Chapter 9

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// Veronica //

"I've just been in such a good mood lately,John." I sigh contently. "Despite the fact that Dandy is ignoring me for the God damn twins...My life is nice. I've got you to play with,For one thing." I smile. "Although you don't talk very much. I do appreciate that most times,But for today only,I think I'd like to hear your voice. Speak." I command. He stares at me for a moment before looking down. "I don't know what to say." He barely whispers. I hum,Thinking.

"Tell me about your ex-fiance...What was it? Coraline?" I ask. He sighs,Shutting his eyes tightly. "Chloe. Her name was Chloe." He corrects me. "Oh. Yes,Chloe. What was she like?" I ask. "Why do you care?" He asks,Adjusting his position. I suppose the bathroom floor is getting uncomfortable. If he doesn't get on my nerves anytime soon,I'll let him go to the living room to sit.

"Well,I don't,Really." I shrug. "But I'm somewhat curious as to why you were so in love with her. She died a while back and yet you're still upset. Tell me why." I say,Balling my fists up and resting my chin on them. He lets out a low groan,Like a whining dog,Before sighing again. "She was quite nice. Timid and submissive,But she had brains. She was polite to everyone and she was good at a lot of things. Cooking,Cleaning. She would've been the perfect mother for our child."

"Oh." I roll my eyes,Disinterested. "Nothing special about that. Sounds just like every other cookie cutter housewife. I thought there was something great about her the way you mope around. You can look around and find anyone like her." 

"She was special to me." He says,Obviously getting defensive. "No other woman had her gentle touch or her soft looks or-" "I'm bored now." I cut him off. "Talk about something else...I've always been curious as to why you would touch on me as a child." "Can we not talk about this?" He asks,Turning away from me. "It was a long time ago. I'd like to forget." "We'll talk about anything I want to." I growl. "I deserve to know. Now tell me."

"I was a curious young boy. I wanted to see how everything felt. Wanted to practice for when I was old enough to make love to a woman that I loved. Mom never stopped me. She'd either look away or watch intently. Either way,I assumed it was alright. Even as you cried,I thought it was fine. You're a girl. Girls cry about a lot of things." He shrugs.

"Why did mother allow you to do such a sinful thing?" I asked,Mostly talking to myself. 

"Back then,She thought she was doing what was right for you." He answers softly. "A woman should cater to a man's needs at all times. I suppose she figured that by allowing me to do what I wanted to you,You'd quickly learn that that's what you do for all men." 

"I hate this." I growl. "Men were born with Penis' and women were not. What is the big deal about that?!" I yell. "Questioning rules isn't ladylike." He mumbles. "But you never were. Times are changing in a way that I think you'll like,However. Women are getting bold now-a-days. Stepping out in dresses that show too much skin,Talking back to their fathers and lovers...Quite promiscuous too." 

I look at him for a moment before narrowing my eyes. "I'm going to find someone for you." I tell him. "You're lonely and in desperate need of feminine attention. So I'll find someone,Someone who'll enjoy you and who you'll enjoy too." I smile. 

"You mean...You mean like-"

"Yes. Sex." I roll my eyes. 

"I'm not married. I can't-"

"Oh shut up. You weren't married to me when you took advantage of me years ago,Were you?" I growl. "I'll find you someone." I repeat. "Now. I'm done speaking. Lets continue our game." I smirk.


"I thought you were going to avoid me." Dandy stated smugly before sending me a smirk. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him to enter his house and nearly jumped out of my skin as Bette and Dot appeared in front me soon after. "Hello Veronica!" Bette cheered. I scoffed and walked away from her,Heading towards the stairs. 

"Where are you going?" Dandy asked me curiously. I could tell by the sound of his loud and quick footsteps that he was following after me,So I quickened my pace. "I came to see if you had anything that I could give to someone I enjoy being around very much. I'd like to give him a present,But I'm not sure what men like. Maybe you've got a shirt or-I don't know,a nice fragrance?"

"Him? Man? Who?!" Dandy nearly shouted.

"He isn't into what I imagine most men like. He's different. Very different." I avoid his question,Not wanting to give him too many details. It was none of his business who I was talking about anyways.

"Veronica." He growled. "Why are you getting presents for men who I know nothing about? Is it because you're angry with me? Is it because you want to be kind? Is it because you want to impress him?" He questioned.

"No." I state simply.

"Well then,Why?" He asked curiously.

"It's simply because I can." I shrug. 

"Who is it?" He asks again. "You can't take any of my stuff and give it to some unknown stranger without me knowing who it's going to!" He shouts. I roll my eyes and open the door to his playroom before turning to face him. "His name is Jimmy." 

He gasps and opens his mouth as if he's about to say something,But he doesn't,So I walk into the room,In search of a nice present for my new companion. I hear him start to speak as my eyes scan every part of the room thoroughly.

"Jimmy as in...Jimmy Darling? That...That freak?!" He whisper yells. I hear him shut the door as quietly as possible and I nod. "Bingo." I mutter,Picking up one of his pajama shirts. I doubt Jimmy would want it. Dandy has his initials sewn into the shirt pocket and it's made of silk. Doesn't seem like Jimmy's style. I need to find something leather.

"You can't give him anything that belongs to me! You can't see him again-He's a freak! He could hurt you and what if I'm not there to protect you? Haven't you heard? He's killed before!" He talks quickly as he speed walks towards me and then stands quite close.

I groan and throw my head back,Not in the mood for a lecture. "I spent a lot of time with him not long ago. I'm still alive,Am I not?" I sass. "I don't need your protection or anyone else's and it'd be smart for you to learn that. And another thing-How dare you be so hypocritical. You have not one but two freaks staying in your home! You didn't care what I thought about that,So why would I care what you think of me being around Jimmy Darling?"

Dandy rubbed his face vigorously,Breathing heavily and failing to hide his frustration. "Fine! You're so hard headed. You give me headaches!" He whines. I huff before pushing past him. "Well then I'll be sure not to come around."

"I didn't mean that." He mutters. "You didn't find a present for the freak."

"You have nothing worthy." I smirk,Knowing that I'd just pissed him off. Without waiting to hear what else he's got to say,I start to run down the stairs. He can't keep me from seeing Jimmy Darling no matter how hard he may try.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2016 ⏰

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