"She's Mine."

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As Julie walked out into the hallway, she was stopped by Kelley who had been waiting for her outside of the door.
"Um. . . Can I help you?"
Julie clutched her clothes, still in her hands, as Kelley crossed her arms, "Yes, actually. You can give me a good explanation as to why you were in bed with my best friend, and why you're now wearing all of her clothes."
The blonde let out a nervous laugh, "Well, you see, there really is a good reason for that. Christen called me over because of. . . Something. . . And then she asked me to stay the night, but I didn't have any clothes to sleep in, so she gave me some of hers. Then she let me sleep in her bed."
Even though it made sense, it still wasn't good enough for Kelley. Especially considering the fact that they were literally all over each other when she'd walked into Christen's room.
"I don't even know who you are, but I'm telling you now. . . Don't hurt her. I just got her back, and I don't need some nobody taking her away from me."
Julie couldn't help but to laugh, and she started to walk to her dorm room, talking to Kelley over her shoulder, "We're literally on the same soccer team, jackass," and with that, JJ rounded the corner and was out of Kelley's sight.

• • •

As Julie got to her dorm room, she walked inside and quietly closed the door so she wouldn't wake up her roommate, leaning up against it and letting out a breath that she didn't know she'd been holding.
She walked into the kitchen after throwing her clothes on the floor and began digging through the fridge, exactly when her roommate just so happened to be walking out of her bedroom, "Where were you, last night?"
Julie jumped slightly and bumped her head on the door of the freezer as she went to quickly spin around,
"Jesus Christ, Morgan!"
Moe laughed as she walked to the bathroom, leaving the door open so she could still talk to Julie as she did her hair in the mirror, "Good morning to you, too. Oh, you didn't answer my question."
JJ shut the fridge door and walked to the bathroom, leaning on the doorframe as Morgan ran the straightener through her hair.
She crossed her arms,
"I was at Christen's."
The midfielder stopped straightening her hair for a moment and looked over at Julie, arching an eyebrow with a mischievous smile on her face,
"All night?"
The defender nodded her head, "Yeah."
Morgan winked at her before going back straightening her hair, "GET IT!"
Julie shook her head and began walking away, her voice high pitched and cracking, "Weirdo!"

• • •

As classes ended for the day, Christen found herself wandering over to Julie's dorm room. Kelley didn't make any effort to speak to her at all, so she figured she'd hang out with JJ and Moe, until practice. It wouldn't start for another two hours, but Christen was already dressed and carrying her soccer bag with her, so she could leave right from the dorm room and be able to walk to practice with Julie and Morgan.
As Christen reached the room, she knocked on the door and rocked back and forth on her heels as she waited for someone to answer.
Well, Julie was the one to answer the door, in nothing but a pair of shorts and her sports bra, a smile appearing as soon as she saw that it was Christen that had knocked.
Christen flashed a dorky smile,
"Can I hang here until practice?"
Julie nodded and stepped to the side,  Christen stepped in, and then she shut the door.
Moe was on the couch, looking extremely bored, watching TV. She looked over at Christen, and smirked, then returned her attention back to the show that she'd been watching.
The next two hours were spent talking about what the hell Kelley was so upset about. Moe was completely lost, but tried her best to contribute to the conversation. As practice time came around, the three girls gathered up their soccer bags and headed toward the field. The met up with Alex and Tobin along the way, and all five walked together. As they reached the field, they found Kelley taking shots on Hope to warm them both up before the real work started.
Once everyone arrived, coach told all defenders to lineup behind the goal, and all forwards and midfielders to lineup at half field.
The first two defenders up were Kelley and Julie. They got set in their rightful positions, Hope in goal behind them, and waited to see who they'd be up against.
Christen and Alex stepped up, the ball at Alex's foot. Everything switched off, and Christen's mind was focused on nothing but soccer. Alex began running forward with the ball, tapping it back and forth between her feet before Julie trotted up and poked at the ball with her foot, but was too late. Alex had already crossed the ball over to Christen. As soon as the ball had touched Christen's foot, she took off. Kelley got set, and as soon as Christen went to tap the ball to the right and around the defender, Kelley stuck her foot out and tripped Christen, sending her flying and hitting the turf, hard. . . Hard enough for her to try and stop herself from falling by sticking her arms out in front of her, which resulted in a broken right wrist for the striker. Normally, Christen would've gotten up right away and kept playing, but she stayed on the ground, clutching her wrist. Kelley stood there, looking down at her and rolling her eyes before walking away.
Julie, knowing that something had to be wrong for Christen to be on the ground this long, ran over to the striker and kneeled down beside her, getting one look at her wrist before calling the trainers over.
A few stray tears had managed to fall from Christen's eyes and run down her cheeks due to all the pain she was experiencing, looking up and through her crowd of teammates and the trainers to see Kelley walking off of the field and to the sidelines, picking up her water bottle and taking a drink before looking right at Christen and shrugging her shoulders.

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