Chapter One

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**NEW BOOK! This is my first Pentatonix book! I'm super excited and I hope you are too. The chapters might be a little short though, sorry.**

Nineteen year old Kirstin Maldonado was walking down the London streets, completely lost. It didn't help that she had lost her cell phone about ten minutes ago. She was getting quite stressed and scared. She decided to calm herself down by going inside a shop to get something to drink.

Stepping inside a smoothie bar, all the busy noise went away. Kirstie sighed and ordered a mango smoothie.

She sat outside at a fancy wraught iron table, slipping on a pair of new sunglasses. When she finished it, she stood but collided with someone. Her sunglasses flew off and she felt something soft land on her shoulder before she fell to the ground.

"Sorry.." Kirstie said as she looked up at who she crashed into.

'Woah..' Kirstie thought as she layed eyes on the person. He was a man who looked about the same age as Kirstie, with a neatly trimmed beard and chocolate brown hair that flipped up at the bottom. He had gorgeous green eyes and was wearing a flannel shirt with black skinny jeans. Kirstie realized she was staring.

"I'm so sorry!" The man said. His voice was very low. He reached down a large hand. Kirstie grabbed it and he helped her up. "Are you ok?"

"Yes, yes I'm fine." Kirstie smiled and so did the man. He had an award winning smile.

"I'm glad." He said. Kirstie grabbed the soft thing off her shoulder, realizing it was the man's beanie. He handed it back to him and he put it back on. Usually when you bump into someone while walking in London, you go back onto your business. But the man looked like he didn't want to keep walking. "Uh.. My name's Avriel. But you can call me Avi."

"Hi Avi, my name is Kirstin, but you can call me Kirstie." I smiled up at him.

"Hello Kirstie." He said, winking. "What are you up to?"

"Well, um.. I'm lost, and.. I lost my cell phone too, so I don't have directions."

"Oh!" Avi said, reaching into his pocket. "Here's my phone, you can use the google apps map if you want. I can drive you somewhere if you need." Kirstie took the cell phone and thanked him, and typed in her hotel in the map app.

"Do you think you could drive me here?" She asked, showing him the map.

"Of course!" He said, smiling big. "Follow me!" He began leading her to his car. Kirstie knew her mother would be very dissaproving of her getting into a stranger's car, but she trusted this guy. He seemed very nice.. and he's very cute. 'Kirst, what are you thinking? You just met this guy!' she told herself in her mind.

Avi started the car and began driving. He glanced over at the girl in the passanger seat. She was gorgeous.. long blonde hair and beautiful big hazel eyes plus a stunning side smile.

There was alot of traffic so the two talked in the twenty minutes it took to get to Kirstie's hotel. Avi tried to act cool and smooth.

"How old are you?" Kirstie asked Avi awkwardly.

"I'm 22." Avi said.

"I'm 19." She said.

Avi learned that the girl was a tourist there only for two months. That dissapointed him. He had been hoping to become friends with the girl.. maybe even a little more than friends..

'What am I thinking?!' Avi thought. 'I just met her..'

The two easily became comfortable around eachother.

Kirstie learned that this man lived alone. He said he has a pretty big house and he hasn't been happy in it. It's too big for one person.

Avi pulled up at her hotel and got out of the car.

"Wait!" Avi said suddenly. Kirstie turned. "There's an apple store right over there.. we can hop in and see if we can get you a new phone."

"Ok! But I will probably just be looking.." Kirstie began following Avi.

Inside the apple store was very clean. Kirstie looked at lots of phones and finally decided on one.

"This is pretty expensive though.." she said.
"I'll get it for you." Avi quickly said.

"Wha- what? No, I couldn't let y-" Kirstie began.

"No really. I can afford it." Avi said. He pulled out his wallet and took out four one hundred dollar bills. Kirstie's eyes buldged as she caught a glimpse of alot more money in there.

Walking home, Kirstie started setting up her new phone.

"Thank you so so much for this." She smiled at him and he patted her back as a way of saying 'no problem'.

Walking Kirstie into the hotel lobby, Avi stopped walking. He realized if he didn't ask this, he would never see her again. So he went for it.

"Can I.. can I have your phone number?" He looked at his shoes. "Maybe we could meet up for lunch or go to the park or something.."

"I would love that!" Kirstie exclaimed, happy he asked so she didn't have to. She couldn't just leave someone who just spent $400.00 on her.. or someone who was that hot. They exchanged numbers.

"I'll uh.. see you later." Avi said in a very deep voice that made Kirstie giggle. He winked and flashed a smile and was off. Kirstie couldn't stop grinning as she walked to her hotel room, thinking about her new friend.

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