Where are Ü Now

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Mitch pov

Scott hates me.

At least that's what I think. He's always with Alex. He used to be my best friend. But now he doesn't realize i exist unless i mess up on a note when we sing on tours. He wasn't there when I broke up with Travis last week. I tried to tell him but Alex came over and they left.

We are getting ready for the show we are supposed to do and the first song is "Where Are Ü Now" i get ready and Esther comes in and tells me that we have 2 minutes. I grab my mic and water bottle and walk to the stage. Here goes nothing. (A/n sorry if I mess up on the words)

I gave you the key when the door wasn't open just admit it

See I gave you faith turned your doubt into hope and can't deny it

Now I'm all alone and my joys turned to moping tell me Where are you Now that I need you.

Where are you Now.

Where are you Now that I need you couldn't find you anywhere when you broke down I didn't leave you. I was by your side so where are you Now that I need you. Where are you Now that I need you

I started tearing up and my voice cracked i tried to keep going but I gave up and broke down so I ran back stage.

Scott pov

I wonder what's wrong with Mitch. He just missed that Note. Is he crying? I look at him about to say what's wrong but he runs off stage. We all stop and I run backstage. I search for Mitch and found him in, my. Dressing. Room?

"Mitch? Are you ok?" I asked.

"Why would you care?" He asked.

Mitch pov

"Because you're my best friend."

I scoffed, "Don't seem like it. You don't even know I exist."

"What do you mean?"

"What do i mean Scott? What do i mean? You barely talk to me you're always with Alex. I know he's your boyfriend and all but you don't even say hi to me when you walk in. You Just go to your room change and go Right back out the door. You never talk to me anymore I'm basically Just air. You know why I broke down Scott? Because of you! Where were you when I needed you? When I broke up with Travis cause he cheated? Oh Right you was out with Alex getting drunk or maybe fucking him!!" I said raising my voice tears streaming down my face.

"I'm sorry Mitchie. I-I didn't realize you felt like that. You're my best friend and I love you you know that. Alex is Just clingy and everything is about him. I think I'm gonna break up with him." he said.


"Because I love you a whole lot more." he said then kissed me.

Scott kissed me.

I kissed back of course. When we pulled back Kirstie came running in the dressing room.

"Guys." She said.


"Your mics were on."

Oh fuck


Sorry it took so long my phone is cracked by Pentatonix. Seriously its cracked. Lmao I can barely see. I'm so happy that thing with that kid is over Now I can update for you awesome people oh and for those of you Who wanted to be in the story. I'm gonna post what spots are taken to far so others can see who they want to be.

Also, i'm gonna end every One shot with words from a Pentatonix song so...


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