Carool's POV ._______________.
I am really, really, really nervous. Right now I'm searching for Ray to tell him the news. As long as he doesn't leave me we will be fine. I'm walking along the huge hallways of the castle, when I see Ray hugging another girl. She had pretty blond hair, a nice built busy, and green eyes. She was really pretty. Jealousy was running trough my body. Who is she? Why is she hugging my boyfriend? Who does she think she is to be hugging the princess, soon to be queen's boyfriend? There was only one way to find out and that was asking the boy.
"You two, separate" I screamed using my charm-speaking. Their eyes change to Amber color, they left themself go that instant.
"Yes princess" They reply in unison. I turn around, mad at what I had seen. The only destination in my mind was with my best friends. They were waiting for me in my room.
Kailee POV ._____________.
I've being waiting for a while now, when the door burst open.
"I don't want to hear it" screamed carool, not looking at anything in particular. Tears were trying to come out of her eyes.
"Just let me explain" said Ray in a calm tone. If he did something to her I will make sure he never sees the light of day. FOREVER. And when I say for ever, I really mean FOREVER.
" I don't care anymore" screamed carool turning around to face Ray.
"Is my..."
"Stop, I don't care!"
"Wait what?" Asked carool with curiosity.
"She is my cousin" explained Ray "her name is Renae, she came here to meet you since you are my girlfriend." Carool's face was redder than a tomato, if that's even possible, she cover her face with her hand.
"I'm sorry Ray" she said, after some minutes of silence. " I shouldn't have been jealous, is just that she was a really pretty girl and....." She started to cry. Pregnancy hormones maybe?
"Don't cry princess" Ray comforted her " do you think that I would leave you for another girl? You should think twice that cuz I'm pretty sure that I wouldn't." They hugged. That was so romantic! I wish my beloved Luke can be that romantic. Unfortunately, I don't see him much since he works as a marine. Maybe, when he comes back from Afghanistan carool can meet him.
"Do you love?" Asked Ray after carool stopped crying.
"No" joked Carool.
"Are you sure?" Ray asked getting closer to Carool.
"Really, really sure?" He asked getting even closer.
"Y-y-yes" she replied stammering. By now their faces were only inches apart.
"Are you really, really, really sure?" He asked, now their noses were touching.
"In pregnant" carool blurred out.
"What!?" Shock was written all over Ray's face.
"Ray, I'm pregnant, you are going to be a dad." Carool said with the most confident tone I've had ever heard come out of her. Ray extended his hands and wrapped them around carool's waist. He pulled her close and hugged her.
"I'm so, so, so, so..........( 10 thousand so's later(spongebob way) happy!" He screamed. "I'm going to be dad, I'm going to be dad..." He started cheering and dancing weirdly. I couldn't help but laugh at his Childness.
He hugged carool again but, this time he kissed her passionately on the lips. I looked away, that remains me so much of Luke. I haven't see him over a year and it's driving me crazy! "You don't know how much I miss you Luke" I murmured " I hope you come back soon."
After all the congratulations and stuff. We decided to go eat at the pizza palace, since that is were the pregnant women wanted to go. After we arrived and order our food, carool's phone rang.
"Yes this is princess Denae, how can I help you?................what!!....okay thank you bye." She turned around smiling. "Guys I have awesome news" we all looked at her "we are going to Paris!"
"What!" We said in unison, she laugh.
"I need to sign some papers and go to some metings. We will be in Paris for about four weeks, after that four weeks past, in the Friday of the fith week, I will be crown as vampire queen!" We all cheered. "We leave tomorrow morning by the way" she added.
After we all ate, we went to our own rooms and start packing. It didn't took much time since the slaves were helping us do that. After I finished packing I watched tx the hole night ( since I am a vampire, I can't sleep) and waited patiently for tomorrow.
Carool's ._______________.
After I finished packing, I went in search for Vanessa and tell her the news. I found her talking to Aglaee about magic? That's weird since Aglaee is just human. Well, I think.
"Vanessa" I said after her and Aglaee said their good byes. "I need to talk to you, come to my room" we walked quietly through the hallways until we reached my room. I opened the door to reveal my beautiful king size bed and stuff. After Vanessa got inn, I closed the door behind me. "What's up" said Vanessa casualty. We haven't talk in days, she is always with that girl, Aglaee. She is really cool and everything but, I can tell she is hiding something. I just don't know what.
"Well....." I said " I'm leaving for a princess business so, you are staying here. Kailee, Gabriela and Ray will come with me. You will be by your own the four weeks I will not be here. Please for what ever reason. Dot get in truble because, I will not be here to protect you. They will punish you. Do you understand me?" I asked. She nodded slowly.
"Okay" she finally said. " have fun in wherever you are going." She hugged me.
"Just promess me you will be okay. Okay?" She asked me.
"I promess. Promess me that you will not get I'm truble. Okay?" I aced her pulling away.
"I will do my best" she said. We said our goodbyes and went to sleep.
My biggest mistake was live her by herself for four weeks.
hey guys! Sorry for not being hable to update. My iPad got glitch and I wasn't able to repair it. Plus I took it to school this morning and someone took it. My luck. Now I'm updating in my friends iPad but, it easnt the same. I've being really depress with all the bad luck and the hate that life has for me I've being having that I have being having problem with school and stuff. For a 13 year old, it is hard!I hope you guys like this chapter all though it is not that good. NEXT CHAPTER WILL HAVE A SURPRISE!! I will update as soon as I can. Remember to like, comment, subscribe and share the story. Thank you!
-frida out.

Change The Past
WerewolfVanessa and Carol where 15 years, almost 16, year old girls that have a dark secret. After both of them had their first "shift" something unexpected happen to them. " don't touch her" Carol screamed running towards me. " Carol is not worth it, just...