Chapter 17

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Niall's P.O.V.:
"Niall! Wake up you sleepy head!" I heard my brothers voice from far shouting at me. "Wha?" I groaned, groggily opening my eyes to his blurry face above me. "Get up Niall, breakfast's ready." He said ruffling my hair. I swear to god I was so tired.
"What time is it?" I asked him. "It's 11 o'clock. Now hurry up for breakfast." I grumbled again. "Why are you waking me up so early on a Saturday?" - "Because Mum made breakfast. Now come on!" He took away my blanket, threw at the other end of my room and then wlaked out.
Why can't I sleep late on the weekend just once? I grumpily stood up and stomped over to my blanket, picked it up an made my way back to my bed.
But I guess I stood up too quickly, because I saw a few black dots in my vision. After I laid down again I almost immediatly fell back asleep.

"Fucking hell! Niall, wake up!" Can't anyone just let me sleep for one minute? "Go away Greg. Nobody likes you." I whined keeping my eyes shut. I was having such a nice dream. I couldn't remember it quite well. But I still knew that it was something about Zayn, and that Harry, Liam and Louis were in it too.
"You have a visitor here. Now just get your fat ass up! You lazy rat!" I felt him grap my ankles from under the blankets and as fast as I could, I grabbed the headboard of my bed. I wouldn't let him ruin my quality time with my bed. "Just tell them I'm ill." I groaned and felt already a bit more awake. Damn him.

"Why don't you just tell him personally?" I snapped my eyes open and looked over to my door. My grip on the headboard loosened as I saw the perfect frame of Zayn standng there.
Before I know it, I was pulled off my bed and lying on the ground. "Fuck!" I groaned in pain, "Was that really necessary?" I looked at Greg with a displeased expression.
I heard Zayn chuckling from the door, making me look at him angrily, even though I wasn't really mad at him. "I'll just leave you two alone." He walked out the door, Zayn making space for him, but turned around once more. "And by the way. Mum and Dad are pissed, because you didn't show up for breakfast."

Once me and Zayn were alone I sat up rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "Great." I mumbled, before getting up and stretching myself.
"You really sleep long huh?" Zayn said smirking at me. I smiled sheepishly and nodded. "I, uhm like your style." I looked at him confused, then at my clothes.

Dear lord. I was in boxers. At least I had a shirt on tonight. I was so glad I didn't sleep completely naked. My eyes went wide only imagining this.
 "Uh... I'm gonna put some clothes on." I stuttered, getting up and walking to my closet to pick some clothes. After I got them I quickly disappeared out the door to the bathroom, leaving Zayn awkwardly behind.
While I was in the bathroom I quickly brushed my teeth before putting a pair of sweatpants and a new shirt on. I didn't even try fixing my hair, we weren't going out anyway, I hoped.

Whe I was back I saw him sitting on my bed. "So why did you come here?" I ask him, walking over and laying beside him.
"I told you I was coming today." He replied and smirked at me. I nodded and got under the covers again, nuzzling my head in my pillow and closing my eyes.  Luckily my everything was still warm... hmm.

"Don't go back to sleep Niall." Zayn whined and tried to take my blanket away from me. Why did people always do that? I asked myself annoyed.
"But I'm tired." I complained, when he finally ripped the blanket from my grasp. "Well, I'm not. Stop being so selfish." I reluctantly opened my eyes again to see where he had put the blanket. Of course the other side of the room. "I'm not selfish. I just like to sleep and cuddle." I moaned and pulled him to me so I could at least cuddle with him if not with my blanket.

"But I don't want to cuddle." He groaned. I just put my fingers up to his lips and 'shh'ed him, while snuggling into his side. Zayn eventually gave in and wrapped one arm around me. "You're warm." I mumbled smiling in his chest. I felt him chuckling silently.
After a few seconds I felt his hand moving from my back downwards. "Uh... Zayn? What are you doing?" I ask a bit unsure. Instead of answering me I felt him slap my ass. "Zayn!" I exclaimed shocked, "Why do you always do that?"

Zayn got up from my bed and looked at me amused. "Come on, we're gonna do something now." I rolled my eyes at him. "Like what?"
"Well, first of all you should eat something. I don't think you had anything today." He suggested.

I realised only now that I my stomach was growling. "Okay. Off to the kitchen!" I yelled marching down the stairs, Zayn trailing behind me.

"So you you decide to finally get up too, eh?" My dad asked sarcastically. "It's Saturday! You can't judge me." I protested, walking over to the cabinet to see what food we had there. "Hello, Zayn." I heard my dad behind me saying to Zayn. I prayed that he would't embarass me today. Not in front of Zayn please!

"Hello Bobby." Zayn said politely. I focused back on what I was doing and got a bowl, a spoon, milk and cereal. "Do you want something too, Zayn?" I asked, not wanting to seem rude. I turned around to him and my dad. Both were now sitting at the table, my dad with his newspaper of course. I didn't know what it was with parents and newspapers.

"No thanks." Zayn answered shaking his head. "Alright." I huffed and sat down next to him, the opposite as to where my dad was sat.
"So, Zayn. How did you two meet?" I glared at my dad. "Are you cereal dad?" And yes I said cereal. Got a problem. "You are cereal Niall." Zayn said. I looked at him confused. "You are what you eat." I looked at him unimpressed. "Then you're a dick." He gasped fake-hurt.

"Niall, watch you're language." My dad scolded me. I crossed m arms before my chest. "You're the one who taught me that word when I was four!" - "We're not having this conversation, Niall. I am right and you're wrong. Now excuse me, I got a lot of work stuff to do." With that he put away the newspaper and walked out the room.

"I am right and you are wrong." I mocked behind his back, making Zayn chuckle. "Why do parents always insist on being right?" I complaned looking at Zayn for an answer. He just shrugged his shoulders. "Because they can."
"B-But... that's not fair..." I sighed. "Shut up and eat your cereal or I'll become a cereal-killer andd throw your cereal away." - "You could have done better." I mumbled while continuing to eat.

After I finished my *breakfast*, we went back up to my room, where I immediatly hopped on my bed and nuzzled in my pillow. Grr... my blanket still laid somewhere in the room.

"Come on Niall. Can't you do anything else besides sleeping?" Zayn moaned when he saw me. I lifted my head slightly. "I could sleep with you."


Ahh... I can't even be shocked anymore about myself. And I feel like complaining wouldn't help either. I just had to embarass myself again. It wasn't fair! I stuck my head back in my pillow. "Don't. You. Dare. Say anything." I groaned into the pillow, knowing he could still hear me.
I waited for him to laugh at me. But I didn't hear anything. Huh?

Suddenly I felt Zayn climbing on top of me, but leaving enough space between us for me to turn around, what I did a few seconds later.
"Uhm... what are you doing?" I asked tapping his chest with my fingers and looking up in his eyes. Big mistake.
As soon as I met his gaze I couldn't look away. Well, where else was I supposed to look anyways?

"I don't know. Figure it out." He smirked cheekily at me. Uh oh. "Uhm... Zayn?" I asked as he leaned in my neck and began lightly kissing beneath my jaw. He didn't answer me and kept on going. I felt my breathing getting faster. He didn't go any further he just kept lightly kissing my neck, his soft lips moving along my jaw and ack down to my collarbones.
"Zaynnn." I whined, hopeless. I felt myself getting a little bit dizzy. Why was he doing this?

"Zayn, stop." I said, this time more confidence in my voice. He lifted his head so he could look at me. "What?" He asked curiously.
I squirmed a little below him. "You're... ugh... " I couldn't even find the right words. Zayn kept looking at me expectantly. "You're... you're killing me!" I groaned, emphasizing the word 'killing'.
"Is that so?" He asked grinning suspiciously. Oh no! What was he going to do this time.

He leaned in again, but this time he kissed me on the lips, making my body tingle again. Of course I kissed back. His kisses were addictive.
And suddenly I didn't even mind him mentally killing me. I couldn't even wrap my mind aroun the fact that we were basically making out on my bed.

It wasn't until I felt his hand wandering down my body to my thighs that I stopped kissing him and looked at him shocked. "What was that?"
He just looked innocently down at me. Bah! Zayn and innocent my ass!

"What do you mean." He pursed his lips. "You know exactly what I mean." I esclaimed hitting his chest. "Do you mean this?" He asked and pressed his hand shortly against my... crotch.
My eyes went wide at the contact and I, as gently as I could in this situation, pushed him off me, looking wide eyed at him.

"You can't do that." I said still shocked. He furrowed his eyebrows. "Why not?" I thought about it for a few seconds. Why not? Yeah, why couldn't he?

"Because we aren't together?" It sounded more like a question. "We could change that." He stated casually. "What?!" I screeched.
"Only if you want to of course." He said, making me groan.

"How about you tell me for once what you want?" Now don't get me wrong. I really appreciated that he valued my opinion, but I wanted to know his side of things.
Zayn looked a bit nervous. "Okay... I..." He sighed running his hands through his perfect hair. Gah stop it hormonal-teenger-me!
"I want to be together with you... because I really like you Niall." His eyes shined with sincerity, but I wanted to make sure.

"Are you serious?" I asked. He shook his head. "No, I'm Zayn and a dick." He chuckled making me hit him with my pillow. "And I meant what I said." My eyes went wide again, looking bewildered at him. Did he just say? But... What?

"What about you?" I looked at him. "What do you mean, what about me?" He chuckled slightly at me being dumbfounded again. "I meant: Do you like me too?" Huh? "What do you mean *too*? Who else likes you?" I asked getting a little jelous. Zayn laughed. "Nobody else likes me, but I like you. And I ask if you like me?" Ahh... god I was so dumb. Why?

"Uhm... Yeah, I like you... too." It was so hard getting these words out of my mouth, but in the end I felt relieved. Besides, he said he liked me too, so everything's cool right?
"Do you want to be my boyfriend?" He asked smiling like an idiot at me. I just nodded, not able to say anything anymore. I didn't want to ruin it. My mind was a random place, you never knew what would happen next.

...  Oh my god! I have a boyfriend? I can't believe it! Shit! Shit!!! Fucking hell! I clasped my hands over my mouth, trying not to scream.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asked worried. Oh my god! He! Me! We! Together! Okay, I need to calm down. After a few seconds I eventually normalized my breathing. "I just can't believe that I have a boyfriend." I gasped out keeping my hands before my mouth.

"Aww, come here!" Zayn pulled me to himself, ruffling my hair and hugging me. "How am I supposed to explain this to my family?" I shook my head. What if they didn't like me being gay... or whatever I was. It didn't really matter, did it? I was together with Zayn, so I didn't need to worry about anything else.
And what if they didn't like Zayn being my boyfriend? God, so many questions. Too many for me.

"We can figure that out later okay? We don't need to tell them straightaway." He assured me rubbing my arm comfortably.

I let myself fall in his chest sighing. "That was seriously too much for me these past two days."



A/N: gahh finally finished! I've been sooo tired these past few days! I think I slept for 24 hours. But I'm all good now with  bottle of coke :3

And  didn't even intend on them two getting together :o it just happened o.O Now I'm sitting here tryng to deal with my feels X3

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