Chapter 3

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Niall's P.O.V.:
After I got home and ate something, I walked upstairs into my room and got onto my laptop. I still wanted to ask Harry about Zayn. Not that I'm obsessed with him. I'm just really curious. Because the Zayn Harry told me about and the Zayn I just met almost an hour ago surely didn't fit together. I logged into facebook and saw I had a new message from Louis.

Louis: Hey, we gotta pay back that lame excuse of an 50 year old man Mr. Brendon! u in?

I laughed at him and quickly wrote back.

Me: He's 40 Louis! haha. but yeah I'm in. What we planning? Maybe put glue to his chair? I wanna see those trousers off!

Louis: Eww! You pervert. Didn't know u were gay! But that's a good idea.

Oh god... why do I always have to be so embarassing? I should really remember that, think before you hit send.

Me: I didn't mean it like that and you know it!!! Besides I'm not gay! But anyway you gonna bring the glue?

Louis: Sure you're not ;) okay see you tomorrow I promised my little sis' I would play with them... argh... never making promises again.

Me: Okay have fun ;) haha

Good thing I didn't have a little sister. Not that I didn't like Louis' sisters, they're so cute! I just didn't want one for myself.

I saw that Harry was online too. Should I asked him now? You know what? I'm just gonna do it. Not that anyone thinks I'm anywhere near sane anyways.

Me: Hey Harrrrrrrrry!

Harry: Hey Nailllllllllllllllllllll!

Me: You're so funny!! I srsly can't stop laughin' *note sarcasm there*

Harry: Aw. You love me!!!!!

Me: Sure do ;)

Harry: So what's the reason you messaged me?

Me: You know me too well :3 I wanted to ask you about Zayn. Did Nick say any other things about him? You know so I can see what I shouldn't do to piss him off or something like that...

Harry: So now it's just 'Zayn and not 'Zayn the new guy' or 'that Zayn guy'? ;) haha. No but srsly u really should stay away from him. He's no good news. Nick said he once even punched a teacher because the teacher said something he didn't like, something like that. And he said he heard that he was at least 5 times at the police station. And that he's also involved wit drugs and that he started smoking when he was 14.

I sat back in my chair and breathed heavily out. That was a lot to take in. I mean that couldn't be true, right? At least not all of it.
He seemed like a rather nice person to me.

Me: Oh... okay thanks Harry. And I won't get involved with him, I promise. I'll see you tomorrow. Louis and me planned something for Mr. Brendon that old prick!

Harry: Okay, I trust you with this Niall. But you're as innocent as a baby penguin so I won't have to worry ;) And what have you and Louis planned? I wanna know!

I was relieved I could change the subject. I wasn't so sure about not getting involved with Zayn. I really wanted to know if he's like Harry said Nick described him. But what if he was? Was he going to hurt me?

Me: You'll just have to see it yourself tomorrow. Bye mate!

With that I logged out and put my headphones from my Ipod on.
Should I really take the risk and keep in contact with Zayn? But even if I'm going to do it. I can't do it in public because I promised Harry. He wouldn't be too fond of it if I broke that promise.


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