I'm Doing This For You

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Okay guys I know this took an extremely long time and ive just been dealing with some family shit and I've been really tired lately from all the stress but here it is! Hope it come out alright! <3

I woke up warm, with long muscular arms cradling around my body. I was comfortable and I sighed in relief of getting a good night sleep after yesterday's intense skate. I didn't want to move because a) I was in the best position of life and b) I had that ache in my body that tells me I gained about a pound and a half in body muscle last night. There was a constant drum of the pounding muscle but it was uncomfortable. It was actually nice. I smiled and turned into the warm chest whom the arms belonged to.

Jordan. I looked over his peacfully sleeping face and I saw his jaw muscles tensing and relaxing as he let out some soft snore. I could feel his breath on my face but I refused to wake him because he had an absolutely adoreable pout on his lips.  He looked like a kid who's mom told him that he couldn't have a chocolate bar. I grinned at his face. His eyebrows where also furrowed which combined to a very funny expression. I couldn't hold back the giggle that softly shook my body.

He stirred slightly and let out a groan as he opened his eyes a bit, squinting at the light and raising his hands to run through his now shaggy blonde hair. I could see his mouth stretch into a heart warming smile as his eyes focused in on me. It made my chest flutter but I still couldn't  bring myself to smile for real quite yet. So the polite smile it was.

He immediatly groaned and rolled over on the bed scrunching up his features and placing his fisted hand on his forhead. I knew that reaction was from my reaction but I wasn't ready yet. He hasn't quite earned back his credit. It wasn't quite that simple.

"It isn't going to be easy earning back that smile, is it?" he groaned out, eyes looking over at me.

I gave him a sad grin and shook my head slowly, he let out a sigh and turned back to me. "I guess I'll just have to try a bit harder then." he said detirmined yet playfully.  I laughed lightly, "And so it  begins," he said and leaned over to peck my cheek before rolling off to the edge of the bed.

He began to grab his things and slipped his shoes back on as he sat on my bed. I watched him and settled back into the sheets. I knew he needed to leave soon so that he could get home , and this wasn't his home now.  He's been off for while because of a concussion he aquired in a rough game  but he promised when he heads back to Carolina to continue playing with his new team, the Hurricanes, that he would fly back constantly to see me. That is, whenever he can.

"Maybe I'll bring you there with me sometime, you could even stay for a while," he turned to me and smiled as he broke me from my thoughts, "Brother-permitting," he said with a grin, his little joke made me giggle.

"We'll see big guy," I said and leaned deeper into my pillow, I closed my eyes a bit. I could hear him padding quietly around my room and I felt his lips softly land on my forehead, "I'll see you soon beautiful," he whispered and I heard him leave.

I sighed, I don't know I can hold a grudge with him much longer if he continues the way he is.


When I did finally get up from my bed, Geno was no where to be seen and I knew exactly where I wanted to go next. I trudged outside, wrapped up a bit tighter as the October weather began to show it's true colours, and jumped into my brother's second vehicle, a 2013 Ram 1500. I smiled, shiny.

It was very new because I'd never seen it before. I turned the key and smiled wildely as I revved the enguine and heard the deep intense purr of the truck. I decided to have some fun with this and peeled out of the driveway, leaving black skid-marks in my wake. I sped down the road and laughed every time I caught the eye of the young men in the construction zone down the road.

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