Chapter 2

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I sat there across the table from Lewi nibbling on the fish n chips we had bought to share, "Are you ok lil wilks?" Lewi asked me as he reached across the table and held my hand. I just nodded my head, I didn't want to tell him I got into a small fight with Josh, that would just make him angry and want to confront Josh about it.

Lewi continued to look at me with his blue eyes, "what's wrong Trisha?" Lewi asked me as he continued to hold my hand from across the table. I bit my bottom lip, "do I have to tell you?" I asked Lewi as he took out his wallet to leave a tip for the waitress. Lewi stood up and placed the money on the table, as he never let go of my hand, "come on honey." Lewi said as I stood up. I started to let go of Lewi's hand but it was clear he just wanted to hold y had so I let him.

Once we got out into the car Lewi turned and looked at me, "Trisha I know that face your making, something happened now what is it?" Lewi asks me as I buckled up. I stayed silent for a moment, "I....well...Josh sorta beat me up again.." I mumbled hopefully not loud enough for Lewi to hear. I heard the car start then I felt us moving so I looked up to see Lewi gripping the steering wheel so tight that his knuckles were white, and he hand the face that he makes when he is pissed, "L-Lewi?" I asked in him in a calm yet shaky voice.

Lewi sat there staring at the road as he continued to drive not saying a word to me, "Lewi w-where are we going?" I asked him as I started to get really worried. I knew that this would happen if I told him that Josh beat me up again I knew it. Lewi still had a pissed off facial expression but he wasn't gripping the steering wheel tightly anymore, "We're going to Josh's flat. I'm going to have a little talk with him about him laying his hands on you." Lewi said. I felt the car come to a stop and looked to see that we're at Josh's flat, "is that why you're limping? Is that why you have a cut on your arm? Did he do that to you?" Lewi asked me as he starred at me.

I unbuckled and looked out the window, "yes he did do both of those things to me." I mumbled in an upset tone. I got out of the car and stood there then Lewi got out came around the car and kiss me, "I want you to stay on the porch." He said as we started walking to the front porch of Josh's flat. I was scared Lewi was going to hit him but I just nodded my head and sat down on the front steps. I heard the door open and then a couple minutes later shut, "so what're you doing here?" Charley asked as he sat down beside me. I playful hit Charley in the chest, "you freaking scared the crap out of me!" I said as we both started laughing, "Josh kinda sorta beat me up again and so I've been limping and now have a cut on my arm and I just Lewi and he wants to have a chat with Josh about the whole mess." I said to Charley as I let out a deep breath that I was holding in.

Charley and Jake are my best friends and they even planned lewi's and I's wedding and it turned out beautiful, " know that now he's married to you he won't hit Josh, he doesn't want to hurt you because he knows you don't like we he starts a fight." Charley said to me as I heard yelling coming from the house. Charley put his arm around my shoulder, "that was just Josh." He said to me like he read my mind that I couldn't tell if it was Lewi or Josh.

Just then I heard the front door open, "come on honey let's go home." Leak said to me as he reached down, grabbed my hand and helped me stand up. I looked at Lewi, "what happened in there." I asked him as we started waking to the car.

Once I got in the car I waved at Charley as we drove off, "I told him that he needs to stop beating you up for no reason, that it's wrong to hit a girl and that I don't appreciate him hitting you and I know that Danny, Charley, and Jake don't appreciate it either." Lewi said to me as he glanced over at me. I nodded my head, "he yelled at me that it was the last time so I said ok and walked out." Lewi said as I looked out the window.

London was so beautiful this time a night when the sun is setting, "baby?" Lewi asked me as I broke away from my thoughts, "yeah what is it?" I asked Lewi as he pulled into the driveway of our flat, "I'm sorry he hit you." Lewi said as we unbuckled. I sat there smiling at Lewi then gave him a quick kiss. I jumped out of the car as ran p to the door with Lewi chasing after me, "come on! I just wanna talk." Lewi said to me as I manage to unlock the front door, "you gotta catch me!" I said to him as I started laughing. Just then I felt 2 arms wrap around my waist, "I caught you. " Lewi said making me giggle.

I nodded my head, "let's change into pajamas first yeah?" I said as we started walking up the stairs. I went into the bedroom and got a pair of black shorts and a purple tank too and changed. When I was finished changing I tuned around to see Lewi in basketball shorts and a white tank, "haha wow we think alike." I said as we both started laughing that we were wearing the same outfit just different types.

I jumped into the couch as Lewi sat down beside me, "I wanna talk to you about what we heard on the radio on the way to the restaurant." Lewi said to me in a calm voice.

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