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Sid's POV

Evgeni was freaking out. He ran after her when she bolted but she was very tiny and nimble and she quickly ran too far for him to catch her. The party was over and everyone but Malkin went home. He'd been pacing my house waiting for her to come back, it had been a long time since she ran. About 8 hours ago.

"What if something happened? Mama would never forgive me. I would never forgive me... Oh please, my little one, my little one," he cried out but there was nothing else he could do. We went out and looked, called her name and searched but it was like she'd vanished. She didn't respond to anything and it was dark, she wasn't on any of the streets around my house or in nearbye stores.

"Evgeni maybe you should go home! She may have walked there instead of waiting for you,"

He only nodded, wiping away tears built up in his eyes and murmuring 'never forgive myself' and 'my bumble bee' over and over. When he finally left, I slumped down on the couch and braced my head in my hands. The truth was that I too needed to be alone.

Evgeni wasn't the only one freaking out that she was gone. I was watching her all night after our little encounter. I was the one who told Geno about her and Staal when he pushed his boundaries when he danced with her and it is the reason I felt so guilty about this, and so unrested and upset.

I watched Jordan with jealousy in my heart as he grinded himself to her gorgeous body. I hated watching him kiss her neck and suck on her sensitive skin. I was disgusted by the thought of him marking her flawless skin with his love bites. But even worse, I absolutly hated how she was reacting to him! How her body swayed under his and how she shivered warmly in his touch. It made me sick.

She deserved so much better than that kid. He didn't know how to treat her! I bet he didn't even ask her name before he eagerly sent his hand flying up her dress. 

I sat there imagining if that was me, how I would make her moan out my name, show her wildest pleasures and make her believe she was the only girl that mattered. I would make sure that the sweet scent of her skin was mixed with mine as our bodies would nakedly rub against eachother in erotic embrace.

I would tell her how beautiful she was as I would claim her as mine, when I took her innocence and make her fall in love with me. I would make my life about her happiness and contentment but only after I barried myself deep inside her lucious heat.

I shuttered and hardened at the thought- Just the thought of her!

"Incredible," I whispered in a daze before I heard a weak knock at the door.


Abby's POV

I was cold- so very cold. I woke up in what I assumed where the early hours shivering violently as the frost nipped at my skin and face.

I tryed my best to push myself up but it was a tremendous struggle. I was dazed and confused and my body hurt all over for some reason. I had barely enough strength to hold myself up. I braced myself on a nearby tree and took deep breath that where knocked out of me by an intense pain in my chest. I would let out a cry if I wasn't so damn weak.

I stood there so long that the shivers became continueously present and I knew I had to get back to the house I came from last night. I did my absolute best to retrace my steps but every step brought new weakness and pain to my body.

At one point I fell onto my knees with a strangled cry as I braced my arms to sheild myself from the bitter wind. Oh God please just help me. I looked up and I saw the house from last night. There was only one car in the driveway but I recognized it anyway.

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