Chapter 8

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// Veronica //

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you in three days." Dandy says as he fixes his hair. I let out a long, Dramatic groan before sitting on the floor of his playroom. "You haven't seen me in three days because you've been far too distracted for my liking for three days." I huff. "And has it only been three days? It hasn't been a week yet?" 

"Be patient darling." He smiles,Turning towards me. He seems happier than usual,Which frightens me far more than his rage does. "Actually,Maybe you'll have to be more patient than you thought..."

"What do you mean?" I ask,Narrowing my eyes. "Well...I've decided I'd like to keep Bette and Dot for a little longer than I thought. I simply can't spend just a week with them. I need more time!" He explains,Happily.

"That's not what we agreed on...How much longer?"

"I thought a month would be quite nice." He smiles.

"No. There is no way in hell I'm going to let them live for another month." I growl. 

"Shh they'll hear you! They're just in the bathroom right now."

"You can't possibly be serious. I've barely survived a few days of this hell. Do you expect me to continue to be ignored and forgotten for another month?! You haven't been paying me any attention because of those damn twins." I whine.

"Stop it,You're making me feel bad." He mumbles,Rubbing his temples. "I simply don't have time for this argument. Either you agree to let them live for another month or you just...Leave. Leave this house and leave me alone. For a month."

"You want me to leave for a whole month? You're just casting me aside for them?"

"You aren't understanding. I don't necessarily want you to leave for an entire month but if you're a threat to the twins,Which you are,I simply can't have you around." He shrugs. "Go have fun with your brother,That'll certainly distract you. Or you could go visit the freaks. Watch the show,It'll be fun. Now I don't have time for this conversation. Me and the twins have plans to go out and-"

"I don't give a damn about your plans." I hiss before getting up. "You're going to miss me Dandy Mott. I am the best thing that's ever happened to you and you will soon realize that." I shout. "...Are we interrupting something?" 

I roll my eyes before turning around to face the twins. Dot wears an amused expression that makes me want to slap her while Bette wears a genuinely concerned facial expression that makes me want to kill her right at this moment. "Of coarse not." I smile. "Me and Dandy are having a few mere complications in our...Relationship if you wanna call it that."

"You should wear more green. The color matches jealousy quite well." Dot whispers before letting out a slight giggle. I don't let my smile falter as I stare her down. "Of coarse not. I suppose there is nothing to be jealous of. I am a beautiful,Rich girl. I can have anything I want to. You two are freaks. Monsters. Mistakes. Although one of you are tolerable,The other is an annoying little bitch. The problem is,I didn't say any names. Now which of you is which? The answer might not be what you think." I smile. "You should wear yellow more often. I find the color quite annoying,So of coarse it fits you."

I walk away without another word but I smirk as I hear Bette whisper "Why did she look at me when she said that?"

Well if Dandy wants time with the twins I suppose I'll spend a little time with one of the freaks,Just like he suggested.



"I'm Veronica Quen." I smile,Holding out my hand. Jimmy smiles at me but makes no attempt to shake my hand. "Well go on. I'm not diseased you know." I push. "Thought you'd be a bit freaked out...You know because of-"

"Your hands are unique. Large. I find that Doesn't freak me out." I smirk. "My arm is getting tired." 

He looks down at my hand with a slight smile before shaking it. "Jimmy Darling." He says after clearing his throat. "Oh I know exactly who you are." I smile. 

"Heard of the freakshow?" He asks.

"Nope. I heard of you." I giggle. "I knew nothing of the freakshow at first but I did know your name. I heard a woman talking about you and I just fell in love with your name. Unique. Just like everything about you. I did a little snooping and found out more about you. I've been addicted from the start." 

"Well that's...Nice. So what do you want?" He asks.

"Truthfully,I just want a bit of fun." I shrug,Looking up at him as seductively as I can. "Look I don't know,I've gotten enough of pleasuring women with my hands for today. I'm not sure I'm in the mood for this." He shakes his head.

"Well now,Who said anything about your hands?" I giggle. "You were born with a penis weren't you?"

He looks at me for a moment,Obviously surprised. I suppose he isn't used to women actually wanting sex with him. "I don't even know you,Is this some kind of joke?" He asks.

"No. Not a joke at all. Maybe it was a bad idea to come here but you really mesmerized me. I'm sorry,I know this is inappropriate and definitely stupid. I just wanted a little fun and now that I've seen you in person,I know I want to have fun with you. Don't think I've ever seen a sexier man." I bite my lip as I look him up and down. I run my finger tips down his stomach and just over his belt before I pull away. "But I suppose if you don't want me,There's no use in begging." I shrug.

"Well...I could use some fun too." He smirks.


"So what's it like? Being rich and well liked." He asks me,Lighting a cigarette. I snuggle into his shoulder before sighing. "Not as nice as you might think. Nothing ever seems to be different. Everything is planned or scheduled. The same things happen every day. It's boring. The money can get me whatever I desire most times but,What I truly desire cannot be bought." I mumble,Thinking of Dandy.

"What is it that you desire?"

"For one thing,Pleasure. But you sure did take care of that." I giggle. "For another...Love. I have a man in my life...Maybe I should call him a boy instead. He says he enjoys me but he sure doesn't act like it a lot of the time. Then again,His mind is a little crooked." I shrug a little. "I really don't even need that kind of love. I'd appreciate if I could have the love of my brother but,He's never been a fan of me and I have never been a fan of him. Or love from my mom would be nice but,She's dead as we speak."

"Sorry." He mutters. "How did she die?"

"You know I don't know." I lie. "Police told me it was too brutal for me to see. I imagine something terrible happened to her. Either way she's gone." I try to hide my smirk as I think of all the blood that splattered around me and Dandy when we took her life. It was thrilling. "Sorry. I'm just whining and complaining and it's so selfish. I know you don't wanna hear it and I'm sure you've got bigger problems." 

"It's okay. I guess sometimes it's nice to speak to normal people. It's nice that you haven't judged me."

"Oh I'd never judge you. Your hands are different than mine,So what? Our hands have held the same secrets of the many sins we've committed, I bet." I wave him off. His hands certainly didn't interfere with his ability to have sex. He lasted much longer than the guy I was with the first time. I never thought I'd feel so good. I might just have to come back for more.

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