Thomas's pov
"I knew it!"
The hallway was still, frozen in ice. Kaya's voice echoed out loud and harsh in the air around us, so knowing, so exasperated yet smug that it graded on my tentative eardrums. A breath too loud may break the stillness, a stumbling step may crumble the tense silence that followed her exclamation. Without really knowing what had happened, I knew I had strolled onto a scene that I had no business witnessing. Something was not right here.
Dylan was not looking at me. Judging by his body language, his every muscle wound tight and ready to pounce, I could tell he was shocked, scared even by my sudden appearance. Kaya, who was pressed against the wall opposite me by Dylan's trembling hands, was glancing back and forth between the man in front of her and myself. Her eyes were exceptionally wide, gleaming with an air of unmistakable understanding.
"I knew all along!" she exclaimed again, her voice still unbearably loud in the horribly tense atmosphere that enveloped us. She struggled against Dylan's hands, trying to escape his hold. Dylan remained stiff, his only acknowledgment that I had even arrived being the stone-like silence that suddenly radiated off of him in waves.
Kaya struggled hopelessly against Dylan's strong form until, utterly defeated, she fell back against the wall. No one moved; I hardly dared to breathe. Kaya angled her head slightly to the left, fixing Dylan with a scolding stare. A beat passed, the conversation between them as silent as a cat poised to pounce, and then Kaya turned her head away. Her piercing blue eyes met my confused brown pair, and with the intensity of a thousand suns, she stared again. I wanted to look away but I couldn't; her eyes cast a spell on me, binding me in place. I knew she was trying to tell me something but couldn't say it aloud, not with Dylan standing so close. The desperation in her glare made me wish I could read her mind, but I couldn't. I shook my head, completely at a loss.
Kaya's frustration quickly became clear. She groaned out loud, shaking her head at my supposed stupidity. She cast a fleeting glance up at Dylan again, before her resistance crumbled, and she broke whatever silent oath she had made with him.
"Thomas!" Kaya burst, her eyes never leaving Dylan's face. Her next words came out rushed, as if she was forcing them out before she could be stopped. "Thomas, Dylan likes--"
But her voice cut off as she let out an audible "mmph!". Dylan's hand clasped tightly over her lips, prohibiting her from speaking any further. He was trembling now, but still would not look at me. Dylan furiously shook his head, no doubt silently begging her to stay quiet, his desperation evident even with his back turned away.
"What won't you tell me?" I couldn't help but ask as my curiosity peaked. Despite trying my best, I couldn't help but let a small bit of hurt seep into my voice. I thought Dylan trusted me?
Kaya looked anguished when she heard my tone, her eyes widening in alarm. She squealed, something that sounded vaguely like, "No, no, no!" and began fighting away Dylan's hand again. The struggle was almost pitiful to watch; Dylan clearly overpowered Kaya, both in size and strength. But whereas I probably would have given up trying to get out of his grip, Kaya had the ferocity of a lioness protecting her cubs; she pushed and grunted until Dylan's yelp cut through the air, shaking his hand in pain. I couldn't help but smile; Kaya had bitten him.
"Thomas, it's not like that! It's that he--"
"Kaya, stop!"
Dylan's voice suddenly rang out in the hallway, more desperate and demanding than I had ever heard it before. My eyes flicked from Kaya to him, even though I couldn't see his facial expression. Kaya looked at him as well, though she hid her surprise beneath an exasperated eyeroll.

Welcome To The Media (Dylmas AU)
Fanfiction"You have until everything involving the Maze Runner is over. 5 months. If you can make Dylan O'Brien fall completely in love with you, you win. If you can't, I win." // Thomas Brodie-Sangster, "perfect, heartfelt Hollywood bad-boy," has the entire...