Thirty Two. *

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Harry Styles.

"I made you this." Alexis said, passing me an a4 piece of paper. I raised my eyebrows, hesitantly taking it from her.

I flipped it over and glanced down at it, there in front of me was a perfectly sketched drawing of myself, smiling with my hand under my chin.

"When did you draw this?"

"I've been working on it since your birthday, I get bored."

"It took you three weeks to do this?!" I asked, raising my voice a little in disbelief.

She shrugged, "it takes some time, but I was working on school and work in general so I didn't have a lot of time."

"I love it," I said, honestly.

This past few weeks hadn't been very eventful, Alexis only recently just started talking to her mum, and her dad just got back in town after being away almost two months with work, and he was coming to Alexis' apartment to see us. I'd met him before and he was a pretty laid back guy, but I hadn't met him as Alexis' boyfriend yet, but I wasn't all that worried.

"Okay, you ready?" She asked, I shrugged and followed her out of my apartment door and we walked up to her floor, she hasn't stayed there all the much, only really staying with me, and when we tried to stay in our separate homes one of us end up sneaking into the others during the night. It was always a nice surprise to wake up with Alexis cuddled up to me.

Once we got up to her floor, her dad was ahead of us, walking down the hallway.

"Dad!" Alexis called, letting go of my hand to jog over to her father, wrapping her arms around his waist.

"I missed you, kiddo!" He said once Alexis had let go of him.

"Missed you too dad, how's work?" Alexis asked as she opened her apartment door, letting us all in, closing the door behind her.

"Yeah good.. I've actually, uh, met someone?"

Alexis paused for a few moments, then nodded happily, "that's great dad, I'm happy for you, what's her name, where's she from?"

"Manchester, which isn't far, it must have been fate honey, I was in New York with work and she was there for a holiday. Her name is Pamela." He explained happily, a grin forming on his face, also Alexis'.

"That's great," Alexis paused for a moment, "well Harry is my boyfriend now, has been for almost three months." She said.

"Don't break her heart, boy." Mark joked with a serious edge. I chuckled lowly.

"Wouldn't think of it," I said, glancing over Alexis who was always looking at me, I smiled at her mouthing an 'I love you' and she mouthed it right back.

"Alright kids, I'm going to go back home, I haven't been there yet I came straight here. Also, have you talked to your mum?" Mark turned to Alexis.

She shrugged, "I hadn't talked to her in almost a month and then she contacted me the other day, she wants to get lunch later today I'm pretty sure, but I don't know."

"You should go, Alexis. She hurt me, but she's still your mum and I'm still your dad, we have our problems, yes, but that doesn't mean you should push her out. Start new?"

Alexis sighed at her dads wisdom, "yeah, I'll really try. Love you, dad."

"And I love you, Alexis. I'll see you all later, good seeing you again, Harry. Take care of my daughter!" My head perked up and I shot him a big smile.

"Of course, Mark!" And with that he closed the door behind him.

Alexis turned to me, and sighed. "Alright, time to deal with the other parent, let's do this." I laughed, placing a kiss to her temple and followed her out of the door.

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