Thirty Four.

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Harry Styles.

The following Saturday came by quite quickly, Alexis and I had spent the morning in bed cuddling and watching morning cartoons on her small TV placed on her drawers in her room until she had to go to work.

"I have the day off," I mumbled, turning over to face her, stood in the middle of the room pulling stockings up her legs.

"You can stay here if you want? I'll be back in three hours," she said, pulling a black skirt over her legs and slipping a military green coloured jacket over her - my - plain grey shirt.

I nodded in agreement, she sat on the bed and pulled Doc's over her feet. It was almost eleven in the morning but I don't think I'd be getting up anytime soon.

After she'd laced her shoes she leaned over and gave me a chaste kiss on the lips and another on the forehead. I pulled her arm so she fell into my chest. "Harry," she said, voice muffled by my chest. "I have to go."

"I love you," I told her. She got out of my grip and kissed me again.

"I love you, just as much." She replied, standing up again. "Bye!" She yelled as she exited the bedroom, closing the door behind her. I heard her close the front door, I smiled and pulled the blankets over my head, falling back asleep.


"Are you seriously still asleep, Harry?" Alexis said, sitting on the bed.

"Mm, what time is it?" I mumbled. Alexis laughed lightly.

"It's two thirty.. You fell asleep when I left, didn't you?" She questioned, I shot her a tired grin. "Maybeee." She scoffed but planted a kiss on my cheek anyway.

"Well, I didn't do much either, the book store was dead."

I didn't reply, just looked up at her and smiled lazily.

"Are we still going out tonight?" Alexis nodded to confirm that we were, I smiled lightly and pulled her into my arms.

"Get out of bed, Harry." She said, laughing lightly, I kissed her neck, trailing my nose lightly over the warm skin. Alexia shivered and I grinned, leaving one last kiss to her neck before pulling back.

"Okay! I'm up!" I announced, pulling the covers off of my body and standing up. I grabbed a pair of sweatpants, pulling them onto my legs.

"What do you want to do until everyone gets here?" She questioned.

"What time will they be here?"

"Well, we're going out at around ten or eleven, so they're going to all come over at about seven for pre drinks, Niall is bringing, uh, what are their names again?" Alexis asked.

"Liam and Zayn?" She nodded.

"Yeah! Those two, and Liam's girlfriend I believe. I haven't really met them before, but they're Niall's friends and you know them, so I don't mind everyone coming here." She told me and smiled, I sighed happily and walked out to the kitchen to make us coffee.

I was leaning against the kitchen bench waiting for the machine when Alexis wrapped her arms around me from behind, "you walk around here like you own the place," she whispered jokingly, I turned around and picked her up, placing her on the kitchen bench, I stood between her legs and put my hands on her hips.

"You don't mind though, do you?"

She shook her head and pulled her bottom lip into her mouth, releasing it before replying. "No." She placed her hands on my bare chest and leant her head up to kiss me. I took another step forward and she wrapped her legs around my waist. I broke away from her but kissed down her neck and along her collarbones, moving my hands up to kneed at her breasts. Alexis sighed in content, letting a short breathless moan leave her lips, just as her hands edged towards the top of my sweatpants the coffee machine dinged. I pulled back and stepped out of her embrace, shooting her a wink and walking to the coffee machine.

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