Love in the clouds

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Jen's POV~

"Fight!" yelled Louis Tomlinson. Not now Louis! Did he realise that he was lighting the spark to a fight. Not just any fight. Liam was getting hurt, and he is just my friend. Why can't Zayn and his jealous ass just realise that!

"Fight!" Louis yelled again. Ugh. I hate fights. They make me feel like i'm going to pass out. Surprisingly Liam pushed Zayn back. 

With a nasty frown on his face, Zayn step forward and blasted a punch on Liam's face. Blood oozed out. "No!" i muttered. This was sick. I stepped forward but two pairs of hands firmly held me back. I turned my head around to see Harry and Niall grinning evilly. 

"No! Stop! Let me go! Someone has to stop them!" Everyone ignored me. Liam turned blood violent red and swooped Zayn down to the floor. Then he threw rapid blows to Zayn's face. I did not know that Liam was capable of doing this. Even though I was mad at Zayn, he still was hurting him.

"Stop!" i yelled once more struggling to be free from Harry and Niall's grasp. Zayn got back up acting unaffected by Liam's move and kicked him in the stomach! It was too painful to look. Liam fell to the floor and clutched his stomach. He could not bear anymore hits.

Zayn stepped forward like and angry bull. He was going to "finish the job"!  He lifted his leg ready to deliver another painful kick and leave an "unbreathing" Liam on the ground to celebrate his victory.

"NO!!!" i shouted so loud. Everyone heard and they stared at me, including Zayn and Liam. I was free of Harry's and Niall's grip. I rushed in front of Liam, blocking Zayn from attacking him. Of course, Zayn did not dare to move. 

"Zayn stop! Please! You have to understand! Me and Liam are just friends! Just friends!" I haven't noticed, but now i was sobbing. 

Zayn cupped his hands to my face and wiped my tears away. "Prove it." he said softly. Without a thought I locked my lips into his.

Zayn's POV~

  I was confused and sad. Those feelings led to frustration, which led to anger, which led to violence. Violence that I took out on Liam.

I was surprised of Jen's sudden outburst. "NO!" she screamed right before i was about to finish off Liam. "Zayn stop! Please! You have to understand! Me and Liam are just friends! Just friends!" she sobbed.

I felt completely stupid. Why didn't i just listen to Jen's point of view? Why don't I ever listen to her? Do I treat her bad? Does she hate me now? Listen to yourself Zayn!  my conscence screamed. Of course she hates your guts! You just pounded her best friend!

Without thinking, I pulled Jen close to me and mumbled "Prove it." And as quick as i knew it, Jen's lips were locked onto mine.

Jen's POV~

So after everyone recovered after the fight, Liam, Zayn and I talked things out and i forced Zayn to apologize to Liam and Liam to apologize to Zayn. It didn't matter to me, they both got to beat each other, so I don't care who got the most beats.

It was so adorable, when they had to apologize to each other. They acted like they had to jump off a cliff. I mean, its just one meaningful word. Sorry. Why was it so hard for them to say it? 

I guess they were embarrassed or something. I didn't even know why. No one is even around except just the three of us. Maybe it brings down their "ego" or something.

After both boys grumbled an apology to each other and became friends, everyone went home. As soon as I got to my room, i collapsed onto my bed, exhausted and ready to "hit the hay". 

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