8. Conflicting Emotions

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Thomas's pov

I've never ever, ever, experienced a more painful walk then the stroll to the actor's trailer Dylan and I would be sharing.

Not only was my leg throbbing (Dylan had taken it upon himself to blame me for our predicament, which inevitably ended with him kicking me in the shin), but I was forced to endure nearly five minutes of his ridiculous complaints as we walked (I can't believe I got stuck with you, how much further, I'm going to talk to Wes, do you even brush your hair because it is a mess in the back).

By the time we reached the small trailer, I was about ready to throttle him.

I didn't even bother waiting for him as I unlocked the door. I pushed the handle, only to find it stuck. I jiggled the handle again, harder this time, but the door refused to budge. Leaning against it, I put my full body weight into pushing the door open, and still, nothing happened. I stepped back with a sigh.

"You gonna open the door, or...?" Dylan teased behind me. I rolled my eyes.

"Trying," I grunted. I heard Dylan tsk behind me, shifting on his feet.

Frustration was starting to grow within me, and in one last attempt, I leaned back, then threw my shoulder into the door again.

A deafening crash breached my ears as the door relented under my weight, opening wide and swinging into the wall inside the trailer. I couldn't catch myself, and before I even registered what happened, I had a face full of carpet. I groaned.

An unfamiliar laugh shattered my discomfort, reminding me of the person who had accompanied me here. I twisted my back to face him, but he wasn't even looking at me anymore. Instead, his head was tilted back, his eyes squinted closed. He was holding the collar of his t-shirt, (still wearing those disgusting clothes from before) and he laughed so carefree, so joyously, like a child experiencing the thrill of a slide for the first time. I found myself captivated by the crinkle of his nose, the faint dimples around his mouth (were those always there?), the peaceful sound that erupted from his lips.

And then I realized what the bloody Hell I was thinking, and I turned back around so quickly, my back cracked.

Dylan had subsided into only occasional bouts of chuckles as he stepped into the trailer, taking care to avoid stepping on my body. I refused to move, taking up a majority of the small floor and not leaving much room for Dylan to stand.

"Comfortable?" Dylan asked, his tone smug.

I flipped onto my back with a moan, glancing up at his figure towering over me. "If I recall correctly, you had a similar entrance when walking into our meeting this morning."

Much to my displeasure, Dylan's smile stayed annoyingly bright as he leaned down closer to me. "Yes, but I made it look cute."

I snorted. Starting to get to my feet, Dylan moved around me, hollering over his shoulder, "Oh yeah, and pull up your pants--your boxers are cute and everything, but I'd rather not barf up my lunch from the sight of your butt."

I fell back to the ground, grasping at the top of my gray jeans in embarrassment.

Dylan stopped at the end of the trailer, not far from where I sat. It wasn't that large, smaller than some of the personal trailers I've had in the past. Eyes wide, Dylan glanced around quietly, soaking in our surroundings. He looked fascinated by the small room, and I almost questioned why, until I remembered that he was still new to all of this, and this was probably the first cast trailer he had ever been in.

"This trailer sucks," I said, voicing my thoughts aloud, "It's so small."

"Do you always have to be so goddamn cynical?" Dylan retorted. His sudden cold tone startled me, and I looked up at him in surprise.

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