Chapter Five

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Kirstie woke up with a headache. When she opened her eyes, she didn't know where she was. It looked safe though. She looked around the room. Then she remembered where she was. She was at Avi's house for a party last night, but she could barely remember any of it.

"Ohh noo.." She groaned, getting up. She looked at herself in the mirror. She had slept in her dress. Her hair and makeup were a mess. Her heels lay on the floor next to the bed.

She combed her hair with her fingers quickly and tried to fix her makeup. She stepped out of the room and found a bathroom. She was able to make herself look better. A billion questions ran through her mind at what she had done last night after getting drunk. Had she said or done anything to Avi? She tried her hardest to remember.

She walked barefoot out to the kitchen. Avi was brewing coffee and turned around when he heard her coming.

"Kirstie! You're awake!" He said. Kirstie glanced at the clock. 11:37 AM. Kirstie sat down nervously at the table and Avi handed her a cup of coffee.

"I assume you are wondering what happened last night." Avi chuckled.

"I do.. but I'm kinda scared." Kirstie admitted.

"There's nothing to worry about, Kirstin." Avi told her everything, skipping the 'you're cute' part. He told her about putting her in a spare bedroom then hesitated.

"What?" Kirstie said.

"You.. well, when we were on the roof you called me cute." Avi flashed a smile over his shoulder, causing the girl to giggle. "And then when I put you in the room you.. well, you um.. kissed me. On the lips." Kirstie fell silent.

Oh my god! I did that?! Oh noo.. Her thoughts zoomed on.

"It's ok, Kirst. You were drunk. And.. I kinda liked it." Now it was Avi's turn for a reddened face.

"Well, uh.." Kirstie tried to think of something to say, but nothing came. The two ended up laughing.

"Ok, ok. Well I have a big day of unpacking ahead of me, so I should be going." Kirstie smiled. Avi rose his eyebrows as she turned and walked out the front door.

A second later she came back inside, giggling and rolling her eyes.

"Would you be so kind as to drive me home?" She asked. Avi clapped his hands once and laughed, and the two got inside Avi's car and off to her apartment building. The building was closer to his house than her old hotel, so it was easier to drive there.

Two weeks later

It had been two weeks since she had moved into her new apartment. Everything was put away, and Kirstie loved how it looked. She would be living here for two months and eighteen days.

At work, Kirstie had just finished chatting with Esther and Genivieve when the door jingled and Avi walked in. Kirstie smiled at him from her seat at her desk. He made his way over to the desk but was cut off by Esther.

"Hey Avi!" She exclaimed, then hugged him. This made Kirstie uncomfortable, and she suddenly got jealous.

"Esther!" Avi said, hugging her aswell. Kirstie furrowed her eyebrows.

"I havn't seen you in awhile." The woman said, pulling away from Avi.

"Me either.. not since you cleaned my house for the party." Avi said.

"Well, me and Genivieve gotta go. Love you-" Kirstie's eyes widened until Esther finished her sentence. "-big brother." Kirstie couldn't help but smile and giggle quietly at herself. She had been so worried Avi had been seeing another girl - her friend.

"I didn't know you were siblings!" Kirstie exclaimed to Avi once they were the only two in the store.

"Oh, sorry. Did I scare ya? Did ya get jealous?" Avi smirked and leaned down on the desk Kirstie was sitting at.

"Of course not!" Kirstie giggled, leaning towards him aswell.

"I think you did!" Avi leaned closer.

"No I didn't!" Kirstie leaned closer.

"Yes you did!" Avi leaned closer.

"No I-" Kirstie couldn't lean any closer. Their faces were too close together. For a mere second Avi's eyes flicked down to Kirstin's lips, but they shot up and he quickly kissed her on the cheek.

Kirstie stared at the man in front of her, blushing and trying not to smile too big. She tried to say something but couldn't.

"The reason I.." Avi began. "..the reason I came here was to ask you something." He looked over his shoulder then back at Kirstie.

"Would you like to come to Mellini's with me? It's a really fancy italian resturant." Kirstie smiled again then nodded.
"Of course I will." Kirstie said, standing up. They both understood that this was very much a date.

Two days later, Kirstin stood in her apartment waiting for Avi. She was wearing a pretty grey dress that was perfect for her body type, heels, and flawless makeup. Avi knocked. She smiled and walked briskly to the door and out, after catching Avi give her a quick up-and-down check out. She smirked.

Avi pulled his Buggati into a parking lot in front of a very fancy building - in fact, even the parking lot was fancy with neatly trimmed bushes lining it and light posts dotted around.

Kirstie stepped out of the car and took Avi's arm he held out for her. He led her inside, holding the door open for her. When they were seated, he pulled out her chair for her. All these little actions made her feel so happy.

"You are such a gentleman." Kirstie said. She was facing Avi and there was a candle in the center of their table. The resturant was very fancy, and had a lot of candles. Kirstie giggled, wondering if it was a fire hazard to have that many.

The two each got a glass of wine and ordered their food. Kirstie Carbonara and Avi got Five Cheese Niti.

"This is amazing!" Kirstie said as she took a bite of the long noodles covered in broth.

"If itch!" Avi tried to say 'it is' but his mouth was full of pasta. The two laughed.

After dinner, Kirstie picked up the desert menu.

"I'm so full, but the cheesecake looks soo good." She groaned.

"I'll just buy a cheesecake. They have them in cases up front." Avi said.

"You don-" Kirstie started. But Avi already waved a waitress over to get them a cheesecake to go.

After the date, Avi drove Kirstie back home.

"Come over tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well, considering you have cheesecake.. I guess I will." Kirstie stuck out her tongue and Avi super-frowned, a face that always made Kirstie laugh.

Kirstie changed back into comfortable clothes and sat on the couch, trying to watch a movie, but she couldn't stop thinking of Avi.

She really liked him, and he liked her back. They were official now.. She smiled and snuggled into her blanket, falling asleep while the movie continued to play. The thought didn't touch her that she would be leaving in two months and sixteen days.

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