"The Party."

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"Ugh, you're so slow!" yelled a frustrated Kelley O'Hara. All of the Stanford athletes were throwing a huge party, and all Kelley wanted to do was fiesta like there was no tomorrow. But, this was difficult, considering her girlfriend was taking ages to get ready.
Ali sighed dramatically from in front of the bathroom mirror, "Can you just calm yourself? I'm almost done."
Jumping up and down like a child, Kelley crossed her arms and fell back on to her bed. This was going to be the best party in Stanford history, and Kelley was going to be late due to Ali, who always needed to be just perfect. Not that Kelley minded that, or anything. It did, after all, make her, 'Kelley, the one who's dating one of the hottest girls at Stanford University.' Couldn't get better than that.

After ten more minutes (which seemed like an eternity, in the world of Kelley O'Hara), Ali finally walked out of the bathroom and into the small dorm room, hair straightened, tight dress on, and high heels feeling rather uncomfortable on her feet.
"You coming?"
Kelley shot up from the bed as she heard her girlfriend's voice, and the clicking of her high heels as they lead out of the door and into the hallway. As they made their way toward the dorm room of Christen Press and Ashlyn Harris, the freckled woman reached for the hand of her significant other, only to find that the hand of the taller brunette was quickly yanked away. Kelley was taken by surprise. Ali had been acting weird around her over the past few days, and she couldn't figure out why, for the life of her. She let all of her bad thoughts push to the side as they reached the party and were both pulled inside to the, surprisingly large, dorm room filled with the entire Stanford Soccer and FootBall team by Christen. Before Kelley could even regain balance from being forced into the room, Ali was already making her way toward Ashlyn.
'They're just really good friends,' was the first thought that came to mind. Christen arched one eyebrow as she looked over to Kelley to find her watching Ali and Ashlyn hitting it off. The defender rolled light brown eyes and decided against confronting the two. She'd just leave it go and hang out with Christen. She was Kelley's best friend, after all. Sensing the defender's discomfort, Christen handed Kelley a Miller Light,
"Just try to have a good time tonight, okay? For me?"

Taking the beer from the striker was easy. . . Now, agreeing to have a good time? That was a whole other story.

Taking a quick swig from the bottle that she now held in her hands, the defender shrugged her shoulders, "Unless drinking my emotions away is considered to be a, 'good time,' then I don't know what to tell you, Pressy."

Christen never liked seeing her best friend like this. It broke her heart, honestly. The worst part is that Ali was always the cause of this behavior. She was supposed to make Kelley happy, but instead, she made her feel awful about herself. The striker sighed and avoided eye contact, "Kelley, you're doing this to yourself, you know. You could leave her whenever you want, yet you stay with her. Why? I know how she makes you feel, and it's not good for you."

Maybe Kelley would've taken this to heart, but she couldn't have. . . She didn't even hear the sympathy that had just come from Christen. She was too busy trying to, 'have a good time.' She had managed to sneak away in the split second that Christen had looked away from her. The striker stood in her place, and stood on her toes to look over top of all of the huge football players that were standing in front of her, to see if she could see where Kelley had managed to go. She was relieved to see the child of a college senior at the very edge of the large crowd of people, who, by this point, were breaking open glow sticks and painting their faces with the glowing matter as music blasted through large speakers. Christen shrugged it off and let Kelley have fun as she made her way through the dozens of people to Ashlyn and Ali, who were all over each other. Yeah, she was mad at Ali, but she was even more mad at Ashlyn, because she knew Ali had a girlfriend, and she had even told her to hold back her charm for just this one night. But, no. She definitely didn't listen.
"Ashlyn, a word, please?" Christen tugged at the goalie's arm until she gave in and walked away with her. They shuffled through the rowdy athletes until they were far enough away that Ali wouldn't hear them. Which wasn't very far, considering the music was so loud. Christen basically had to shout over it, "Really, Ash?"
Being oh so oblivious, Ashlyn shrugged her shoulders, "What?"
"Didn't I ask you not to flirt with Ali?"
The taller woman pretended to think for a second, before gasping dramatically, "Oh, you meant that Ali? Yeah, I thought you meant the other one."
"What 'other Ali,' you jackass?"
"Well, you know. . . The other one."
Christen was beyond frustrated, at this point. She just really wasn't in the mood for Ashlyn's smart mouth, "You know what? Go have fun."
The goalie was a bit confused. She thought she was getting a lecture, but here she now was, getting told to have fun, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, go to Ali. Make out with her. Take her to your room, if you want. Just stay out of my sight, for the rest of the night," Christen spat out the words with a hint of disgust lingering in the tone of her voice, before turning away from Ashlyn and making her way over to Kelley.

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