Chapter Nine

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The next day the two started packing up to head back home. It was silent in the car besides the radio on low.

"Have you recorded Light in the Hallway?" Kirstie asked suddenly. Avi stayed silent for a moment.

"No. But I've been thinking about it."

"Please do!" Kirstie said excitedly.

"I think I will. But only if you record something too." Avi remembered seeing Kirstie write in a dark blue leather journal with 'Music' engraved on the front.

"I don't have anything to record." Kirstie said sadly.

"What about that journal? I thought you were writing songs in it." There was a pause.

"I am." Kirstie smiled. "I almost have one done."

The two made the best of Kirstie's last three weeks living in London. Many adventures around London and many nights in the dark, exploring eachother.

It was two days before Kirstie leaving. Avi had come over to help Kirstie pack. It was a sad, sad atmosphere. Kirstie was filling a box with her clothes when she realized Avi was no longer in the room. She stood up and checked the kitchen and living room, no Avi. She found the man in her bedroom.

Avi was sitting on Kirstie's bed, his face in his hands.

"Avi, baby!" Kirstie ran to him, throwing her arms around his neck. Avi embraced her, his strong hands holding her tightly. Kirstie caught a glimpse of his tearstained face, her heart breaking into a thousand peices. She felt as if she needed to sob for days on end but not a noise left her mouth.

No words were spoken as Avi drove Kirstie to the airport.

Gaurds let Avi go with Kirstie to her gate, even though he didn't have a plane ticket to get through security. Kirstie turned to Avi.

"Avi.. I promise I will call every day, at any time, I will.. I will.." Kirstie paused. "I will find a way to be back here as soon as I can."

The intercom intrupted the two irritatingly. It was calling for boarding numbers, Kirstie's included. Avi looked at her with a scared look on his face, as if he couldn't actually believe she was leaving him to live in a completely different country so far away.

"Promise me you will be ok!" Kirstie's voice trembled.

"I love you, Kirstie." Avi said, expressionless, besides the shine of tears in his eyes.

People were giving them sympathetic looks now, but they didn't notice.

Kirstie boarded her plane, leaving Avi standing, watching her go. She looked back once, the two making a second of eye contact before Kirstie was swallowed up in the crowd of people heading towards the plane.


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