Merry Christmas

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Merry Christmas guys❤


Avi had been shopping for days. He had to get his mom something, his sister something, Scott, Mitch, Kirstie, Jeremy, Alex, Jake, Wyatt and Olaf something. Plus his boyfriend, Kevin. He had no idea what do ever what to get Kevin. Everyone else he had presents for, but not his boyfriend which he thinks is sad because he knows Kevin got something for Avi.

Avi ran to several different stores looking for something. He got him a couple snapbacks and some clothes. But he still felt like that wasn't enough. He eventually went home kinda sad because he doesn't know what else to get Kevin.

"Babe what's wrong?" Kevin asked from the kitchen.

"Nothing." Avi sighed and sat on the counter top.

Kevin moved to stand in between Avi's legs, "Somethings wrong. Tell me."

"Well I wanted to get you a lot but I only got you a couple things and I feel like it's not enough for you."

"Babe you yourself is the best Christmas present ever." Kevin said and hugged Avi tight.

"Sap. I still want to get you more things." Avi said and hugged back.

"You don't have to. Your love is my present." Kevin smiled.

"Stop being a sap and I'm going shopping in a minute."

"But babeee," Kevin whined, "You just got back. I want to spend time with you."

"I'll be back I promise." Avi said pushing Kevin away and hopped off the counter. He walked out the door on a mission.

*3 Hours Later*

Avi walked in with a smile on his face. He had gotten Kevin the best present ever. What is it? You'll find out tomorrow *winks*

Avi walked upstairs to see Kevin sleeping on the bed sprawled out everywhere. He chuckled and told Kevin to move over.

"Avi is that you?" Kevin asked sleepily.

"Yes it's ok. Go back to sleep." Avi said kidding Kevin's cheek.

Kevin mumbled an ok and fell asleep.


The next day Avi woke up and jumped on Kevin.

"Babe! Wake up! Its Christmas!!!" He said like a little kid.

"Ok ok stop Jumping on me please." Kevin struggled and Avi stopped.

"I want you to see what you got from me." Avi smiled and stood pulling Kevin up too.

He dragged him (sis) downstairs and to the tree.

"Ok open thess first." Avi said and Kevin smiled nodding.

"Aww Avi I told you, you didn't have to get me anything." He said admiring the snapbacks.

"I know but I did because you're my boyfriend and I love you." Avi said and kissed Kevin.

Avi opened a present from Kevin that he absolutely adored.

"Oh my gosh Kevin." He said with tears in his eyes.

Kevin had gotten Avi a locket that had 2 pictures in it. One was when they were together laughing and the other was a picture of them Kissing while fireworks were in the background.

"I love it." Avi said a tear or 2 slipping out.

Kevin kissed him for a few seconds and took another present from the tree.

He opened it and saw some clothes and a little box.

"Umm... Avi?" He said holding up the box.

"Open that." He said with a smile on his face.

Kevin opened it and got teary eyed. It was half a necklace that said "other half" whil Avi had the one that said "He's my".

"Is that why you were him for so long?" Kevin asked and Avi nodded.

Kevin grabbed Avi's shirt and pulled him close kidding him.

"I love you." Kevin said.

"I love you too. Merry Christmas." Avi replied kissing Kevin again.


Ok guys I'm done goodnight. Christmas Smut tomorrow. Tell me what ship I should use.

Love you mean it! Muah!

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