Chapter Thirteen Into Action

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Chapter Thirteen: Into Action

Luke's POV

"What's Obi-Wan's status?" Leia asks Anakin as he walks through the door. He looks at her, "Well he found Grievous and is probably fighting him now". We smile. "Good", I say. Anakin looks at Padmé, "How are you doing?"

It's been a couple days since Obi-Wan left. And with less then a week before we are born let's just say Padmé isn't doing very well. I guess that's what happens when you are a stressed out almost mother. She doesn't want to raise us without Anakin. And if we can't save Anakin we will do are best to save Padmé.

"I'm well could be better", Padmé says. Anakin smiles, "How's the baby?" Padmé looks down, "that's what I wanted to talk about, Anakin I think we are having twins". Anakin's eyes widen and sets his hands on her stomach. He closes his eyes, "Yep your right, two force presences". Padmé smiles, "Luke and Leia".

Anakin looks at us then back at his wife, "Name the twins after them?" "I wanted to name them Luke and Leia before I met them", Padmé explains. Anakin nods, "I understand, you are carrying the twins, you should name them". Padmé smiles, "you can pick the middle names". Anakin smiles, "for the boy, Luke Obi-Wan Skywalker. And the girl Leia Shmi Sade Skywalker". I look at Leia. These are our full names. She smiles at me and looks at our parents.


"Luke I have to report to him", Anakin tells me. "Well, at least let me come with you", I say. He looks down, "I guess, but I don't think Palpatine will like it". "Well I don't care I don't trust him", I tell him.

Anakin leads me out and we start walking to the chancellor's cabin. "I really like the names you picked out for the twins, but I don't think Luke Obi-Wan really works". Anakin laughs, "ya but I don't know what to name him, I didn't have a father". I look down.

"So why did you want to come with?" Anakin asks me. I shrug, "Dunno just wanted too". Anakin chuckles and knocks on the door. We hear a raspy, "Come in". The door opens and Anakin and I step in.

Sidous turns to look at us, his smile quickly falls when he sees me, "Mr. Groundrunner, I didn't think you'd tag along". I shrug, "I was in the mood to see the ruler of the free galaxy". Palatine shoots me a look, "Drop the tone". "What tone? This is how I always talk", I smile. Anakin looks at me, "we are trying to do something. Try not to upset him". "Do or do not do. There is no try", I reply. Anakin smiles, "Hanging out with Yoda I see".

Palpatine coughs, I roll my eyes. "Oh that's right, Master Kenobi has located General Grievous. He should be fighting him now, I'll let you know if anything else happens", Anakin tells the Chancellor. He stands up and walks over to us, "That's wonderful, with his death we can end this war". Anakin nods and looks down. I look at Palpatine and notice the lightsaber peaking out of his sleeve. I look at Anakin and give him a look to tell him to look at his sleeve.

Are force bond isn't that strong where I can talk to him in his head. If so, I would be screaming at him. When I look back at the Sith Lord his lightsaber is tucked away. I look away, hating that I let that slip.

"We will be going now", Anakin tells the Chancellor. We bow and walk away. When the door closes I speak, "I saw a lightsaber". Anakin gives me a confused look. "Palpatine has a lightsaber", I tell him. Anakin stops walking. I turn to look at him, stopping as well. "He what?" Anakin asks looking at the door. "I saw it, tucked in his sleeve".

Anakin shakes his head and runs back in, "Chancellor can I look you over". Palpatine looks at me when I walk in, "Well I guess". Anakin starts to look in his sleeve and a lightsaber falls on Anakin's foot. He picks it up and turns it on. The red light from the blade lights up the room. Anakin puts the chancellor in cuffs, "Luke go get the council, I think we may of just found our Sith Lord"



Oh cliffhanger! I like how Anakin found out about the Chancellor. But will he help him? That's the point of a cliffhanger!

I might see TFA on Sunday! I really want to see it now.

Btw I'm to lazy to check for errors. But it's okay after this is done I'm going to edit it

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