Carol's POV ._____________.
I woke up with images of last nights event. A smile started forming on my lips. Why does he make my feel this way? I know I am barely seventeen and I'm already pregnant and i'm getting marry but think about it, What if I'm not the one that wins the war? What if I'm the one that dies? I, honestly, want to leave the fullest before anything of that happens. Have you ever heard the saying live the moment? Well, that's what I'm doing.
"Good morning baby girl" I heard a deep, sexy voice say besides me.
"Good morning my sexy vampire" I said, kissing his lips. He lazily smiled at me, and kiss me back with the same passion I did.
"What are you planning on doing before our wedding?" He asked me, standing up and walking to pick up his cloths. I smiled checking him out one more time before saying - "getting ready for the wedding, what else?" I stood up and walk to pick up my cloths from the floor. I could feel his eyes burning my back.
"Just.....have fun" I heard him say. I finished dressing and walked downstairs.
"Good morning girls" I greeted gaby and Kailee who were setting in the couch watching tv.
"Bonjour" they saluted in French. Did I told you that this girls are from France? Well they are so, sometimes they will talk to me in that language and I wouldn't understand a thing.
"Comme ça va?" I asked them, awkwardly.
"Tre bien merci" answered Gabriela walking towards the kitchen. With my vampire reflexes, I saw that Kailee was about to say something. Before that something come out of her mouth I stopped her.
"Please" I yelled, making her jump and look at me "before you say something else, I want it in English or Spanish. That's to much French for me. For now." I walked and took a sit besides her. I saw that she nodded and started talking.
"'s it going?" She asked looking back at the tv. They were watching a movie about this girl that was kidnapped and his dad was looking for her. I've seen it a thousand times, that I even knew the dialog.
"I'm fine" I said.
"That's good" we were quiet for a pretty long time just watching the movie.
"I will look for you, I will find you then I will kill you" I murmured under my breath. Kailee started laughing at me.
"Wow" she said between her laugh "you actually sounded more deathly than that guy" she pointed at the tv.
"Hey" I said "I've been practicing." She nodded and look back at the tv.
"Girls." Gabriela walked towards us "the Queen called me. She said that her plane will land in 30 minutes. "
"Why did she called you and not me?" I ask
"She said she did but you didn't answer"
"Oooh" it was true, I left it in my bedroom with Ray.
"Carol, where's Ray?" Asked Kailee looking away from the tv.
"His still asleep" I said
"Did you forgot that we vampires don't sleep?" Shit! I did
"You still have so much to learn" we kept watching tv until I heard soft footsteps going down the stairs.
"Good morning girls" yawned Ray, stretching his arms "how's life?"
"Why did you act like you slept?" I asked him, avoiding his question.
"Cuz I did"
"How?" Asked Gabriela curiously "vampires can't sleep"
"Actually" he shamelessly said "I can. I 'accidentally' bit Carool last night and my heart started beating."
"So, if you guys bite me, your heart starts biting?"
"I think that if somebody else bites you, they will die."
"Why didn't you die? Not that I wanted you to but– why?"
"Because I'm that special." He wiggled his eyebrows.
"Ooh really?" I asked standing up and walking towards him. "You think your more special that me?" I walked towards him until we were face to face.
"Maybe?" He mumbled looking around for help.
He looked at Gabriela and she shrug "don't look at me, I don't wanna get in Carols bad side"
"Yea" I said "you should think about what you say before saying them"
"If I say I'm sorry, will you forgive me?"
"I don't know, should I?"
"Yes, you should. Since we are getting marry pretty, pretty soon-"
"Shut" I said jumping back "we were supposed to pick up the queen from the airport" I looked at the clock "we were supposed to pick her up at 10 minutes ago. Let's go" I ran with inhuman speed upstairs and grab my purse and keys.
"Are we going in the limo?" Asked Gabriela when I reached downstairs, "no" I smirked "we are going on my La Ferrari"
After getting on my la Ferrari and reaching the airport, we had a 40 minute lesson on you-should-never-in-your-life-be-late-much-less-when-a-queen-is-waiting talk. We drop the queen in her 5+ star hotel and went to pick up Gaby's beloved. Kailee was really sad since her mate didn't make it to the fly.
"Don't worry" I kept repeating to her "he might just be late"
"I hope..."
I left the guys back in our house for their "party" which, I don't wanna know what they are gonna do, and went shopping for my wedding dress.
We found a beautiful store call: "Dress For Success" where they had millions of different types of dresses. From casual dresses to wedding dresses.
"Well" I heard Kailee squeal "let's get the shopping started"
This is gonna be a long day....

Change The Past
WerwolfVanessa and Carol where 15 years, almost 16, year old girls that have a dark secret. After both of them had their first "shift" something unexpected happen to them. " don't touch her" Carol screamed running towards me. " Carol is not worth it, just...