Chapter 6

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// Veronica //

"Oh this is lovely." Bette exclaims looking at the meal in front of her. Dot stays silent, Staring ahead. Her icy eyes haven't moved since she's gotten here. She just stares at the wall. Bette however, Is quite talkative. It's quite obvious she has a thing for Dandy already.

"Oh it's nothing." Dandy waves his hand. Miss Angela had prepared ham and some vegetables for us tonight. I'm glad I decided to keep her around. How else would we eat or get our clothes washed? She's really no problem anymore. She hasn't opened her mouth to disrespect me since I threatened to cut off her tongue. She isn't dumb. She knows I'll do it without hesitation.

"Thank you for making us feel so welcome." Bette says. I narrow my eyes at her. Does she ever stop being so enthusiastic? Does she ever stop making googly eyes at my man? Oh I can't wait until this week is up. I can't wait to see tears in her eyes. Dandy won't find the twins so attractive when they're laying in their own snot, Piss and blood.

"It's really no problem." Dandy smiles. "I'm so happy to have you guys here."

"So happy." I mutter, Sending a slight grin towards Bette's direction. "So tell me, How was life back in the freakshow?" I ask curiously.

"Oh it was alright. Me and Dot were stars, Really." Bette exclaims happily.

"I was the star, You were just attached to me." I hear Dot grumble. I giggle. I could definitely get used to her.


I listen as the clock ticks slowly. I roll my eyes and let out a small breath. Dandy and the twins have been having the time of their lives while I've been stuck watching. Dandy hasn't said a word to me since we all headed up to the play room. He's much too busy entertaining Bette.

Why should I continue to sit here and be ignored? I feel like a...Fourth wheel.

Dandy has a fascination with the twins that I just don't understand. Yes, they are attached to one another, Yes they are freaks who were apart of the beloved Freakshow, But why, Why is he so obsessed?

I sigh before standing up and walking quickly towards the door. As expected, Dandy doesn't say anything.

Fine. I know when I'm not wanted or needed. Guess I'll just go home.


"John please." I sigh. "Eat your food. You're already starting to look far too skinny." I whine. "If you continue to not eat you'll die soon. I'm not putting anything bad into your food I promise!"

"I know that." He whispers. "But I don't want to eat anything. I'm all tied up here. I look at nothing but the bathroom sink all day. I'm covered in filth. I've had to urinate on myself. You think I wanna eat so I can continue to live in my own waste?" He huffs.

I sigh before standing up. "You're not fair! You're not playing fair! We need to play by my rules but you won't do what you're supposed to! This is my game!" I stomp.

"I don't want to play."

"Well...well...ugh!" I growl, throwing a shampoo bottle at him. "Fine! Fine. MAID!" I yell. "MAID! DO NOT KEEP ME WAITING-"

"What is it?" She asks quietly, after running in. "Clean John up and make him a fresh batch of food. Make him whatever his pathetic heart desires. Then take him to his room and let me know when you do. And clean this damn mess up too." I grumble.

"Yes miss Quen." She mumbles.

"John, don't expect to be the rule maker of this game. I'm simply trying to keep you alive so we can continue to play. But so help me god if you disobey me again you will regret it." I spat before storming out.

Nothing is going my way. Dandy has forgotten me and my brother is being extra difficult. It's alright though. This is my game and we will play it how I wish. That I'll make sure of.

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