"Everything That Can Go Wrong, Will Go Wrong."

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The party had ended at some time around 3:00 AM, and everyone made their way home. . . Well, everyone but Ali and Kelley. Ali thought she was being slick, and ended up sleeping in Ashlyn's room. She had waited, until she thought Kelley was gone, to sneak into the keeper's room. She figured Kelley would be too drunk to notice that she was gone, anyway.

Yes, Kelley was hammered. Even though Ali was right to assume so, she didn't think about the fact that this party was at the house of Kelley's best friend. There was no way Christen was gonna let her walk home alone, even if her dorm was just down the hallway. She didn't want her to like, pass out in the hallway before she even got to her dorm room door, or something. So, being the caring person that she is, Christen let Kelley sleep in her bed, for the night. It's not like they hadn't slept in the same bed before. There'd been plenty of times that Kelley had let Christen sleep in her bed, after Christen's boyfriend made her upset. They had always just been comfortable with each other, like that.

'All best friends do stuff like this, right?' the Striker had found herself thinking, the first time she crawled into Kelley's bed.

'I mean, Alex and Tobin do the same thing, and they're just as close to each other as Kelley and I are.' Nonetheless, Christen just shrugged it off and took in the warmth of Kelley's queen-size.

Now, Christen just laughed at the fact that she ever thought that it could be a bit weird. Here she was, helping her drunk side-kick into her bed so that she didn't manage to hurt herself. Though she usually enjoyed the moments like this, she was having trouble feeling happy with the current situation. Not the whole situation with Kelley, but the situation with Ali and Ashlyn. Should she leave them be? Should she make them go back to Kelley and Ali's dorm room? She really didn't know.
All she really wanted to do was curl up by Kelley's side and sleep off the night's events. Which is exactly what she did. As soon as the defender was all set, Christen practically jumped into the bed and fell fast asleep.

• • •

The next morning was a struggle, for poor Kelley. She had woken up with a major hangover, and she honestly didn't even know where she was, until she rolled over to see a sleeping Christen Press by her side. It should have confused her, but it really didn't. She was used to waking up with Christen in the same bed as her. She was even more used to having the sleeping striker's arms draped over her, when she woke up. Christen had a strange habit of just completely spreading herself out, and her arms always ended up wrapped around Kelley. Not that Kelley minded it, or anything.

She'd gotten out of bed and walked right to the kitchen to try and search for some type of food that may make the queasy feeling in her stomach go away. She knew Christen wouldn't mind. After all, she had always been known for making herself at home. The defender went about, digging through the fridge and cabinets until she decided that she might as well just make breakfast for both her and Christen. It'd be perfect, breakfast with the only person who actually seemed to care about her. Nothing could be better, honestly. Everything, aside from the hangover, about this morning would be perfect. . . Or so Kelley thought. As soon as she had taken the bacon and eggs out of the fridge and set them on the counter, Ali walked out of Ashlyn's room.

• • •

"YOU ENCOURAGED HER TO SLEEP WITH MY GIRLFRIEND?" The shout had come from Kelley as Ashlyn informed her that Christen basically told her to hook up with Ali. Christen had just woken up due to the other numerous yells that had come from Kelley, Ali, and Ashlyn.

"I mean. . . Not really. Look, does it really matter? Ali told me that she was planning on breaking up with you, anyway!" Christen felt awful. This isn't something she would ever normally say. Yes, she wanted the relationship between the two defenders to end, but not in this way. Not because of her. . . She wasn't ready for the days of sadness that were bound to attack Kelley. By this time, Kelley had already cut off the relationship with Ali, and Ashlyn and Ali had made their way out of the dorm room, slightly embarrassed and dazed as to what had just happened.

"Yes, actually, it does matter! You're supposed to be my best friend. . . You're supposed to help me out. You shouldn't have approved of that, you know? I just lost the love of my life. And, you know what? It's your fault."

Christen felt like she'd just been stabbed right in the heart. She was about to lose her best friend. She could just feel it.
"Kelley, I'm sorry. I just wanted you to have a good time, which is something that happens not so often, thanks to Ali!"
Kelley was slipping on her shoes as quickly as possible, "If you really wanted what's best for me, you would have stayed out of it."
And just like that, Kelley was slamming the door and stomping down the hallway as tears rolled down Christen's cheeks.

• • •

The rest of the day was filled with anger and a whole lot of tears, for Christen. The anger wasn't directed towards Kelley. Only towards herself. 'Why did I let it happen? What came over me? Why did I need Kelley all to myself, so badly?'
These questions ran through her mind all day long. She couldn't help but believe Kelley when she said that it had all been her fault.
The worst thing was, all Christen wanted to do was make her way to Kelley's dorm room, and crawl into her bed, like she always did, when she was sad. . . Or, like she always used to. . .

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