Chapter 7

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// Veronica //

When I was six years old I was playing with one of my acquaintances. We were playing tag, Running around an old tree, Laughing and smiling as normal kids do. I was catching up to him quickly but I just wasn't quick enough. So I decided to run the other direction, So I could actually catch him.

I shocked him. He let out a little yelp and I'd tagged his chest so hard that he fell down to the ground. Hard. He began to cry because he'd fallen on rocks and they scraped his back and made him bleed. Mother came running out of the house when he let out that pathetic scream. She carried him inside after scolding me and attended to his injuries. But I stayed outside.

I'd hurt my friend. It wasn't on purpose but it had happened. I'd caused him pain and made him cry. And it felt so good. I wanted it to happen again. So, My six year old self created a plan.

The next day when I woke up, I asked mother if I could go over to his house and apologize for my sins. She told me I could and she told me she was so proud of me. I gave her a toothless grin and then ran out, Running down the street as fast I could with the items I'd shoved into my boots and jacket pockets weighing me down.

When I got to his house I knocked on his door. His mother answered and let me come in before telling me that she was going into town to pick up some vegetables. Once she left I ran to his room and saw that he was lying down, Playing with a few pebbles he must've picked up.

"Hi." I'd smiled at him. "I came to play with you."

"I don't want to." He'd muttered. "You hurt me."

I remember it like it was yesterday. That made me feel so great, Hearing him say that. It meant he was afraid of me. It meant he knew I was capable of hurting him and he knew I had control. And it made me feel so good.

"I'm sorry it was an accident." I'd said. "Please forgive me."

He'd smiled at me and gave me a small nod. He trusted me again. Big mistake.

We went about our business, Playing for a while before I figured if I wanted to do what I came to do, I had to get to it quickly, Before his mother returned. "I wanna play a different game." I said. He shrugged and nodded at me. He was always a pushover.

I took the fork that i'd taken out of the kitchen out of my boot and then I took out the salt and pepper shakers. "Why did you bring that stuff?" He asked me. "I'm gonna put salt in one of your eyes and pepper in the other. Tell me which hurts the most." I'd said.

Secretly, I didn't care which one hurt the most, As long as it hurt. When I was done with that I'd stab him with the fork until he took his last breath. (I was not yet old enough to play with knives)

Once I was done I ran out of the house and I ran back to mine as fast I could.

It's one of my best childhood memories. It's one of the first times ever that I felt that I had true power. I'll remember that day forever.

"Miss Quen." Angela's pathetic voice called weakly. I sneered at her,Upset that she'd ruined my day dream. "What?" I ask harshly. "There was a knock at the door and when I looked out of the window I saw it was a policeman." She whispers.

"Alright...Keep John quiet. One sound and you both die. Understand?" I ask. She nods,Quickly running towards John's room. I make my way down stairs and towards the door. The policeman knocks harshly on it,Causing me to roll my eyes.

I open the door quickly and send the man a smile,But her ignores it,Peering over my shoulder. "Officer,How may I help you?" I ask sweetly. His cold blue eyes glance at me before looking around again.

"Word spreads quickly around here,Miss..."

"Quen. You may call me Miss Quen. And indeed it does. What's that got to do with me?" I ask.

"I've been told that your mother hasn't been seen around here for a few weeks now,Which is odd since according to a shop owner she usually likes to browse for makeup and things of that nature pretty often." He explains,Giving me a small glare. It's as if he already knows what's went on.

Not losing my cool,I open the door wider,Inviting him in. 

He steps into the house and I lea him to the kitchen,Offering him a cold glass of water or some nice hot tea. When he agrees to the tea,I smirk a little,Putting the kettle on.

"Truthfully sir,It pains me to speak on this matter." I sigh. "My mother...Well I haven't seen her in a few weeks either."

"I find that hard to believe. She's your mother." He says monotonously. 

"Yes but...She didn't want to be,You see. Since I was a young girl she's always admitted to not wanting me or my brother." I sigh. "She's disappeared on us plenty of times throughout the years,But I admit,Never for this long." I lie,Mustering up a few tears.

"Oh...I see. Well do you think something happened to her?" He asks.

"I don't know." I mutter. "I hope not. Maybe she found herself a man. She's always wanted another relationship after my father died." I bite the inside of my cheek before turning to take the tea off the stove once it makes a loud screeching sound.

I pour some into two mugs before handing him one. 

I continue to stand up as he sits down in a chair at my table,Making himself quite comfortable.  "How did your father die?" He asks. "She never allowed me to know." I whimper. "I believe it was sickness but...Oh I have no doubts she did something to him...I just know it." She's probably scolding me from hell because of my lying and making her look bad. But the bitch deserves to be frowned upon.

"M'am..." He says before looking up at the sound of feet moving around upstairs. The noise is quite noticeable and he stands up quickly,Already prepared to take action. Before he can,I throw my tea at him,Causing him to yell as it burns his face and chest. He wipes at his eyes,Stumbling around wildly. I smirk before picking up the tea kettle and hitting him over the head with it several times before dumping it's contents onto his unconscious body.

When I'm done I throw the kettle down and pick up a near by knife,Stabbing him in the chest to make sure he's dead. "Angela!" I yell loudly. "Get down here!"

Her feet scramble down the stairs and once she's in my line of vision I glare at her. "I-I'm sorry miss,Your brother-He was putting up a fight and I tried to keep him quiet but-"

"I didn't ask for your explanation." I snap. "Go get the shovels so we can start digging a hole for him."

"Miss Quen-"

"Either get the shovels or find some matches. We'll burn him if that's what you want!" I hiss.

"No m'am. I'll get the shovels..." She mutters before scrambling off.

A/N: Sorry for not updating in a while but I think I'll be able to start updating more frequently now! XX

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