Those Leo Moments... Part One

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Radio: This girl is on...

Percy: *immediately turns it off*

Leo: *crashes through the door* FIREEE!
Wha-hey! Why'd you do that?!?

Piper: *turns radio back on* *changes channel*

Radio: So light 'em UP, UP, UP!

Percy: *turns radio off*

Leo: *lights hands* I'M ON FIIIIREEEE!!!! OH MY GODS! Not again Persassy!

Jason: *turns back on* *changes channel*

Leo: Thank you, Jason! Somebody NICE! *glares at Percy*

Radio: I've got the eye of a tiger, a fighter...

Percy: NOOOOO!


During a test:

Leo: *taking test*
Leo: *circles "yes"*
Test: 'If you circled "yes", please explain.
Leo: *erases answer*
Leo: *circles "no"*
Famous quotes...

"Yo, Coach Supergoat, whatever you are- I just fell down the freaking Grand Canyon! Stop asking for challenges!"
"Gaea? Isn't that Mother Nature? She's supposed to have, like, flowers in her hair and birds singing and deer and rabbits doing her laundry."
"This is Leo. I'm the... What's my title? Am I like, admiral, or captain or..."
"Repair Boy."
"Very funny, Piper."
"I can't summon more gas!" Leo warned. Then his face turned red. "Wow, that came out wrong."
"This whole thing smells of treachery," Octavian grumbled. "That trireme is not a ship of peace!"

"Come aboard, man," Leo offered. "I'll give you a tour. You can steer the boat, and if you're really good I'll give you a little paper captain's hat to wear."

Octavian's nostrils flared. "How dare you-"
Leo remembered what she'd said about gold being easy.
"Handy talent. Lead the way, Miss Metal Detector."
"That way." Echo pointed toward the far shore of the island.

"You want to show us something?" Hazel asked. She climbed down the boulder, and Leo followed.

Even up close, Echo was hard to see. In fact, she seemed to get more invisible the longer he looked at her.

"You sure you're real?" He asked. "I mean... Flesh and blood?"

"Flesh and blood." She touched Leo's face and made him flinch. Her fingers were warm.

"So... You have to repeat everything?" He asked.


Leo couldn't help smiling. "That could be fun."

"Fun." She said unhappily.

"Blue elephants."

"Blue elephants."

"Kiss me, you fool."

"You fool."



"Leo," Hazel pleaded, "don't tease her."

"Don't tease her," Echo agreed.


Leo psyched himself up for an extreme makeover. He summoned some breath mints and a pair of wielding goggles from his tool belt. The goggles weren't exactly sunglasses, but they'd have to do. He rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. He used some machine oil to grease back his hair. He stuck a wrench in his back pockets (why exactly, he wasn't sure) and he had Hazel draw a tattoo on his biceps with a marker: Hot Stuff, with a skull and crossbones.

"What in the world are you thinking?" She sounded pretty flustered.

"I try not to think," Leo admitted. "It interferes with being nuts. Just concentrate on moving that Celestial bronze. Echo, you ready?"

"Ready," she said.

Leo took a deep breath. He strutted back towards the pond, hoping he looked awesome and not like he had some sort of nervous affliction. "Leo is the coolest!" He shouted.

"Leo is the coolest!" Echo shouted back.

"Yeah, baby, check me out!"

"Check me out!" Echo said.

"Make way for the king!"

"The King!"

"Narcissus is weak!"

To be continued...

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