Chapter Three We are in our mom, well um not like that you sick minded

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Luke's POV

Anakin smiles at me. Oh father, you seem so different, not sure how you can ever turn. He looks down turns out I was giving him a look. I didn't mean it. I turn to Leia. "So we need to read on how he turned and who it was. Also you've meet the Sith maybe you'll be able to sense him", she says. I nod.

We get to the Senate temple. Anakin starts talking to Leia's adoptive father, Bail. I saw her smile when she saw him. I hit her arm and she looks at me. I smile at her. "Dont worry if we do this right you will see Alderaan again", I said. 

When we look back at Anakin he's gone. Panic fills me. I start to feel for his presence. But Leia find him first. And start to walk to a column. I follow her.

"Ani, I'm pregnant", a woman says. I look at her. She's beautiful. She looks like Leia, she must be Padmé. I back up a bit and trip on something and fall down. My parents eyes fall on me. "Oh no", Padmé says. My eyes skim her, finding all of the similarities getting the feel of my mother, I have never met her I haven't even seen her, sure the pictures that are up in the Queen's castle gave me an idea but I have never truly looked at her. Anakin narrows his eyes and gives me a mean look.

"You staring at my wife", he says jealously. I shake my head I open my mouth but Leia saves my *ss. "Sorry General", sneering at the last word, "trust me if you really knew us you'd never say that", she says. "Wait a minute aren't Jedi not allowed to marry?", I ask looking at Anakin. My parents go pale. Leia starts to laugh.

"Wow some secret keepers you are, you might want to work on that", Leia says. I look at her. "You guys won't tell right?" Padmé asks her eyes full of worry. Leia helps me up. "On our mother's grave", we say together. Funny how that would work, oh well to late to back out now.

"But we need a place to stay for a bit", I say. Anakin sighs, "fine". I smile


"Wow this place is huge", I say walking into my parent's home. Padmé smiles, "Where are you two from?" "Well I'm from Alderaan but Luke here is from Tatooine", Leia says. They give us a look, "separated at birth", I say. Padmé smiles, "That suck, how did you guys meet again?" She asks. I look at Leia, "Our father brought us together in a horrible way", she says shaking her head. Anakin gives me a look almost like he knows something is fishy.

"Padmé can I talk to you?" He asks. She looks at me. "Of course" and they walk away. After they are out of ear shot Leia speaks up, "I don't think father likes us very much". I nod, "I wonder what they are talking about?" "Us"


Anakin's POV

"Padmé can I talk to you?" I ask my wife. I need to talk to her, alone. She looks at Luke then back at me, "Of course". Then we walk away so the twins are out of ear shot.

"Can we talk about the baby?" I ask. "What's wrong dear?" She asks. "How many months are you?" I ask. "Four", she says. I nod and kiss her. "Hold me like you did on Naboo, when there was no problems", she say. I hug her. "How do you feel about the Twins do you trust them?" I ask.

She sighs, "I feel like I know them". I nod, "there is something about Luke that's for sure, and when I saw Leia I saw your eyes. Maybe because I missed you but it was weird. Then her eyes turned Hazel". She looks down, "Let's get back they are probably wondering what is going on". I nod and walk back.

When we get there Luke and Leia are hovering over a journal. Leia looks up, slams it and sits on it. Padmé walk over, "What's wrong?" "Oh just reading a book", she say. "Then why did you slam it?" I ask. "Cause, um I wanted to", she answers. I raise an eyebrow. She smiles.


Done with chapter 3! Yay! How do you like it? I feel like the next chapter will be a lot more interesting cause youll read journal entries! 

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