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Zayns POV~

...Harry - oh cuz i saw her with another guy

Harry- Zayn?

Harry- hellooooooooooooooo...


I was to shocked to reply. Oh god! Is this it? Is it over? What me and Jen had is now gone. Because me and my dumb ass had to leave Jen in the park. I know realised it. Woah! I can't believe how much of a jerk i have been to her!

I let out a big sigh and leaned back onto the wall behind me. Slowly, i slid down and cupped my hands in my face. Tears slid down my cheek.

No. i thought.  I have to man up. I can't just spend the rest of my life crying. I can't let her go. I can't go soft.

Energy sparked in my body. Adrenaline flowing. Muscles tensing. I am going after my girl. I am going to get her back. And when I do, I'll beat the crap out of that guy that stole her from me.

Jens POV~

Liam is really sweet. We started hanging out alot at school. Even outside of school. I guess you could call us bestfriends by now. 

Its been a week and i have been ignoring Zayn. He went back to his house just incase you wanted to know so yeah. He has been sending flowers and cards and chocolates and stuff. Yeah so special! No one has ever thought of that! (note the sarcasm).

Well at first i kept a few flowers but then i just got sick of them, even though they were really nice.

Then Liam and I had a great idea! Why waste nice flowers that a jerk is using to ask for your forgiveness when you can make some quick cash out of them! I have to give Liam credit though, it was mostly his idea. Believe it or not, this week we made $250.00 "Liam and Jen's Flower Garden!" and split it between both of us! Seriously, you cannot believe how much flowers Zayn has bought me. Of course Liam does not know where these flowers came from. One nice day, we were selling like hot cakes and Zayn saw me! He didn't say anything though. Anywayysss...

This weekend, when I was bored, I called Liam.

Its ringing... it's ringing. I was pacing my room back and forth.

"Hello...?" said a deep boyish voice.

"Uhh... Liam? Hey it's me Jen!" I replied.

"Oh yeah! Hey Jen! Ya its me Liam." he replied.

"Oh hey. So i'm bored! Wanna go to our  flower shop today?" i asked.

"Nah. I don't feel like going. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Yeah it's okay. i'm sooo bored right now." I replied.

"Oh. Um. Do... you... uh... wanna like... uh... comeover? No ones home" he stuttered. Oh god i did not know what to say. I've never went to a guys house when he was home alone.

"Sure!" i managed to blurt out. 

"Oh... ok... cool." He mumbled.

"Ok i'll be there in 10 minutes." I replied before hanging up the phone. Liam doesn't live far away. I could just walk to his house in like... well 10 minutes. I changed into a grey tanktop and blue denim shorts with my grey converse to match. I left my straight hair down since it was still wet when i washed it. I applied some makeup, grabbed my keys and jogged out the door. 

10 minutes later, I found myself at Liams front door. His house was big... really bigggg!

I don't know why but the butterflies in my stomach were having a party or something in there. Why was I so nervous?

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