Chapter Eleven

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When Kirstie got to the airport, she texted Esther saying she would get to London that night. Esther said she would gladly pick Kirstie up and bring her to Avi's.

Kirstie boarded the plane. She took out her leather journal and ran through the lyrics a couple times in her head, making sure it was the best it could be. And she was pretty sure it was perfect.

Thinking about the state Avi is in made Kirstie want to cry, but then she remembered she would be with him again tonight and everything would be ok. She practically squealed when a young woman's voice announced over the intercom that they would be there in ten minutes.

Then the woman spoke again, saying their flight will be delayed thirty minutes do to an accident on the runway. Great.

Kirstie ran off the plane, back in London. She walked down the long hallway, searching for Esther. She began to pull out her phone when she saw a familiar frame, sitting on a chair quite a ways ahead of her. His head was in his hands. She walked forward a little more to see that the man was indeed Avi.

"Avi!" Kirstie yelled excitedly, running to him, her luggage bouncing on it's wheels behind her. Avi's head snapped up and he jumped out of the chair. Kirstie dropped her luggage.

"Kirstie!" Avi's hands grabbed her waist and lifted her up, spinning her in a circle, Kirstie squealing like a little girl. He set her down and swallowed her into a tight embrace before her feet had barely touched the ground again.

"Kirstie." He sighed into her hair, before gently taking her chin and tilting her head upwards to capture her lips in a loving kiss.

Finally the two pulled away, greeted by eachother's smiles.

"Aww, you guys are too cute!" Esther said, having come back from a bathroom break. Avi chuckled, not taking his eyes off of the blonde in front of him.

"I was so worried about you, you're flight being delayed and all. I didn't know it was delayed until about five minutes before you arrived."

"Aww, baby.." Kirstie kissed him again, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"Alright you too, let's get you home." Esther said, picking up the luggage Kirstie had dropped. Avi hurriedly took it all from Esther and started towards the exit, the two girls following.

Esther pulled into the fountain roundabout in front of Avi's mansion. The couple stumbled out of the car and were almost immediately in eachother's arms again, leaving Esther to get Kirstie's luggage out of the trunk.

Esther stayed until late that night, and when she left, the words left Avi's mouth faster than wind.

"When are you moving in?" Kirstie laughed.

"I'm already moved in." She said. "I mailed my stuff here, the boxes should be arriving over the next week." There was a silent pause in the room, the two staring at eachother with stupid grins on their faces.

"I love you." The two said in unision, causing them to giggle. Avi's hand reached Kirstie's waist and pulled her in, dipping her for a long, loving kiss. They finally pulled away and decided to go to bed, since Kirstie was tired from traveling all day.

Avi crawled into one side of his king bed, and Kirstie into the other. They quickly fell asleep, safe in eachother's embrace.

The next morning, Avi awoke and almost immediately smiled. Kirstie was across from him, sleeping so peacefully. One of her arms was draped over his stomach, her blonde hair messy and lips slightly parted.

Kirstie was with him. He'd be okay.

He waited until she woke up and when she did, he kissed her on the cheek and got out of bed to bring her breakfast in bed, since it didn't look like she wanted to get out of bed anytime soon. Though when he walked out into the kitchen to start some porridge, he heard a yawn from behind him. He turned to see Kirstie in the doorway of his - their - bedroom, stretching.

"Honey, go back to bed. I'm gonna make you breakfast in bed." Avi said lightly, and Kirstie went back to bed happily to be swallowed in the king sized blankets.

Avi made a hot bowl of porridge and placed it on a tray. Then he searched his kitchen for other things to put on the tray. He ended up serving the tray to her with porridge, an apple, a boiled egg in a one-egg-holder, and a glass of orange juice. And with a quick walk to one of the smaller bedrooms in the home, Avi retrieved a fake rose to add to the look of the meal.

When he went back into the bedroom, Kirstie had her back propped up on the headboard of the bed with pillows, and the blanket neatly over her lower half. She smiled brightly when Avi came in, laying the tray of food on her lap. She turned to look at Avi.

"You," She poked him gently in the chest. "Are the sweetest boyfriend anyone could ever, ever ask for. I am so lucky to have you." She quickly kissed his blushing face and dug into her food. She finished the porridge, giving Avi a few bites, and delicately tapped the egg in the holder with her spoon. It split down the middle, and she took the shell off and spooned the hard boiled egg into her mouth. The orange juice was gone by now. She ate a few bites of the apple before declaring full. Avi made a move to grab the tray but she quickly snatched the decorative fake rose off it before he set it on the side table. She twisted the thornless rose in her fingers.

"Oh!" She suddenly threw the rose down into the covers and jumped out of bed. Avi followed her curiously.

Kirstie ran to one of her bags and tore her leather journal out of it. Then she started in the direction of the recording room, to Avi's surprise, before spinning on her heels and heading back to her bags.

"Just one moment.." Kirstie said. Avi went back into his bedroom. When he heard Kirstie call, he came out to see her in a long beautiful, blue dress. She had no makeup on, and her hair was brushed. Then she motioned for him to follow her to the recording room.

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