Chapter Twenty-five.

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I went back to school, even though I seriously didn't want to. I dressed like a slob to show how shitty I felt. I did my routine, going to my locker and grabbing my books. My first class was with Caelan - or Mr.Clarke, which I have to call him at school - so I figured there was no harm in heading down early. In fact, I felt safer with him. I got to my class and sat down at my desk. I sat there thinking about recent events. That got me wondering, "Did Alice only try to befriend me because of Caelan? If that's true, which it probably is, what am I going to do now? I wouldn't have any friends, just another hater. What about Mia? I haven't talked to her in a while. Maybe-"

The bell interrupted my thoughts. I figured I would just ignore everyone so I wouldn't have to confront her, or anyone else for that matter, about what went down with us. Caelan walked into the room and smiled at me. I gave him a slight smile in return and looked back down at my hands.

My class filled and the lesson began. The bright side is, Caelan doesn't call on me for answers anymore. When the class was over, I walked out of the class, not looking back at Caelan. I felt someone tap my shoulder as I was walking through the halls. I dreadfully turned around to see Alice standing there.

"I need to talk to you," Alice said. I didn't say anything, I simply followed her somewhere private so we could talk. 

"Breakup with Caelan."

"What? No!"

"Or else."

"Or else what?"

"I'll tell Caelan what you did."

"Care to tell me what I did this time?"

"You kissed Mia after you told Caelan you loved him! If I'm not mistaken, I believe you guys were together at the time."

"Do you have people stalking me or something?!"

"Hm, I have my sources. It comes in handy during times like this."

Fuck, again? Why was my life always filled with drama? I didn't want to do it, but I didn't want Caelan to know what I did. 

"Fine, I'll do it."

"Good. You have 24 hours. Have fun!"

She gave me an evil smile before she began to walk away from me. What was I going to do? It's not like I can just let this happen! I love him. I did love Mia, but not as much as I loved Caelan. I dragged my feet as I walked to my next class. This could not be happening to me. After my classes, I started to walk over to my locker to pack up to leave. I was not staying for the rest of the day. Besides, there was some special presentation going on so it didn't matter if I attended anyway. The people filling the halls seemed to vanish before a full word was even able to leave my mouth. As I approached my locker, I slowed down and just stared at the clutter around my locker. It turned out that someone thought it would be funny to break into my locker and trash all my stuff. I worriedly looked through all my things to see if they did anything to my favourite photo, one of me and my sister, Riley. We used to be really close. We don't really talk anymore ever since I left, but I did miss her. She could be a bitch, like Klaudia is, but isn't everyone sometimes? I found the picture torn into pieces. I collapsed onto my knees and burst into tears. I sat there on my knees just crying for what seemed like forever until someone saw me. 

"What's wrong?! What happened?" I heard a familiar voice ask me. It sounded like it was Caelan. He always had to see me at my worst times. I looked up and I saw that I was correct. I started crying even harder than before so he came to sit beside me to try to comfort me. No, the picture wasn't the only reason I was crying. Just the way I was treated. If people really didn't like me that much, why would they go to all that trouble? I held the picture close to my heart and cried while Caelan comforted me. When I my crying had calmed down a little bit, I told Caelan what happened. 

"Someone did this to me. Someone always does this to me."

I showed him my picture and explained it to him. 

"We'll find out who did this, I promise. "

"Don't bother. Nobody will care."

"I care!"

"Thank you, but how are you going to do anything?"

"Just wait and see. Now let's clean up this mess."

Caelan helped me clean up my locker and he closed it tight and locked it. 

"I suggest you get a new lock tonight, by the way," Caelan suggested. I nodded and he leaned in and kissed me. 

"I love you, Reese. Nobody can ever change that."

"I love you too."

I suddenly remembered what Alice wanted me to do. I didn't want to do it, but what other choice did I have? A brilliant idea popped into my head just before I was going to tell him that I couldn't be with him anymore. 

"Uh, Caelan? "


"Can I tell you something?"

"Of course. What is it?"

"Alice told me to break up with you and I told her I would because if I didn't she would tell you that I kissed Mia while I was with you."

I tried to say it as quickly as possible in one breath. He just stood there looking at me. At first I thought he was mad at me. 

"Okay. You don't have to listen to her, you know."

Did he not hear what I had just said? I cheated on him!

"Did you not hear what I said?"

"I heard every word. I don't care what you did, that was the past. All that matters is now."

I sighed with relief and smiled at him. 

"Okay, I'm glad," I said.

"Come on, I'll walk you home."

Home. I liked that. No, not the place where I lived my entire life. Not where my mother and sisters lived. But a place where I felt safe and where I was accepted. Where I was loved. I couldn't wait to go home, for once in my life.

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