Don't Wake Me Up

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    Do you know what it's like to be frozen? Not literally cold but just so unable to move that it's as if you are. I couldn't tell you that it wasn't unlike what I felt standing there, watching him. 

    Sid's face was etched with grief.  His eyes where circled with red and glinted with tears. I have never seen him looking so - so brereaved. Though he still stood, he seemed hunched over and his eyes where low in his own shame.  A man usually so filled with pride and happiness, he looked like he had broken in self-shunnning.

    How do you react to such a sight? What do you say or think or do? How can you force yourself to do anything when you are so absolutely overwhelmed that all you want to do is collapse? My body shook, feeling like my legs where giving out. But then a streak of red hot anger coursed through my veins and I remembered the person I came here for.


My eyes flickered to his bed and I let out a little gasp and my hands flew to my mouth. Tears filled my eyes and forced themselves to spill from the edges. It looked bad.

I couldn't take a step forword, he looked far too fragile to even approach and it made me nervous having Sid so close to him. I still couldn't bring myself to form the words to tell him to leave, or that I never wanted to speak to him again.  How would he take it? If I could let him know that he disgusts me? If I could open up my mouth and spit my rage at him- would he be angry? Would he be hurt? I don't even think I'd care if he where. If someone is so willing to hurt someone as good as Axel, then they deserve to feel the burn of hatred. 

Axel lay silently in the white hospital bed, peaceful and untouched, yet completely and utterrly broken. Dead to the world. My lips quivered as my eyes roamed over him. A thick white bandage was wrapped securely around his head, stitches in his split lip. Bruises painted his face like a fucking canvas and it still didn't manage to hide his handsom features. His strong jawline seemed off center, crooked.  He had small cuts peppering his face and neck with dried blood lining each one. I clenched my jaw at his new features.

My eyes flickered to Sid and I saw him watching me, waiting for my reaction to the sight in front of me.  He played nervously with his hands and chewed his lip. Something stirred inside me watching him do so, I dismissed it as total hatred.

"You son of a bitch," I ground through my teeth.

He flinched at my words as if I'd spat acid into his face. 

He opened his mouth, 'Abby I-"

"No! You don't get to say anything!" I cut him off. he shut right up so I continued, letting the words fly from my head straight through my mouth, unfiltered by sympathetic thoughts, "Do you see what you've done? Can you even fucking fathom what you did here? Well?"

His eyes lowered to the ground. 

My voice lowered to a menaceing whisper , "I bet you don't. He's a father you know."

Sid's eyes shot back up to me, and then he turned his head to look at Axel, his face etched in clear shock. "He has a gorgeous daughter, her name is Emmaline. She's with her grandfather right now and she has no idea that her father could quite possibly die and leave her alone in this world, simply because you chose to take him away from her.  Do you get that? Of course you don't. You where brought in a world where everyone absolutely loves you. Well guess what Sid, I will never be able to love anyone so willing to hurt someone as pure and honest as Axel. For what you've done, I will never, ever forgive you. But I don't imagine that matters too much to you does it?"  There was venom in my voice. I let it out with the utmost emotion that brought tears to my eyes. I couldn't even look at him anymore. 

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