Chapter 5

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**Two weeks later**

// Veronica //

"I was destined to be the greatest actor of all time, Monty Clift? If I had been in 'A Place in the Sun' George Stevens would have had me do the walk to the electric chair shirtless. I mailed away for one of those Charles Atlas exercise routines that they advertised in the back of the Superman comics, and I'd practice acting faces in front of the mirror.Sad. Happy. Moody. But Mother wouldn't let me. I HATE HER. She can't keep my greatness in the slips. One door closes, another opens. And this body is America. Strong, violent, and full of limitless potential. My arms will hold them down when they struggle. My legs will run them down when they flee. I will be the US steel of murder. My body holds a heart that cannot love. When Dora died she looked right into my eyes and I felt nothing.The clown was put on Earth to show me the way.To introduce me to the sweet language of murder. But I am no clown. I am perfection. I am greatness. I am the future,and the future starts tonight."

I clap slowly, Standing up as I do. "Amazing speech, It really is." I smile. "You're right about everything. Your mother only held you back. She tried to crush your dreams under her dainty little foot but you didn't let her. Because you are the future." I say. He smirks at me, Confidence oozing out of him.

A lot has happened in these few weeks. A couple days after Dandy and I cleaned up the mess of our mothers, He had to create yet another giant mess. He killed Dora, She was simply in his way. And what use was she to him anyways? They never got along. His good friend the clown had been killed as well. He believes it was the freaks who did it and I agree with him 100%. We'll worry about them later though. For now we've got bigger things to worry about. To be specific, we've got a two headed thing to worry about.

"Now, Why must we-"

"Do not ask me that question again." He huffs. I cross my arms over my chest and raise my brows at him. "Why do you want them to stay with you, Hm?"

"For the last time. Jimmy-"

"BULLSHIT!" I yell. "You don't give a damn about Jimmy or how he's feeling. You don't care if he's mad or upset. You want those twins to live with you because you want their company. You're obsessed with them." I shake my head. "I suppose you really do get bored quite fast. Just a few days ago you only wanted me."

"I still do." He says, Stomping his foot. I turn away from him, My eyes watering. I'm no cry baby I'll tell you that! But I've grown quite attached to this man. He's the only human that's ever really understood me. He's the only human that I've ever really connected with. Now those damn twins are getting in my way.

"Veronica, Stop it. You're making me feel bad!" He yells. I roll my eyes and start to walk towards the door quickly. Before I can walk out, He slams his hand against it to make it close before whipping me around to face him. He leans in close to my face and glares at me. "Don't make me kill you too." He warns.

"As if you would." I smirk. "You must think I don't notice how you look at me. You stare at me like I'm your queen. I am your queen. And you are my king. You are now nothing without me. I complete you. I came along so now you're no longer empty. Do you want to turn into dust inside again? You would never be able to replace me."

"And yet you just threw a tantrum because you fear the twins will take your place." He chuckles. "Well they won't. But I need them-" I sigh and shake my head. "Listen to me." He says. "How about I make you a deal?" He asks.

"I'm listening."

"I'll spend a week with them. I'll get what I've always wanted. A freak show, Right in my playroom, For a whole week." He smiles. "And my part of the deal is?" I ask. "You kill them. You get to kill them, However you want." He says.

"...Really?" I ask, Suddenly interested. "However you want." He says again. He leans in even closer and places his lips softly on mine. "However you want." He whispers before kissing me.


"I brought you food." I say, Stepping into the bathroom. John pulls at the chains on his ankle but they only cut him up more. I watch as the snot drips out of his nose and onto his hand. "Crying as usual I see." I sigh.

"Why are you doing this to me?" His throat must be dry because his voice cracks on almost every word. He swallows before looking up at me. "Why did you kill mom?"

I squat down next to him and rub his blotchy cheek. "Do you remember when we were kids?" I ask softly. "How we'd play together almost every day? Mother would sit on the couch and watch. You had so much fun didn't you?" I ask. He looks down.

"Didn't you?" I ask again. No reply. "Oh come on, John. You remember the good ole times. You'd push me down. Bite me, Scratch me, Hurt me. You'd remove my clothes and take me, Right on the floor. You had so much fun. You had so much fun!" I repeat. "I didn't."

"I'm sorry-"

"This is my fun John. Don't you think I deserve to have fun? After all these years I'm finally the one having fun." I laugh. "I'm only playing with you, John. This is my game. I make the rules. It's my game." I giggle. "Why did I kill mother?" I repeat his question. "I'm a nice person. A lovely daughter, That's why. I put that bitch out of her misery."

"Please." He mutters.

"Please what? What do you want me to do? Bring her back from the dead?" I ask. "Sorry. I'm sure if there is an afterlife, She's busy burning in it. Now eat up. This game requires a lot of energy from the both of us." I sigh, Kicking his plate towards him.

"When does your game end, Veronica?" He asks.

"Well...Your game lasted for my entire childhood. Your game didn't stop until you met your now dead fiancé." I smirk as he flinches. "I get bored quickly however. My game will end when I find a better toy to play with. Should be a while though."

With that, I slam the door of the bathroom shut. I should get back to Dandy's house. If his plan worked out the twins should be arriving any minute.

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