Chapter Three

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At 4:30 the next day after work, Kirstie ran outside. Would Avi be there yet? She pulled her phone out of her pocket and saw a text from him that said he was on his way. She smiled, excited to see his house. She was starting to get the idea it was pretty big, and it was obvious that the gorgeous man was pretty rich.

Kirstie sat down on a bench outside her shop and scanned the streets for the silver car she had gotten in the first time she met him. But a different car pulled up - a completely black buggati with tinted windows.

Kirstie walked over to the car, opened the door and stepped inside. Avi smiled at her and drove off.

As Avi pulled onto a very fancy street about ten minutes later, Kirstie's eyes buldged. The houses around her were huge. A ton of mini mansions with beautiful yards lined the street.

Kirstie couldn't believe her eyes when Avi pulled into a roundabout with a fountain in the middle. This house was almost a mansion. And it was Avi's. He must be really rich.

"Oh my gosh.." Kirstie's jaw dropped.

The house was large and white, with cobblestone edging. The yard was a little wild, though, but Kirstie thought it made it look more natural.

Avi smiled, watching the girl's reactions as they got out of the car.

Inside the house was beautiful. Avi brought her over to a fireplace with a couch and they talked for awhile. Avi told her about his house since Kirstie wanted to know so much, and they ended up talking about their lives.

Avi explained he used to have maids but didn't like having random people in his house, so he let them go, hence the wild yard.

"Well, ready to see the recording studio?" Kirstie nodded and followed Avi down a long hall with many doors. He opened one leading into a large split room with glass to see into the other part.

"Wow! This is so cool!" Kirstie slid her hands over the recording pad and walked into the small room. She grabbed a microphone stand and set a microphone on top of it, setting it to her height. She wasn't going to sing, just seeing how it felt, but it seemed Avi wanted her to sing.

"I'm not gonna sing, just so you know." Kirstie laughed. Avi made sad eyes at her.

"What if I sing with you?" Avi smiled that beautiful smile.

"No, silly. I'm not going to sing." Kirstie said, as much as she wanted to here the bass man sing.

"Fine. Wanna look around some more?" Avi asked.

Avi ended up giving Kirstie a tour of the three story mansion. On the third floor, he lead her to a round balcony. There was a white marble rail and some overgrown plants on it.

"Wow.." Kirstie breathed. The view was beautiful. There was a lake behind his mansion with green lawn all around it for a long ways.

"Here's the best part." Avi said. Kirstie wondered what could be better than everything he's shown her. Avi turned around and waved a hand towards a ladder that didn't fit into the scenery at all. It led up to the roof. Kirstie smiled as Avi allowed her to climb it first.

Kirstie couldn't believe her eyes.

There was a large pool in the middle of the roof. White marble railing edged the roof so no one would fall off, and there was lots of potted plants that weren't as wild. There was a bar in one corner of the roof, and a hot tub in another corner.

"Woah." Was all Kirstie managed to say.

"Like it?" Avi laughed.

Soon Kirstie had to go home. Avi drove her back to her hotel.

"Are you staying in this hotel the whole time you are here?" Avi asked.

"Nope, I'm moving into an apartment this Friday. I got an extra month in, so I will actually be here for three more months!" She said excitedly. This news made Avi happy.

"Ok well, if you ever want to come over, feel free to text or call me. I miss having friends." Avi said, looking down.

"Aw, ok, I definetely will." Kirstie did a closed smile and waved as she shut his car door and walked into her hotel.

The next day after work, Kirstie went to the walk in hair salon next door to her book shop. She wanted to get her hair cut shorter. Plus it needed dying - it was pretty easy to see her black roots now.

As she walked in, the bells on the door jingled. A stylist sat her down in a chair. Kirstie told her what she wanted and the woman began her work.

After the stylist was finished, Kirstie looked into the mirror. Her hair was at the shoulder, perfectly curled in a wavy form, and her roots were blonde again.

She thanked the stylist and payed the cashier, then headed outside to walk back to her hotel.

Kirstie slid the key into the door handle and stepped inside her room. She needed to start packing, since she was leaving the hotel in less than two days.

She began loading her stuff into boxes when she got a phone call. She glanced at the caller ID, and seeing it was her friend and customer Esther, she answered the phone immediately.

"Hey, Esther! You havn't been to the shop this week yet, what's up?" Kirstie asked, laughing.

"I've just been really busy. I've been cleaning my brother's house, and let's just say his house isn't the smallest in the world, and he isn't the cleanest person in the world." Esther sighed but managed a small giggle. She sounded really tired. "I just thought I would let you know why I havn't been in in awhile. Genivieve is on a vacation, so that's why she hasn't been, either."

"Well it's completely fine, I don't mind. I got some new books in though that you will love!" Kirstie said. The two said their goodbyes and Kirstie went back to packing, just to hear another phone call not ten minutes later. This time the caller ID read Avi's name, and she answered it immediately aswell.

"Heyyy." Avi said in a low growl, causing Kirstie to giggle.

"What's up?" Kirstie said at the same time Avi said "What are you up to?" They laughed.

"I'm just packing." Kirstie said.

"Oh nice. Wait.. Oh." Avi sounded disappointed.

"What's wrong?" Kirstie asked.

"I was just about to invite you to a party I'm having at my house on Saturday night. But I imagine you will be too tired to come after moving on Friday." Avi said sadly. Kirstie smiled though.

"Of course I will come! That sounds fun!" Kirstie said.

"Oh! Awesome! Rock n roll." Avi laughed. "I probably won't know most of the people coming, so I'm glad you are. It's mainly my friend's party, but of course they want to have it at my house because of the roof." Kirstie nodded in understanding.

The two said goodbye and Kirstie went back to packing again, now excited to spend her Saturday night with Avi in a couple days. She thought of how she had just met him a couple days ago, on Sunday. Now it was Wednesday, and he had already come to her bookstore, she had gone to his house, and now he had invited her to a party. Wow.

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