More Fights

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I just really love fights #sorrynotsorry (apologizes to the Tabitha's in advance)


Kirstie Pov

Ok so apparently some girl named Tabitha wants to fight Esther. Why? I don't know but I'm going cause knowing her she could try something. Just about the whole school knows about it so they probably gonna be there to watch and record.

"If she tryna jump I'm jumping in." I said to Esther as we waited for them her and whoever she with.

"Ok Kirstie. Who recording?" She asked and I pointed at Mitch Scott and Kevin.

"Esther this isn't a good idea....." Her brother and my boyfriend, Avi, said. (A little Kavi cause why not)

"It's not my fault and I wasn't about to chicken out Avi. She wanna fight so let's go."

She walks up with a bunch of other people. 3 other girls and like 15 guys.

"Don't worry the guys just came to watch." She said and they walked to the side.

"Why do you wanna fight Tabitha? I could be chilling with my boyfriend right now."

"That's why. You knew I liked Scott and you went and asked him out." (Add in some Scesther cause again, why not)

"Uhh no I didn't. How am I supposed to know we don't talk or nothing."

"Oh whatever. Come on I wanna get this over with."

Tabitha jumped at Esther and they went at it. I ignored it at first and just started talking to Mitch until others started yelling saying "You can't jump." I turned my head and seen her other friends on Esther. I swear I never ran so fast.

"Damn she got whiplash when she turned her head!" Some boy yelled.

I pushed the two girls off and one of the girls pulled me by my hair and another one hit me in my mouth and damn did that hurt like hell. Why? Because I just got my tongue pierced and she pulled it out.

"Fuck me!" I said and pushed her down. I pushed the other girl off me and jumped on the girl who pulled my ring out.

"Kirstie are you bleeding?" Mitch yelled.

"Yeah bitch pulled my ring out!" I yelled back and punched the girl in her nose.

Me and Esther stood up and i continued to spit out a shit ton of blood.

"I have to go to the emergency room." I said spitting again.

"Ok come on let's go now." Avi said.

"Oh so y'all leaving now?" Tabitha said.

"What you mean? You lost." I said spitting more blood. Shit time to go.

"Yeah whatever. Come on y'all."

*Later after the hospital*

"You ok Kirstie?" Avi asked me.

"Yeah they didn't split too much of my tongue."

"Ew that sounds gross." Mitch and Avi said.

"Well you asked." I said pointing to Avi.

"Come on we're leaving cause this was too much." Avi said walking to the door.

We all left and went home.

Before I went to sleep Avi asked me, "Why would you get your tongue pierced a few days before you were gonna fight?"

"You act like I knew I was gonna fight Avi. I wasn't planning on fighting it just happened. Did you want your sister to get jumped?"


"Exactly. Goodnight."



I'm obsessed with fights ok leave me alone

Yeah I haven't been updating I know. I'm failing my History class and I know that's the excuse I always use "I'm failing a class" y'all gotta understand I love y'all but school comes first I'm sorry

My birthday is in 18 days tho☺ Imma be 15😭 well.... bye bye

Love you mean it! Muah!

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