Chapter 2

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Niall's P.O.V.:
The rest of school was rather uneventful. Except that Louis layed a thumbtack on Mr. Brendon's, our History teacher, chair.
Good lord, you should've seen the pain on his face. It was quite entertaining.

I walked to my locker to put my books away and start my way back home. Harry, Liam and Louis were already gone because I had to satisfy my human needs aka use the toilet. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Zayn standing a few lockers away from me. Should I go talk to him now? I mean nobody's stopping me. The guys are probably at their homes by now. But what if he's really dangerous? What if these rumours are true?

I probably should know better than to believe rumours. But Harry's my friend, hell best friend even, he wouldn't lie to me.
Maybe it's just a misunderstanding? But how could 'beating a kid so badly it had to go to the hospital' be a misunderstanding? Ugh, I'm just overthinking things again. Why am I always overthinking things?
I walked, timidly on the inside but hopefully confident on the outside over to Zayn. Oh god, why was I doing this again?

"Hey, you're Zayn, the new guy right?", I asked and I thankfully didn't sound scared. Thank you super-confident-me!
He looked a bit suprised at me and said:"Uh, yeah. You're Niall right?" - "How do you know my name?" I was curious, I never mentioned my name. Zayn had to supress a smile at my reaction. "Ms. Greyson called you by your name this morning." Great. Now I just made a fool out of myself. Why do I always make a fool out of myself? "Oh yeah, right. So... how was your first day?" - "It was alright. Besides History. I hate History. And I suck at it too." He was actually nice. I wondered if what Harry said was true. But I couldn't just ask Zayn. That would've been rude. "Yeah I hate that too. And Mr. Brendon is such a dick. He always picks me in class for the hardest questions." I really couldn't stand Mr. Brendon. He was a downright asshole. I looked at Zayn. There was something about him, I couldn't quite put my finger on it. He seemed totally nice to me. Sure he wasn't the most smiley person. But maybe he was just shy. I'm shy too around people I don't know.

I snapped out of my thoughts as I saw Zayn saying something. "Uh sorry what was that? I was kinda lost in my thoughts", I apologized my cheeks turning into a reddish colour. Heck, why couldn't I have skin like Zayn, then it wouldn't stand out that much if I blushed.

"I was saying we should maybe get going. The school's almost completely empty." I looked around and he was right. There were only a few people left, talking with their friends at their lockers like we were. Wait were we friends? I guess not. We just met. What am I thinking again. Gah! What's up with me today? I hate first school days. Everyone's so fucking happy it was affecting my health. People shouldn't be happy about going to school.

"Oh. Yeah. Uh.. see you tomorrow, I guess." - "Yeah bye." With that he shut his locker shut and walked out the schooldoors. Me staring after him deeply in thought. Maybe I should ask Harry what other things his friend Nick knows about Zayn.


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