running until I reached the 2nd floor .

The escalators going to the 1st floor are now blocked by large furnitures and all sort of things , and then I heard loud banging and scratching on the other end of the pile of furnitures.

Jam is reloading some of our weapons when she saw me , she approached me with worry on her eyes . " I knew what happened to the guards outside, I saw them running outside just before Mary and I saw a few zombies coming slowly towards the entrance . "

"we also saw your boyfriend just before that incident , so we helped him moved Marco at the clinic here at the 2nd floor , it is just 6 shops away from here. " said Jam, smiling at me even though there is still fear on her eyes.

I felt relieved of what I heard. I then looked at Sam ,she is now grinning and winked at me " your loviedove is still alive, go get him " Said sam .

we approached the clinic on the far side of the mall , the clinic is small and does not look like a clinic at all . but the thing that caught our eyes are the blood on the ground and on the glass door .

We slowly entered the clinic . It is dark in there , I can't see shit in here ,I don't know how Kevin manages to carry Marco in here with all this darkness.

I tried to find the light switch , then after a few seconds I managed to find it . After opening it ,I saw lots of blood on the floor towards a brown old door .

Sam worriedly looked at me ' " there is something wrong here. " she said .  

I nod, then we prepare the rifles we are carrying . after reaching the door , we heard a moan .

I know what kind of moan is that , I kicked open the door and saw what is inside on the other side of the door..

(end of episode 10 )

Dead CityTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon