Chapter Six

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Avi woke up the next day from a text from his new girlfriend, Kirstin Maldonado.

Good Morning, handsome.

Avi smiled while typing his reply. At 11:00 AM Kirstie was going to take a cab over to his place. It was Friday, one of her days off work.

Kirstie stayed all day, and the two had alot of fun. It was getting dark outside and Avi asked if she wanted to watch a movie.

"Of course!" The girl said excitedly. Avi led her into a large room. She put a hand over her mouth.

There was a small theatre with a huge flatscreen tv, the biggest tv Kirstie had ever seen. There was also about fifteen movie theatre chairs and a couple couches.

The two settled on a couch while Avi flipped through the movies on the tv. They decided to watch Lord of the Rings. And after that, they started the next one, planning a marathon. But nearing the end of the second movie, Kirstie was starting to drift off. She lay her head on Avi's shoulder, causing the man to smile. Soon she was fast asleep, and Avi tipped his head back and started to doze too.

The next morning, Avi woke up to find Kirstie laying next to him, pressed against his chest. He sighed happily and closed his eyes. He felt Kirstie move and sit up. Opening his eyes, he saw Kirstie staring at him, then she caught his gaze and her eyes widened.

"I'm sorry, I guess I fell aslee-" She started.

"I do not mind, in fact.." Avi growled the last two words, "I enjoy it." He leaned into Kirstie, planting his lips on hers. He felt her smile into the kiss and after a couple seconds, they pulled apart and her face was bright red.

Two more weeks passed like this. Kirstie and Avi kept going to eachother's houses, and soon they were in a close relationship.

After work one day Kirstie took a cab to Avi's and when she walked into the door, she was greeted by the man's lips slamming onto her own and two large hands on her hips. She kissed back, slipping her tongue into his mouth feircely.

Kirstie sat down on a nearby couch, pulling Avi down with her. The bearded man pinned her down as they continued to kiss and their hands roamed eachother's bodies.

"Kirstie." Avi grunted. She could feel a poke at her thigh and smirked.

"Liking this, bassman?" Kirstie whispered in his ear. Avi chuckled slightly, kissing down the girl's neck. His hands slipped under her shirt. Suddenly, Kirstie stood up and made her way over to the kitchen, getting herself a glass of water. Avi stared at the girl, confused. Then his face lit up.

"Kirstie!" He said, jumping off the couch. Now it was her turn to be confused. "I forgot to tell you! I booked an awesome canyon cabin for a week for vacation. Come with me, please!" Kirstie stared at him, shocked, but a smile slowly spread across her face.

"Of course I will! That sounds super fun!" She said excitedly. Still the thought never crossed her mind she would have to leave in a month. She hadn't thought about it in awhile, London was home to her now.

The time came for the two lovers to leave on vacation. They packed their bags and got in one of Avi's cars, a truck, and headed for the canyon. Avi had packed a tent in the back, since they wanted to go hiking and stay overnight in a tent one night. Avi had a big tent but he brought the small one for ideas that were popping into his head.

After a couple hours of driving, the two sang along with the radio as they drove down a bumpy road to their cabin.

"You have the voice of an angel, even when it's shaking from a bumpy road." Avi suddenly said, placing a hand over Kirstie's which was laying on the arm rest.

"Your's is more beautiful." Kirstie said, pecking the man on the cheek.

"Your's is!" He said back.

"No, your's is!"


"Your's!" The two threw their heads back laughing.

"Here we are!" Avi said, leaning forward in his seat excitedly. There was a small cabin sitting on the edge of the canyon, with grass all around it that led into the forest. The cabin itself was completely made out of logs and had window plants on the outside with lavender in them. There was a short chimney poking out the roof and an apple tree full of apples next to the house.

The two got out of the car excitedly and grabbed their bags, heading for the door. There was a codelock on the door and Avi pulled a peice of paper out of his pocket that he had written the code on. He punched in the 4-digit number and the two stepped inside to see a homey country cabin.

There was a cute small kitchen in one corner of the cabin and in the middle there was a large fireplace with a couch and a chair in front of it, and a big rug in front of the fireplace. Kirstie ventured farther into the cabin, finding a bathroom and a bedroom with one queen-sized bed which didn't seem to match the rest of the house's small things.

"This is awesome!" Kirstie turned around excitedly with her famous right-sided smile plastered on her face. Avi smiled back and pecked her cheek as he checked out the cabin more thoroughly.

The two unpacked and put clothes over the swimsuits they had changed into, heading outside. There was a map in the cabin and it seemed there was a lake in the forest nearby, so they were going to go there. They started walking towards it, the map in Avi's hand.

The lake began to come into view and Kirstie let out an excited squeal. She loved swimming and hadn't in a long time, so she was eager to get in the water.

The lake was in a clearing with wildflowers dotted around in the grass. It was a regular sized lake and there was a few picnic tables around it for the people that stayed in the cabins. There was also a dock going out into the lake.

"Let's go!" Kirstie said, kicking off her sandals. Avi pulled his shirt off slowly, Kirstie's eyes stopped on the man's body at the sight of his skin. Avi smirked but kept his head turned away, throwing his shirt to the picnic table near them, knowing Kirstie was staring. He turned back to see Kirstie's right sided smile spread across her face as she looked away and took off her blouse and stepped out of her shorts, revealing a dark blue bikini.

Avi didn't even care if the girl caught him staring. She was beautiful, every inch of her. Suddenly her fingers were snapping in front of his face.

"Liking what you see?" Kirstie giggled, smirking, then started towards the lake. Avi stared after her, knowing it was a very good action on his part to book this vacation.

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