Chapter Twelve How to save a life

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Luke's POV

We say are goodbyes to Obi-Wan and watch him leave. Leia looks at me, "Luke what if he dies?" "Life is full of what ifs you just don't have to ask them", I tell her. Leia rolls her eyes, "My goodness I just asked a question". I laugh, "we just need to do it without him". "We can't. He doesn't trust us that much", Leia says. I look down, "I know"

We walk in the apartment Padmé looks at us sadly, "what are we going to do?" Leia looks at her with a puzzled look, "What do you mean?" Padmé looks down, "he had another dream, I mean nightmare about me dying in childbirth". Leia and I look at each other, "is that else?"

"He's going to see the chancellor"


Anakin's POV

"Padmé ", I mutter. All I wanted was a good nap. Is that too much to ask? No, that's what I thought. Of course another nightmare of Padmé dying. These are becoming to real. I need to find this Sith Lord and trick him in telling me. I can't lose Padmé she's all I have left. I need her.

I stand up and start walking to the chancellor's room. Maybe he can tell me. After all he seems to know a lot bout him. I move my hand to knock on the door. When someone stops me.


Moments before; Unknown POV

"Anakin is receiving the dream", I tell my master. "Good, hopefully he'll come to us", he says. I nod, "Master, what about the wife. She can't be giving us trouble". He thinks for a moment, "We'll kill her. Then tell Anakin that the Jedi or himself did it. He will fully be apart of the dark side. Our mission will be completed". I nod and bow my head, "Will be down my master", I walk out.

I feel something I've never felt before, pity, for the Jedi's wife. After all, the Jedi took my son from me. They killed him only leaving his head at my doorstep.


Anakin's POV

Luke and Leia catch up to me, "Anakin, where are you going?" Leia asks. "I can't do it", I tell him fighting back tears. The twins look at each other then back at me. After a long silence Luke finally speaks, "you can't see the chancellor, how about we fly?"

Flying. I'm always myself then, happy. I guess I see what Luke is trying to do. I smile, "sure"


Luke and I are heading off to the docks to grab a couple ships. Leia stays with Padmé. For some reason they have been really watching over Padmé. Maybe it's because of the baby. I don't know, not totally sure.

"Ready?" Luke asks. "Have you ever flown a V-wing?" I ask him. He laughs and climbs in the cod pit, "well I only know how to fly something similar. Very similar". I nod and do the same. We start up the ships and fly up to the heavens.

We do tricks and show off our skills. I smile and laugh. Luke laughs as well. And our force bond grows with every laugh. "Alright kid, time to go back", I tell him. Luke laughs, "kid? I'm older then you". We laugh.

Wait, why I'm up here again?


"Man Obi-Wan would have never let me do that", I tell Luke when we are walking back. "Did you have fun though?" Luke asks. I nod, "hey I forgot why we were up there. Could you tell me?" Luke's smile falls, "Anakin, it's best not to tell you. I don't want to have to make you happy again, you should always stay this way"

I look at Luke and nod, "Thanks Luke, your a good pilot". His smile returns, "thanks I get I from my father"

"You don't talk much bout your father, what happened?" I ask. "He was a good man, a Jedi, he did all what his was supposed to, but doing it in a smart *ss way of course. Then he fell in love with my mother. And who wouldn't? She was beautiful, Angel as some people called her. Anyways, they married and, in three years she became pregnant with Leia and I. They had to keep it a secret. But one day he had a vision of her dying from childbirth. He heard that the dark side could save her. So he turned. He did horrible things for his new master, killing the people that he knew. Then my mother tried to stop him and fail, he choked her almost to death. Healers needed to work fast if they were to save Leia and I. And my father and mother are dead all because of the Sith my father became", Luke says.

I look down, "I'm sorry I didn't know, you said he was a Jedi. Who is he maybe I know him?" Luke shakes his head, "I was never given a name. And I have a gut feeling that you know him very, very well"


Padmé runs over to me and I kiss her. "I'd never hurt you", I tell her and I hug her. She laughs, "i know that"


Luke's POV

Leia grabs my arm and leads me in our room, "what is going on?" She hisses. "I told him about our father", I tell her. Leia's eyes widen, "he knows?" I shake my head, "I didn't give any names"

"Well Luke, I think we might of just saved Anakin Skywalker", Leia says


The end! Just kinding. Ha did I freak you out? Anyways, I want to give credit to lucky_ducky_123  for the flying idea. Wait was it you? I'm not sure. Sorry

So this isn't the end cause Anakin is going to find out. In the best way ever *rubs hands together evil like*

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